Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2162 I am destined to lose face this time

Remember in one second【】

After a while, the staff member woke up from his thoughts and said: "He is right, hope is indeed the most beautiful thing in the world. But why did he say this to me? This is similar to "The Shawshank Redemption" "What does it have to do with it? Also, he didn't seem to answer my question."

The staff next to him was equally puzzled and said: "You asked him if his mood improved because he watched "The Shawshank Redemption", but he told you that hope is the most beautiful thing in the world. This is indeed strange. However, , this should indeed be related to the movie "Shawshank Redemption", we will ask other people later."

The first staff member nodded and said, "Well, the others should be coming out soon."

Just after he finished speaking, two more men walked out of the passage. Several staff members were impressed by both men.

The two men were exactly the two men who came specifically for "The Shawshank Redemption" after the young man at the beginning.

Several staff members remembered clearly that when they bought the tickets, the two men said that they came specifically for "The Shawshank Redemption" and wanted to give their feedback to the Internet after watching it. Seeking attention.

The two men also expressed the hope that they could watch the entire movie.

Now, the two men really insisted on watching the entire movie, and they walked out three or four minutes after it ended.

When the two men approached, the first staff member said again: "Two gentlemen, I didn't expect that you actually insisted on watching the entire movie. How did you feel after watching it?"

Hearing the staff talking, the two men stopped and looked at the staff. They both let out a long sigh. One of them said: "I finally understand now why Mr. Li Fan is said to be a legend? He really is." a legendary person!"

Another person said: "Starting from tomorrow, please revise the film schedule and reserve as much resources as possible for "The Shawshank Redemption". Otherwise, this will make your cinema look extremely stupid and ignorant."

After saying that, the two men shook their heads at the same time and left.

When they left, the expressions on the two people's faces seemed a little helpless, a little lonely, a little regretful, but more importantly, they seemed to be excited and excited.

What's going on?

After the two men left, several staff members were once again confused. The young man's behavior before was confusing, and now these two men were the same.

Save as much resources as possible for "The Shawshank Redemption"? What does this mean?

Is it because "The Shawshank Redemption" is so good? After the video ends,

The audience didn't leave the theater for a long time. Is it because the movie was so good that they couldn't bear to leave immediately?

is it possible?

Would a movie about "prison" be really good?

If "The Shawshank Redemption" is not as bad as everyone previously thought, it is still watchable, and several staff members are still able to accept it.

But if you want to say that it is very beautiful, several staff members will definitely find it difficult to accept it.

However, how to explain the abnormal situation of the young man before and the two men just now?

Several staff members were completely confused.

A staff member said: "To find out the truth, just ask a few more people. They should have come out by now."

This is indeed the case. People walked out of the theater passage one after another, obviously coming from the "Shawshank Redemption" theater.

They were still talking to each other, looking a little excited and excited.

Several staff members looked at each other and stopped a few people respectively to ask each other about the film "The Shawshank Redemption".

A staff member said to a man with glasses: "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you. "The Shawshank Redemption" is very good?"

The man with glasses shook his head and said, "I don't think it should be said that it looks very good-looking."

After hearing what the bespectacled man said, several staff members all breathed a sigh of relief. This is right. How could it be good-looking?

However, the bespectacled man continued: "In my opinion, this can no longer be described with the words 'very beautiful'. It is simply a classic, a classic among classics. Yes, although I only watched it once, But I am sure that it will be a classic. This is the first movie that I knew for sure that it would be a classic the first time I saw it.”

"Classic? Or an absolute classic?" Several staff members were completely shocked this time, and their hearts suddenly turned upside down.

This is really surprising and unbelievable.

A staff member said: "Sir, are you sure you are talking about the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?"

The man with glasses said: "Of course, it's the movie "Shawshank Redemption" by Mr. Li Fan from China. I feel lucky to see such a work. Thank you Mr. Li Fan for creating such a work."

"This..." Several staff members looked at each other.

The staff member just now said unwillingly: "How does it compare with Mr. Grover's "Ape-Man"?"

The man with glasses said: ""Ape-Man"? "Ape-Man" is indeed wonderful, and it is a rare good work. But if you want to compare it with "The Shawshank Redemption", it is a wonderful work and a classic. of classic works."

After saying this, the man with glasses said goodbye and turned to leave.

However, when he turned around, he suddenly let out a long sigh and said another sentence, "

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Such a classic work has been ridiculed and belittled by us before. well! This time our American movies have really lost face. well! "

Several long sighs in succession showed the endless melancholy and regret in the man with glasses at this time.

Several staff members once again looked at each other. At this time, they finally felt that they seemed to be very wrong.

What happened in this movie theater after "The Shawshank Redemption" ended is a microcosm of what happened in countless movie theaters in major cities across the United States.

Similar situations are happening in major movie theaters.

Although everyone who has watched the movie has different feelings in their hearts, there is one feeling that everyone has.

That is, the American film industry, and all of them, movie audiences, have done something extremely stupid and ridiculous in the past three months.

whats the matter?

Unbridled ridicule and belittling, Li Fan's film entry uses "prison" as the theme.

This time, the entire American film industry will be completely embarrassed.


At this moment, there was only a long sigh.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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