Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2165 Dark prison, warm sunshine

Remember in one second【】

For a new prisoner, the first night in prison is undoubtedly the most difficult.

When the prison door closed, the prisoners realized that everything was no joke. In the blink of an eye, their lives were ruined, leaving only endless regrets.

Many people break down or even burst into tears on the first night.

So, whenever a new prisoner comes, Red and several inmates will bet on who will break down first on the first night?

Gambling capital is money or cigarettes.

This is the only concern of the old inmates.

This time is no exception.

Rhett believes that young Andy, who is frail and looks rich, will be the first to collapse.

He was betting on Andy.

As a result, Red lost, he lost two packs of cigarettes. The first person to break down and cry was a fat man.

Throughout the night, Andy remained silent and did not say a word.

When they saw this, the audience in the theater felt strange emotions in their hearts for the first time.

Andy is an excellent banker. He is the vice president of a bank at a young age and has a bright future.

However, his wife betrayed him and caused him to be wrongfully imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment. His bright future suddenly collapsed and turned into darkness, with no hope left.

Most people will collapse and go crazy when encountering such a situation.

However, Andy remained silent. He neither broke down and went crazy, nor shouted out his injustice, nor cried. He was silent and calm, and even looked on with a cold eye, as if these things did not happen to him.

Andy's silence and calmness made people feel sad. For the first time, everyone in the theater felt that their hearts had been touched.

Even Grover and other filmmakers had solemn expressions on their faces for the first time.

The movie continues.

Andy's prison career officially began. At the beginning, Andy was always silent and hardly took the initiative to talk to anyone.

His every move,

Unlike everyone else in the prison, he wandered around like a walk in the park, living a carefree life.

It wasn't until a month later that Andy took the initiative to find Rhett and asked Rhett to help him get something, a small pickaxe.

Rhett asked Andy, "Are you trying to escape from prison with a pickaxe?" Dig a tunnel or something.

Andy laughed after hearing this, and Rhett asked Andy why he was laughing?

Andy said that when Rhett saw the pickaxe, he would understand.

Andy then explained that he was going to pass the time by smashing some rocks with a pickaxe and carving small things, which was his old hobby.

Reddy agreed to help Andy get a pickaxe, of course for a fee.

Rhett used his own methods to successfully get a pickaxe. When he saw the pickaxe, he finally understood why Andy laughed that day.

Because if you use such a thing to dig a tunnel and escape from prison, it will probably take six hundred years.

Rhett thought so, and so did the audience in the theater. Andy must be crazy to use such a small thing to dig a tunnel to escape from prison.

Later, Andy, Red, and several other prisoners were assigned to work outside to repair a roof.

While working, Andy overheard the prison guard captain who was guarding them complaining to the prison guards about taxes. The prison guard captain said that a relative of his had left a lot of money to him, but because of the need If you pay taxes, there will be very little money left after you get the money.

Andy stopped working, walked over to the early warning captain, and said that he had a way for the early warning captain to reasonably avoid taxes, and then get the money in small chunks.

In exchange, the prison captain needs to treat each of the prisoners who go out to work this time to drink three bottles of beer.

The prison captain finally believed Andy and agreed to the deal.

Then, this is what happened.

The day before this outing was completed, at 10 o'clock in the morning, a group of prisoners who were decorating the roof of the factory sat in a circle, drinking cold beer and enjoying Shawshank Prison.

A treat from the prison captain.

The prisoners were sitting on the roof drinking beer, with the sun shining on their shoulders. At this moment, they felt free again, as if they were repairing the roof of their own home.

And Andy did not drink beer, nor did he sit with everyone, but sat alone in the sun, with his hands on his knees, leaning against the wall, his head slightly raised, and a faint smile on his lips. , watching the inmates enjoy the beer he brought them.

In Rhett's opinion, Andy must want to regain his freedom, even if it is only for a short moment.

At this moment, Andy must have felt free, just like inviting some old friends to drink beer at his own home.

Seeing such a scene, all the viewers in the theater felt that their hearts were suddenly touched, and suddenly they felt like crying for no reason.

Some viewers even had tears in their eyes.

The scene they just saw was still lingering in their minds. Under the warm and soft sunshine, Andy, who had lost his freedom, just sat there with a faint smile on his lips and looked at the past with affectionate eyes. It was a time of freedom.

Andy must be desperate for freedom.

All the audiences in the theater were touched. At this moment, they suddenly felt how stupid and ignorant they were to ridicule and belittle such a work before.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Grover and a group of filmmakers were also deeply touched.

At this time, they already knew that their purpose of watching this movie would definitely not be achieved.

Those who saw the movie last night and the media called this work a classic, and it is by no means unfounded.

Although from this point of view, it cannot be called a classic, the movie is far from over.

Is it okay after it’s over?

Grover and the other filmmakers finally began to feel a little uneasy.

Putting aside this uneasiness, this kind of plot design made them feel the charm of Li Fan's film works for the first time.

The prison was dark, but now they felt the sunshine, the warm sunshine.

The movie continues.

Andy asked Red for help again and made a huge celebrity poster to paste on the wall of the cell.

Later, Andy's last successful tax evasion that helped the prison captain attracted the attention of the prison warden Norton.

During a surprise inspection, Norton found Andy reading the Bible and expressed that he was very happy that Andy liked the Bible. He also told Andy, "The way to salvation is in it."

At first, the entire audience in the theater didn't understand why the warden said this to Andy.

After that, I got it.

It turns out that the warden took a fancy to Andy's financial management ability. He needed Andy to help him with something and launder money for him.

In addition, the well-known Andy began to handle tax issues for more and more prison guards, and even the children's education issues. Prison guards also came to Andy for advice.

At this time, Andy had already gotten rid of the heavy physical labor in prison and the harassment of other perverted prisoners, and even had his own office and assistant.

If it weren't for the fact that he was always wearing a prison uniform, Andy would have regained his freedom and work in his own office.

Seeing this, the audience finally felt relieved and smiled on their faces.

Although Andy is still not free, at least his life in prison has been much better.

And this is gratifying enough.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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