Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2158 Major cinemas schedule films

Remember in one second【】

For Chinese netizens, these three months have been very exciting and very frustrating at the same time.

Those guys from other countries were gloating over each other, looking down on Li Fan's works, and saying that it was impossible to watch Li Fan's movies anyway. They didn't even have the slightest interest.

How can this make Chinese netizens not depressed? I feel really depressed, and I'm thinking about how you guys will react when the movie is released.

Then you guys will know how stupid it is to gloat and look down on others during the past three months.

Now, they have finally waited, Li Fan's movie is about to be released, and they are becoming excited and looking forward to it.

Of course, what’s exciting and anticipated is Li Fan’s movie itself.

Movies from six countries are about to be released, and film investors from all over the world are also paying close attention to them. What everyone is always talking about is Hector's investment in Li Fan's movie.

In words, there is always a sense of joy in others' misfortune, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hector, the movie will be released in a week. The situation of Li Fan's movie you invested in seems to be very pessimistic. Except for Chinese audiences, I haven't seen anyone from other countries say, I'm interested to see it. I think your investment this time is quite a failure!"

"Fortunately, the total investment does not seem to be high. Is it ten million? Hector should be able to afford this amount of money. Even if it is all a loss, it will not be a big problem."

"Hector, why did you think that you could make money by investing in Li Fan's movies? Or maybe you didn't want to make money at all, but had some other purpose?"


The relationship between the film investors cannot be regarded as friends.

Therefore, the words are somewhat sarcastic.

Hector turns a blind eye to this. Is the situation very bad? Maybe. Judging from the current situation, it was indeed very bad. He had never seen a movie be so poorly regarded before it was released.

But Hector always believed in his heart that his investment this time was correct. Although he didn't know how much profit return he would bring back, Hector was sure that there would be a profit return.

Moreover, he also successfully interacted with Li Fan, which in Hector's view was more important than the profit returns.

Therefore, some people say that Hector chose to invest because he had some other purpose. This statement is not completely wrong.

Hector said calmly to the investors: "Success or failure? Who knows, let's see in half a month."

All the filmmakers sneered inwardly, "Are you pretending to be relaxed and calm? Let's see if you can still pretend to be relaxed and calm in half a month."

A movie theater in the United States.

The staff is arranging movies to be played in a week.

One week later, movies from the six participating countries will be released at the same time, so there are six movies, and there are still some other movies that have not been released, which makes the movies starting from next week a little too saturated.

Then, for some unpopular movies, it is very regrettable to reduce the playing time period and reduce the number of theaters.

Originally, under normal circumstances, there can be three playback periods and five theaters in a day. Next week, there will only be one playback period and two or three theaters.

Moreover, it is still placed at unpopular time slots, such as 9 a.m., 2 p.m., and 11:30 p.m.

It is a pity that Li Fan's "The Shawshank Redemption" has become the least popular movie, and the scheduled screening time is naturally very bleak.

Movies from six countries are only said to be released on the same day, not that they must be released at the same time period, nor does it mean that the number of theaters must be the same every day during the broadcast period.

In other words, Li Fan's movies are not popular, so they can be played in one time slot and one theater every day, and it is still at 11:30 in the evening.

Grover's movie is so popular that it can be played in three, four, or even more time slots every day. It is also a popular time slot like 7pm and 9pm, and there are many theaters.

There is nothing unfair about this. As for movie theaters, the first consideration must be the issue of interests. It is impossible to guarantee that six movies will be broadcast at the same time slot every day and the number of theaters will be the same.

Naturally, we can only arrange as many movies that are popular as possible, and movies that are not popular should be arranged as much as possible.

"Manager, which time slot is more appropriate for Mr. Li Fan's "Shawshank Redemption" to be placed? How many theaters should be used?" the staff asked the manager.

The manager said directly without thinking: "Of course it's the last time slot in the evening, 11:30 pm. Just use the smallest one in the cinema. Anyway, no one will go to see it. Any more is a waste." "

The staff member said: "Okay manager, what about Mr. Grover's "Ape-Ape-Man"?"

The manager also didn't think about it and said: "The outside world has very high expectations for Mr. Grover's "Ape-Man". It will definitely be overcrowded by then, so it is natural to arrange as many time slots and theaters as possible. Especially several During popular time slots, more than half of the theaters will be used to screen Mr. Grover's "Ape-Ape-Man."

The staff member said: "Well, that's it. Manager, you said Mr. Li Fan is so famous

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, this time the movie box office was so miserable, why is that? "

The manager said: "Why? First, you shouldn't choose 'prison' as the theme, and second, you shouldn't cast two unknown actors as the leading roles. Of course, there is no way around it, and famous actors will definitely not go there." Acted. The third reason is that Li Fan is overconfident. In short, Li Fan must have completely failed this time."

The staff member sighed: “Why bother?”

The movie schedule of this cinema is like this. The movie schedule of movie theaters in other major cities in the United States is similar. Li Fan's "The Shawshank Redemption" is very pitiful. It is arranged in the most unpopular time slot, and the theater only has One or two.

From the perspective of major movie theaters, no one will go to see it at all, so naturally they cannot provide more resources.

In movie theaters in other countries around the world, "The Shawshank Redemption" is treated better when arranging films, but the benefits are limited.

However, several countries surrounding China, such as Lan and island countries, are much better. These countries still have some confidence in Li Fan's movies, although they do not think that movies with "prison" as the theme will be attractive.

But after all, it is Li Fan's work, and they are willing to believe it.

But in China, it is naturally a different scene.

If possible, many movie theaters in various cities in China would like to screen Li Fan's "The Shawshank Redemption" all day long.

But this is obviously impossible. Movies from the other five countries still need to be screened, and there are also some movies that have not been released, which also need to be screened.

Then, we can only maximize the resources we can give to "The Shawshank Redemption".

As major theaters around the world have arranged their film schedules, the most anticipated moment has finally arrived.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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