Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2157 Gloating for 3 months

Remember in one second【】

The casting requirements for Li Fan's movie have been announced. Many actors, especially well-known actors, are unwilling to star in such a movie, but there are also some unknown actors who are willing to star.

As a result, many actors came to Mansfield City to sign up at the place where Li Fan temporarily rented.

Li Fan personally selected the actors, and within a few days all the actors were confirmed. After the media reported the relevant news, the outside world was not surprised at all. They just thought, "Sure enough, all the actors were selected very easily."

The repair work of Mansfield State Prison has been completed with the assistance of government departments. Relevant shooting equipment and props that are already needed are also in place.

Li Fan has also written the movie script himself. Director Hu Fei, assistant directors Kong Xinlin and Guo Tai, leading actors Robbins, Morgan, and others all showed unprecedented excitement and anticipation after reading the script several times.

Although Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, and Guo Tai had known for a long time that Li Fan's attack this time would definitely be no small matter, they were still deeply shocked after reading the script.

“Hope is a beautiful thing, the best thing in the world, and good things never die.”

The protagonist Andy Dufresne spent nearly twenty years giving the most perfect interpretation of this sentence.

They have long known that Li Fan will be a classic as soon as he makes it, but now, they believe that the movie they are about to shoot will be even more classic than they thought before.

For Robbins, Morgan, and several secondary actors, after feeling unprecedented tremors, they also felt unprecedentedly lucky about their decision.

Especially for Robbins and Morgan.

Robbins was glad that he believed what he felt at that time, and he was even more glad that he had such an intersection with Li Fan on the streets of Hollywood.

Otherwise, Li Fan would not have invited him to play the leading role at the exchange meeting, and he would have no chance to choose.

He can't say yet how successful the movie will be, but he has been completely moved by his character Andy Dufresne.

He believes that as long as he can portray the character of Andy Dufresne well, he will be able to move other people and give everyone who watches this work an unprecedented faith and hope.

Will such a work be unsuccessful?

He still can't believe it until now.

Li Fan would design such a movie about "prison".

At this time, he truly felt for the first time why Li Fan could become a legend in China?

Morgan was even more excited than Robbins, because for the first time he saw hope, the hope of becoming famous in one fell swoop. He had been waiting for this hope for more than twenty years.

After more than twenty years of persistence and waiting, Li Fan now gives him hope, just like the protagonist Andy Dufresne gave hope to his character Red in the play.

Morgan's eyes were wet.

Everything was ready, and after a simple startup ceremony, the filming of the movie named "The Shawshank Redemption" by Li Fan officially started.

The filming of Li Fan's movie has officially started, and the filming of the other five participating countries is naturally proceeding in an orderly manner.

Related topics have continued in the outside world, and this has lasted for three months.

In a blink of an eye, the time has arrived three months later.

During these three months, the topic on the Internet has never left the film competition between the six countries.

Now, the films in six countries have been completed one after another and will be officially released simultaneously in a week. The topic on the Internet has once again reached Gao Chao.

The six movies that countless people have been looking forward to for three months are about to be unveiled.

Among them, the most anticipated ones are undoubtedly Grover's movie from the United States and Li Fan's movie from China.

Although the two movies are equally exciting, the expectations are completely different.

Regarding the American Grover movie, what everyone is looking forward to is the film itself. In the past three months, a lot of content about Grover's movie has been exposed. It is difficult to tell whether it is true or false.

It is the exposure of these contents, which are both true and false, that makes the outside world look forward to Grover's movie even more.

As for Li Fan's movie in China, what everyone is looking forward to is how bad the box office results will be?

In the past three months, the content of Li Fan's movie has also been exposed, but the reaction from the outside world is somewhat different from the reaction after the content of Grover's movie was exposed.

Everyone is becoming more and more gloating and looking down on misfortunes.

Because the content of the exposure is not specific, everyone only knows that most of the stories in Li Fan's movies take place in prisons. They are all about prisoners, and there is almost nothing happening outside the prison.

Everyone was already extremely uninterested in Li Fan's movies, and now that they know this, they no longer have even the slightest interest.

Almost all of them take place in a prison and are about prisoners. They really can't think of a movie like this that has anything to look forward to.

However, the final result is the same, and everyone is also looking forward to Li Fan's movie.

What we are looking forward to is not the content of the movie itself, nor how much box office it will get, but how bad the box office will be?

This can be regarded as an unprecedented first in the history of movies.

After all, if you are not interested in a movie, don’t watch it

^0^ Remember in one second【】

That is to say, it is almost impossible to expect how bad it will be at the box office.

Li Fan's movie broke everyone's perception, which made countless people feel emotional.

"This is the first time that I am so looking forward to the release of a movie that I will never watch. Li Fan is indeed a legend in China, and the things he does always seem to be different."

"What you said is true. To make everyone look forward to the release of a movie that is absolutely impossible to watch is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Li Fan is really not an ordinary person."

"This is definitely the first time in history. To a certain extent, Li Fan has set a precedent."

"It's a pity that this kind of precedent is not a glorious first. Everyone is just gloating. Seeing a big star's joke always seems to make people look forward to it."

"In short, this competition that has lasted for three months has reached its most exciting moment, and I can't wait."


Netizens in other countries around the world are talking about it, and netizens in China are also talking about it.

"Mr. Li Fan's movie is finally going to be released. Guys from other countries have been gloating about his misfortune for three months. Now it's finally time for them to understand how stupid their three-month gloating is. .”

"Indeed, this is really very exciting! It is as exciting as Mr. Li Fan's movie itself!


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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