Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2161 The most beautiful thing in the world is hope

Remember in one second【】

"How long do you think they can last?" someone asked online.

"In 10 minutes, people should start to leave."

"10 points shouldn't be enough, I guess 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, some people will definitely leave. I just wonder if those people who don't care whether the movie looks good or not will leave?"

"It's possible. Although they don't care whether the movie is good or not, if it's too jarring, they will probably leave the show, unless they sleep in it. After all, it doesn't matter if the movie looks good or bad, but at least they can't feel like they're suffering."

"Well, we should know the answer later. Those who left the show should give feedback on the Internet."


Netizens are waiting. When they think about it, it won't take too long for someone to say something like this on the Internet, "Oh! I'm really sorry. I wanted to finish reading it and then share my feelings with you." . But after watching it for 20 minutes, I really couldn’t hold on anymore. Sorry!”

Many people are waiting.

But 20 minutes passed, and there was no such sound on the Internet.

"Well, it seems they can hold on for a while longer, but it should be soon." Someone said, and others agreed.

However, half an hour later, it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there was still no such sound on the Internet.

"Just wait, it should be available soon." Someone else said, and others also agreed.

However, 40 minutes passed, 50 minutes passed, and an hour passed, but there was still no such sound on the Internet.

At this time, countless people who were waiting finally felt that something was wrong.

"No one has left the show yet? This is impossible. Is it because it was too late and those who left the show did not choose to express their feelings online?"

"Well, that should be the case. It's impossible that not a single person has left the show. Let's not talk about those who don't care whether the movie is good or not. Those who go there specifically will definitely have someone leave. There is no one who has left the show now. , it can only be because it’s too late.”

"That's how it should be."


Everyone says the same thing,

But in fact, everyone is not sure about this statement. The reason why those guys choose to watch it is to report the situation to the Internet to attract attention.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for them not to report the situation to the network because it was too late.

Even if some people are really like this, it's not possible for all people.

Perhaps it can only be said that the movie is not as bad as everyone thinks, and it can still be managed to the end.

"This should be it." Everyone thought in their hearts.

Then, continue to wait.

Although it was already late at night, I was not too sleepy because I had a strong desire to wait for the news.

There were still the same few staff members in the cinema hall from before.

The staff member who first sold the tickets said: "It's been an hour, and no one has come out of the theater for The Shawshank Redemption. This is impossible. Are they all asleep?"

The staff next to me said: "It's impossible for everyone to fall asleep. Maybe the movie is not as bad as we thought."

The first staff member said: "Maybe so. The total duration of the movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes, and there is still 1 hour and 22 minutes left. I don't know if anyone will leave during this time?"

The staff next to him said: "Maybe. How about we guess whether someone will leave early? When will they leave?"

The previous staff member said, “Okay, everyone comes.”

Several other staff members agreed. It was late at night and people were sleepy, so they were obviously willing to find something to do.

Some people said that someone will definitely leave, and the time will be 10 minutes later.

Some people also say that since they have persisted until now, they should be able to persist until the end, and no one will quit in the middle.

The final facts proved that the latter statement was correct.

It was already 1:52 in the morning, and when the screening of "The Shawshank Redemption" ended, no one left the theater.

The staff who initially sold the tickets said, "There really isn't a single person who left the show early. When they come out later, I have to ask them if that movie isn't too bad?"

The staff member next to him said: "I also want to know this question. Now that the film is over, they should have come out."

Under normal circumstances, once the movie ends, the audience will definitely leave the theater en masse as soon as possible, and then walk out of the cinema aisle one by one.

However, the situation this time seemed a bit abnormal. It was already 1:54, and no one had come out of the cinema passageway yet.

"This..." Several staff members looked at each other. The situation was a bit abnormal. The film had ended for 2 minutes, and no one had come out yet.

What the hell is going on?

After a while, someone finally walked out of the cinema passage.

It should have come out of the "Shawshank Redemption" movie theater. During this time, only "The Shawshank Redemption" had finished screening.

The person who comes out is a year

^0^ Remember in one second【】

A young man, with brisk steps, a bright face and a relaxed expression.

After the staff member selling tickets at the beginning saw the young man's appearance, he was stunned and said, "It's him."

who is it?

It was the young man who entered the theater first, with a lonely and frustrated look.

The reason why the staff was stunned was not because the young man should not be the first to walk out, but because the young man's state at this time was completely different from the state when he came to the movie hall more than two hours ago.

When he came, he looked very lonely, with frustration written on his face. It was obvious that he had suffered some kind of setback and blow, which made the staff a little worried. Would he do something stupid in the cinema?

However, now, the young man is full of energy, relaxed and at ease, and there is even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Where can he see a hint of loneliness and frustration?

The whole person seemed to have been reborn.

How is this going? Although this is a good thing, it is also too strange. After watching a movie, you get a new life?

The rest of the staff also noticed the change in the young man and found it very strange.

When the young man approached, the staff who initially sold tickets couldn't help but ask: "Sir, I'm very sorry to bother you. You seem to be in a very good mood now."

Naturally, the young man recognized the staff who sold the tickets for him, and he replied: "Yes, I am in a very good mood now. Beautiful lady, thank you for selling me a ticket for "The Shawshank Redemption"."

The staff member said: "This is as it should be, sir. Sir, are you in such a good mood because of watching "The Shawshank Redemption"?"

The young man smiled and did not answer directly this time, but said: "Beautiful lady, what do you think is the most beautiful thing in the world?"

"The most beautiful thing?" The staff member was stunned. She didn't expect that the young man would suddenly ask her this question. She didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

There are many beautiful things, but what is the most beautiful thing? There should be no standard answer to this.

Seeing that the staff did not answer for a while, the young man smiled again and said: "Hope, it is hope! Hope is the most beautiful thing in the world, and beautiful things never die! Thank you again, beautiful lady, goodbye!"

After the young man finished speaking, he turned around and walked away, his steps still brisk.

The staff was lost in thought and just subconsciously said: "Okay, goodbye sir!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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