Remember in one second【】

In addition to a group of filmmakers led by "Grover", there are many others who have also decided to go to the cinema to see it in person.

For example, a group of well-known and unknown actors, after learning that Robbins and Morgan would star in "The Shawshank Redemption", all scorned them, thinking that they had no vision and backbone. What kind of movie would they make? They all acted, it was a bit embarrassing for their actors.

Although you are all unknown actors, you are still professional actors after all. How can you act in all movies?

Some unknown actors are also complacent about this, thinking that although they are not famous, they have the guts and vision and cannot be in all kinds of movies.

Many of them had arrived before. The unknown actors at the film exchange meeting all despised Robbins and Morgan in their hearts. If Li Fan had invited them to star at that time, they would have refused without even thinking. It is absolutely impossible to choose to agree like Robbins, let alone volunteer like Morgan.

They found a sense of superiority that lasted until they got up this morning.

But now, they suddenly had a very bad feeling.

Another example is a group of movie investors. They had previously gloated and laughed at Hector's investment, which was in vain and would lose all their money. They also laughed at Hector's investment vision, which was really bad.

But now, they also suddenly had a very bad premonition, but they did not believe it and were unwilling to do so, so they decided to go to the cinema to see it in person.

These people all went to the cinema, and of course there were many, many more people.

Early in the morning, major movie theaters were all doing the same thing, which was to temporarily change today's film schedule.

After "The Shawshank Redemption" ended yesterday, major movie theaters received strong suggestions from the audience to leave as many resources as possible to "The Shawshank Redemption" today, saying that if they did not do so, it would be a disservice to "The Shawshank Redemption". The blasphemy of "Redemption".

Major movie theaters did not dare to neglect and began arranging film modifications early in the morning.

However, everyone is more cautious and has not made a lot of arrangements for "The Shawshank Redemption", but only made some small arrangements.

One is because the market is not yet completely clear.


The movie schedule has already been arranged, so it’s not easy to make major changes.

In the third case, a large amount of resources have been allocated to Grover's "Apes-Apes-Men", which is the trump card movie that has hit sales, and this must be tried not to touch.

However, major movie theaters soon discovered that they were wrong again.

Early in the morning, there were many customers in the lobby.

"What's the soonest time the Shawshank Redemption will be available? Give me a ticket, I want to watch it again."

"Yeah, yeah, just watch "The Shawshank Redemption" and get two tickets."

"I heard that watching "The Shawshank Redemption" can give people a new life. I must watch it. Is it available at 8:30? It's really great. Come and get a ticket."


Everyone who walked into the hall came for "The Shawshank Redemption". Tickets for the two temporarily adjusted theaters were quickly sold out.

"What? No tickets? You have arranged several theaters, why are there no tickets so soon?"

"Other movies? Don't watch it. I'm here specifically for "The Shawshank Redemption." I only watch "The Shawshank Redemption." I won't watch Grover's "Ape-Man." Forget it, forget it. , I’ll go to another cinema.”

"Why are they gone so quickly? I asked your manager to arrange a few more theaters. What happened? There are only two theaters for such a classic movie."


The manager rushed over quickly, and the staff quickly said: "Manager, the tickets for "Shawshank Redemption" have been sold out, but these guests seem to be here for "Shawshank Redemption."

The manager nodded, indicating that he already understood the situation, and said: "How many theaters are arranged for "Ape-Man"?"

The staff member replied: "10."

The manager asked again: "How are the ticket sales going?"

The staff said: "There are less than 20 pictures, which is completely different from yesterday. I recommended "Ape-Man" to the guests, but the guests said they didn't want to watch it, saying that they only wanted to watch "The Shawshank Redemption" now. "

The manager pondered for a moment and made a bold decision, "One theater will be reserved for "Ape-Man" and all the others will be changed to "Shawshank Redemption."

The staff member was stunned for a moment, looked at the manager and thought about it. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. He just said: "Okay manager, I understand."

This is the case in all major movie theaters. Almost all the audiences came for "The Shawshank Redemption". Although everyone's thoughts and purposes are different, they all created this situation together.

In a certain movie theater, Grover and other filmmakers disguised themselves and hid in the crowd. They came to watch "The Shawshank Redemption" and would never be recognized by others.

Seeing this situation in the cinema, all the filmmakers snorted in their hearts. They all thought that they were just following the trend blindly. All this was only temporary. After they watched "The Shawshank Redemption", this situation would also disappear. It's over.

Whether it is blindly following the trend or not? Almost everyone who goes into the movie theater comes for "The Shawshank Redemption". This is a fact.

There are a total of 11 theaters showing "The Shawshank Redemption". All 11 theaters are already overcrowded, and there are no seats in the aisles.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Few people.

Grover and other filmmakers were in one of the theaters.

The movie started soon.

The story takes place in 1947. Andy Dufresne, a young banker, was accused of shooting his wife and her lover to death.

But in fact, the murderer is someone else.

In court, although Andy tried his best to defend himself, it was ultimately ineffective. Young Andy was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

This means that he can only spend the rest of his life in prison.

This was the beginning of the movie, and the audience in the theater had no reaction.

Grover and other filmmakers sneered in their hearts. It was just a man who was unjustly imprisoned. There was nothing worthy of praise.

The movie continues.

Andy, along with several other prisoners, was taken to a prison called "Shawshank".

Shawshank Prison is the prison where Andy serves his sentence.

There is a prisoner named Red in the prison, who is also serving a life sentence. Reid has been in prison for 20 years and has been paroled several times without success.

Twenty years of prison life has made Red an "authoritative figure" in Shawshank Prison. As long as you can pay, he can get almost anything you want, including cigarettes, candy, wine, and celebrity posters. , even marijuana and more.

Whenever a new prisoner is brought in, the prisoners in the prison will be as excited as a festival. They look at the new prisoner being taken off the prison car and shout "rookie" excitedly.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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