Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2156 Shoot it, shoot it

Remember in one second【】

Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others all felt that Li Fan's method was unreliable.

After hesitating for a moment, Clarence said: "Does Mr. Li Fan really intend to make such a movie?"

Li Fan understood what Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others were thinking, and without explaining, said: "Mr. Clarence, I have indeed made such a decision. And I feel that this will be a very important decision." Right decision. As for Mansfield State Prison, I'm willing to pay a lease fee."

Clarence said: "To be honest, I am not too optimistic about Mr. Li Fan's movie. However, it is our honor that Mr. Li Fan is willing to shoot this movie in our Mansfield State Prison. Although Mr. Li Fan Just shoot, there is no rental fee required, we are willing to let Mr. Li Fan shoot for free."

Arvid also said: "This is indeed our honor. Mr. Li Fan just takes pictures."

Although Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others did not think that Li Fan's film could make Mansfield State Prison famous, they were indeed honored that Li Fan chose to film in Mansfield State Prison.

That prison has been abandoned for many years and has always been there. Li Fan filming there will not have any impact on them.

In this case, let Li Fan go take the photos and pay whatever is needed.

Even Arvid and others who insisted on demolishing the prison stopped mentioning the demolition at this time, thinking of waiting until the filming of Li Fan's movie was completed.

Anyway, I can't convince Clarence and Johannes in a short time, so let Li Fan make the movie first.

After hearing what Clarence and Arvid said, Li Fan was not pretentious and said: "In that case, I would like to thank Mr. Clarence, Mr. Arvid, and all the gentlemen. After my movie is released, you will You might be pleasantly surprised.”

Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others naturally understood what surprise Li Fan was talking about. Although they still felt it was unreliable, it was indeed a hope.

Clarence laughed and said: "Then I wish Mr. Li Fan good luck with this movie. However, Mr. Li Fan, that prison has been abandoned for many years, and the facilities in some places have been damaged. Whether it can meet the shooting requirements, we There are no guarantees.”

Li Fandao: "If possible, I am going to the prison to conduct an on-site inspection. I will make appropriate repairs to the damaged areas."

Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others looked at each other,

Nodding, Clarence said: "Of course, if Mr. Li Fan doesn't mind, we are willing to accompany Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan said: "It's best to do it naturally. Thank you Mr. Clarence."

Then, Clarence, Arvid, and Johannes walked out with Li Fan. Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, Guo Tai, and the two leading actors, Robbins and Morgan, were all resting and waiting in the lounge.

Li Fan introduced the two parties, and the two sides naturally exchanged pleasantries. Clarence, Arvid, and Johannes looked at Robbins and Morgan emphatically. They had not heard of them before. From their names, it can be seen that both of them are actors with little fame.

The two leading actors were not well-known, and Clarence, Arvid, and Johannes couldn't help but feel that Li Fan's method was even more unreliable.

However, they did not show it.

The group of people arrived at Mansfield State Prison. The location is not too remote, just on the outskirts of Mansfield. It covers a large area, but it looks a bit deserted because it has been abandoned for many years.

"Is this Mansfield State Prison?" Li Fan sighed in his heart. He could vaguely feel that the prison scene he saw in front of him was similar to the scene in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" in his previous life.

Mansfield State Prison in his previous life was preserved because of "The Shawshank Redemption" and became a tourist attraction. Li Fan had always wanted to visit it, but due to the conditions in his previous life, it was almost impossible to do so. things.

This life can be regarded as making up for the regrets of the previous life.

Entering the prison door, Clarence said: "Mr. Li Fan, I'm very sorry, it does look very dilapidated."

Li Fandao: "Mr. Clarence, this is exactly what I need. The story of my movie takes place in the middle of the last century, which feels just right. Of course, some places do need proper repairs."

"Did the story take place in the middle of the last century?" Clarence nodded and smiled, "That's just right. This prison did already exist in the middle of the last century."

Robbins has seen this prison from a distance, but has never walked in. Morgan just heard the name of this prison for the first time yesterday. The two of them are looking around the prison at this time. Here is their Main filming location.

Morgan said: "Robbins, I think this place is not bad. This is the first time in my life that prison is a good place."

Robbins said: "I think it's okay. However, Mr. Li Fan said that I was wrongfully imprisoned, which makes me feel a little bad."

"That's really bad," Morgan said.

While talking, the group walked through the entire prison. Li Fan determined all the shooting scenes and places that needed repairs.

Next, the repair work of the prison and the selection of actors will be carried out at the same time. In addition to the two leading actors, several sub-actors and a large number of extras will be needed.

Li Fanzai

^0^ Remember in one second【】

A place was temporarily rented in Mansfield State City as the crew's office and location. At the same time, the actor recruitment announcement was announced to the outside world through the media.

The news that Li Fan began to renovate the Mansfield State Prison was also reported by the media.

Nowadays, the movie about Li Fan is very topical, and countless people are paying attention. The media will naturally not miss such an opportunity. All news related to Li Fan's movie will be reported as soon as possible.

Many media reporters also rushed to Mansfield City, ready to search for more relevant news.

As various news spread, the outside world naturally started to discuss it hotly.

"Oh! Li Fan is moving very quickly. He has already started to renovate the Mansfield State Prison. Is this the time to start filming?"

"The filming shouldn't start so soon, and the actors haven't been found yet. Moreover, it seems that there are quite a few actors needed."

"The two leading actors have been confirmed, and the other actors should be soon. I originally thought that it would be difficult to find actors for a movie with such a theme, but I didn't expect that now the two leading actors have been confirmed directly."

"Every actor has his or her own opinion, especially those who are not well-known. Maybe all they need is salary, and they don't care about reputation. Of course, for them, reputation is not important. Not many people know them anyway.”

"The crew has also been set up. I don't have any objections to director Hu Fei. The key is that the subject matter itself is not good."

"Make it, film it. If we don't film it, how will we know how dismal it will be at the box office after it's released?"

"indeed so."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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