Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2166 Death of Lao Bu

Remember in one second【】

All the viewers in the theater felt a little relieved and had smiles on their faces.

However, the next episode made them feel inexplicably sad.

There is a librarian in the prison named Lao Bu. He has been in prison for fifty years and is very old.

One day, his parole was granted.

This means that he can leave prison, leave the prison where he has been for fifty years, go outside and be free.

After staying for fifty years, finally being free should have been an extremely exciting thing.

The audience in the theater thought that Lao Bu would laugh excitedly, thank God for finally allowing him to be free, and then be full of endless yearning and expectation for the free life outside the prison.

However, this is not the case.

Not only was Lao Bu not happy, he was in great pain.

Because he doesn't want to leave prison.

In order to stay in prison, Lao Bu tried to hurt an inmate with a sharp knife so that he could stay in prison.

Later, under the persuasion of Andy, Red and others, Lao Bu finally let go of the inmates.

Lao Bu did not harm the inmates, and his parole has been approved, so he can only leave the prison.

At this time, the inmates didn't understand why Lao Bu didn't want to leave the prison.

All the audiences in the theater also didn't understand. After spending fifty years in prison, shouldn’t we be happy to finally be free?

For the prisoners in the prison, the freedom that everyone desperately longs for has finally arrived, but why doesn't Lao Bu want freedom?

Rhett gave the answer to the inmates and to all the audiences in the theater.

Reid said that Lao Bu was institutionalized.

Institutionalized? The inmates still don't understand, and the audience in the theater still doesn't understand.

Rhett continued to explain that Old Boo had been in prison for fifty years and had become a frog in the well. He could still be of some use in prison.

Because he studied and was a librarian.

However, once he goes out, Lao Bu will become useless. He is just a lifeless old man with arthritis in his hands. He may be refused to borrow books from the library. He doesn't know how to live outside?

Prison is a strange place. At first, you hate it, then you get used to it. After enough time, you become dependent on it. This is "institutionalization."

Rhett's words made all the audience in the theater think deeply. Rhett is undoubtedly a very wise man, and he sees everything very thoroughly.

Through these words of Red, the audience finally understood why Boo didn't want to leave prison?

Lao Bu has been in prison for too long and is completely out of touch with the outside society. When he knew that he was leaving prison, he was not excited, but confused, very confused, at a loss, and even afraid. .

This is why Lao Bu doesn't want to leave prison.

All the audience in the theater understood it, but Lao Bu finally left the prison.

When Lao Bu walked out of the prison gate in a suit and tie, the audience was not only not happy that Lao Bu was finally free, but they were very worried about whether Lao Bu could live a good life outside?

He has been out of touch with society for fifty years, which is too long.

The figure of Lao Bu was walking through the flow of people and cars, lonely and hesitant, which made people feel inexplicably sad. When he was a child, he only saw one car, but now the streets are full of cars.

For Lao Bu, the world outside is changing rapidly and is already too unfamiliar.

The parole board arranged a residence for Lao Bu and recommended a job as a bagger in a supermarket.

Lao Bu is already an old man, and his hands still suffer from arthritis. He can no longer complete his work neatly, which makes people look pitiful and sad.

After get off work, Lao Bu would sometimes go to the park to feed the birds. He sat alone on a park bench, with only a group of pecking birds in front of him.

Old Bu expected that the little guy he was feeding in prison would show up, but the little guy still didn't show up after all.

Lao Bu just hopes that the little guy can make new friends no matter where he goes.

These words made the audience in the theater feel sad again. Lao Bu himself must have wanted to make new friends, but he was already too old and no one wanted to make friends with this old man who was suffering.

He is destined to continue to be lonely, and then continue to wander, and is out of tune with this society.

Lao Bu is just a poor and lonely old man, which makes people feel inexplicably sad.

At night, Lao Bu would suffer from insomnia and find it difficult to fall asleep. Even if he fell asleep, he would often be awakened by nightmares and inexplicably not remember where he was?

Obviously, for Lao Bu, only prison can allow him to sleep peacefully.

There is no doubt that this is very sad.

The audience in the theater could only sigh helplessly.

Old Boo wanted to rob a supermarket and commit another crime so that he could be sent back to prison.

But he is already old, too old to continue fooling around and robbing supermarkets? He couldn't do it anymore.

Lao Bu didn't like the life outside and was tired of being worried all day long, so he decided... to leave.

leave? Where can Lao Bu still go?

All the viewers in the theater felt the same

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Shocked, they suddenly had a bad premonition. They thought about where Lao Bu was going when he called "leaving".

They prayed that things would not be as they thought, and they could not bear to see this sad and pitiful old man end up like that.

However, everything is doomed.

Lao Bu put on his suit and tie again, just to let himself leave with dignity.

He took out a knife and carved a line of words on the beam of the house where he lived, "Old Bu came here for a visit."

Then...with a rope, he ended his life.

Lao Bu finally left. He no longer had to be lonely, hesitant, or afraid.

He went where he was supposed to go.

And this ending may have been doomed the moment Lao Bu walked out of the prison door.

All the audiences in the cinema let out a long sigh. They wanted to stop Lao Bu, but there was nothing they could do.

They can't stop it at all. Even if they stop it this time, they may not be able to stop it next time.

Perhaps, they shouldn't stop it. For Lao Bu, it is a relief for his life to end like this.

Perhaps, for Lao Bu, the gloomy Shawshank Prison is no longer a prison. The free world outside is the real prison.

When Old Boo walked out of the gate of Shawshank Prison, he was not walking toward freedom.

Instead, he headed towards... a real prison where he could not survive.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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