Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2163 Never believe it

Remember in one second【】

The night is already deep.

Some people who were waiting, those who went to the theater to watch "The Shawshank Redemption" and those who gave their feedback on the Internet, have already fallen asleep.

But there are still many people waiting, and they feel like they can't sleep until they see relevant news.

When the time reached 2 o'clock in the morning, they finally got the news they had been waiting for.

However, the news they were waiting for brought them not the schadenfreude they had thought before, but extreme surprise and disbelief.

"I know there are still people waiting for us to say that "The Shawshank Redemption" is really terrible. But it is very regrettable that you can't wait for such news. Although I also want to say this to you, but this is I can't do that to a classic movie."

"I have gloated before and belittled Mr. Li Fan's movie, and I also look forward to this movie setting the worst box office record to satisfy my sense of superiority in the country with the largest film industry. But now, I am proud of my own thoughts I feel extremely ashamed, God knows what a stupid behavior it is. In my life, I have never seen a movie that shocked my heart so much. Thank you Mr. Li Fan for creating such a movie."

"For a long time in the past, I was hesitant, confused, and felt that I had lost hope in my life. Last night, as the night got darker, this emotion reached its extreme. I walked into a movie theater and chose at will. I watched a movie called "The Shawshank Redemption". I just wanted to watch a movie numbly. I did the same thing at the beginning. The banker named Andy Dufresne was fooling around with his wife and his lover. Shooting them both with guns. And Andy was wrongly accused of being a murderer and sentenced to life in prison. This is really a poor and unlucky guy. I have great sympathy for Andy. I think he will become angry, violent, or My heart was ashen, my whole body collapsed completely, and then I stopped eating or drinking, and finally died miserably. However, I was wrong, I was completely wrong. It took Andy a full 18 years to finally get a new life. And I , and suddenly I feel like I have been reborn, and now my whole person is full of vitality and hope. Thanks to Mr. Li Fan's "The Shawshank Redemption" for giving me a new life."

"When the screening of "The Shawshank Redemption" ended, more than 20 people in the theater did not leave. Everyone wanted to sit for a while longer. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. This is a movie that can make people feel happy. A movie that shocks the soul.”

"I have already made suggestions to the cinemas, asking them to schedule as many copies of "The Shawshank Redemption" as possible tomorrow. For such a classic movie, it will only be shown once at the latest. This is simply an insult to classic movies!"

"I also suggested it, and I'm going to see it again tomorrow. No, twice."


Those who are waiting for feedback,

All they were waiting for was such news, which made them feel extremely surprised and unbelievable.

What's going on? Is "The Shawshank Redemption" a classic? Can it still give people a new life?

This was so different from what they had always known before, so far away that it couldn't be measured by distance.

They absolutely do not believe this is true, but how should they explain those sworn statements on the Internet?

They thought they would be able to sleep contentedly after hearing the news, but now, he felt even more unable to sleep.

Among those who watched "The Shawshank Redemption", there is a small number of people with special identities. They are reporters from major news media.

Although "The Shawshank Redemption" was extremely underestimated before, it has received very high attention.

In terms of attention alone, the premiere of "The Shawshank Redemption" is also highly anticipated, and is not inferior to Grover's "Ape-Man".

Naturally, the major media will not miss the relevant reports on the premiere of "The Shawshank Redemption".

Therefore, even though it was very late, many media reporters still chose to go to the cinema to watch it. If you want to report in detail and concretely, you first need to understand the content of the movie.

In order to report relevant reports as quickly as possible, many reporters have prepared manuscripts in advance. After understanding the specific content of the movie, they can simply modify the prepared manuscripts and report directly.

However, not long after the film started, they knew that the manuscript they had prepared had been completely scrapped.

After the movie ended, even though it was late at night, they rushed out a report overnight and reported it out.

For those who couldn't sleep even more, after seeing the relevant reports from media reporters, some people finally chose to believe it.

But they don't feel ashamed yet, they just feel very curious, what kind of movie is "The Shawshank Redemption"?

Why is there such a huge gap with the outside world’s previous understanding?

Under the trend of strong curiosity, they made a decision, a decision they had never thought of before, that is, to go to the cinema to watch "The Shawshank Redemption" tomorrow.

The next day, the first thing many people who had not waited for the news last night did when they woke up from their sleep was to go online and take a look. Those who had watched "The Shawshank Redemption" last night had no idea about "The Shawshank Redemption". Review of "Redemption".

Let’s see if it’s as bad as everyone thought before?

In addition to ordinary audiences, this includes filmmakers headed by Grover, well-known and unknown actors, various film investors, etc.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


In addition to the comments from those who watched it, they also saw a lot of news media coverage.

Afterwards, they were as shocked and disbelieving as those who had waited for the news last night.

The filmmakers, led by Grover, were absolutely unwilling to believe what they saw.

"This is absolutely impossible! How can a movie with the theme of 'prison' be good and become a classic? Our "Ape-Ape-Man" is not qualified to be a classic, why is "The Shawshank Redemption" qualified? "

"Mr. Grover, this cannot be true. I think we need to watch "The Shawshank Redemption" in person, and then guide those viewers to view this movie correctly."

"That's right. Originally, I thought there was no need for us to watch that movie, but now it seems we have to."


After being extremely surprised, Grover thought the same way. He never believed that "The Shawshank Redemption" would be a classic. He wanted to say something, but he had no idea about the content of "The Shawshank Redemption". Do you know how to start?

Then, we can only talk about it after we understand the content clearly.

So Grover said, "Okay, let's go and see for ourselves."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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