Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2167 Hope

Remember in one second【】

Lao Bu's story made all the viewers in the theater feel a little heavy, and it was enough to make people think too much.

Perhaps, we all live in a cage, a seemingly free cage.

The movie continues.

After Andy, Red and others learned about Lao Boo's death, everyone looked sad. Red sighed, "It would be better for him to die in prison."

In order to expand the prison library, Andy insisted on writing a letter to the state senate every week, asking the state senate to allocate funds.

After six years of writing, the state Senate finally responded. Not only did it allocate a small amount of money, but it also presented Andy with a batch of books.

Andy found a record in the gift book, which was the Italian opera "The Marriage of Figaro", a work by Mozart.

Andy chose a section of the song "The Wind Blows Through the Maple Leaf Forest at Night". This section of the song talks about people feeling the warmth and coolness of the evening breeze in the maple leaf forest. At this moment, the body and mind are extremely relaxed. Embrace nature without restraint and gain freedom.

Andy closed the doors and windows of the studio and played the record over the prison radio.

Suddenly, a burst of ethereal singing sounded throughout the prison.

The prisoners who were working in the prison stopped their work and slowly raised their heads to look at the loudspeaker of the radio station, as if they were on a pilgrimage, very intoxicated.

In fact, none of the prisoners understood what the lyrics were singing? Because the languages ​​are different, everyone is intoxicated.

Because, although they can't understand what the lyrics are, they can feel the unfettered freedom in the singing.

At this moment, the prisoners in the prison could feel their hearts flying above the prison, escaping from the constraints of the stone walls surrounding the prison, and regaining their freedom.

And this is obviously the reason why Andy played this music to the entire prison. He wanted all the prisoners to feel free at this moment.

Of course, in order to make himself feel free at this moment, his desire for freedom has never faded.

When this music was playing, Andy was lying on a wicker chair, with his hands behind his head, and his face once again showed a smile that was already very familiar to all the audiences in the theater.

Andy laughed again.

This smile is the same as the one he used to smile on the roof of the building, bathing in the sunshine when he invited the inmates to drink beer.

That time, Andy gave the inmates a sense of freedom, and he also felt free. It was the same this time, and it gave the inmates the same feeling of freedom;

Only at such a moment would Andy smile like this, smiling so knowingly.

Andy smiled, and all the audiences in the theater also laughed. The atmosphere in the entire theater finally dissipated some of the pain caused by Lao Bu's death.

However, Andy's operation came at a cost.

Warden Norton and the prison captain came to the studio and ordered Andy to turn off the music immediately.

Because Andy had locked the door in advance, Warden Norton and the prison captain could only issue a serious warning to Andy through the glass door.

Andy saw it and heard it, and he knew that if he didn't turn off the music immediately, he would be severely punished.

But instead of turning off the music, Andy laughed at Warden Norton and the prison captain.

Finally, the prison captain smashed the glass door and broke in, and the music Andy was playing finally stopped.

Andy was severely punished and was imprisoned for two weeks.

Two weeks later, the inmates asked Andy if it was worth being locked up for two weeks. Andy said that it was a very wonderful two weeks because Mozart's music accompanied him, and Mozart's music was in his heart and in his mind.

All the audiences in the theater sighed softly once again. They once again felt Andy's strong desire for freedom.

But unfortunately, Andy's freedom is still far away.

Andy asked the inmates, have they ever felt the mystery of music?

Rhett said that he had played the harmonica when he was young, but now he has no interest in it, and there is no point in playing it in prison.

However, Andy said that it is meaningful here, and the music will not be forgotten.

Rhett asked what he forgot?

Andy said to forget that there are some places in this world that these towering prison stone walls cannot lock, and there are some things in your heart that this prison cannot touch or take away, and they are completely yours.

Rhett asked again what that was?

Andy said it was hope.

"Hope?" When all the audiences in the theater heard these two words, they felt their hearts tremble.

Hope, yes, hope, if there is hope in your heart, it must belong to you completely. It is something that this gloomy prison cannot take away no matter what.

It turns out that although Andy's dream of regaining freedom is so far away, there is always hope in his heart.

All the audiences in the theater felt both relieved and sad.

Because in prison, does hope really work?

Just like Red said to Andy next, hope is a very dangerous thing, hope can make people crazy, hope is of no use in prison, so Andy had better accept his fate.

What Rhett said does make sense. If you always have hope in your heart, but you still can't see it, in ten or twenty years, hope still hasn't come.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Then, you may really go crazy. In prison, hope may be a dangerous thing.

It's better not to have hope in your heart. Without hope, you won't be anxious, irritable, and eventually crazy because hope doesn't come.

Rhett was a wise man, and what he said was right. The audience in the theater couldn't help but feel a little worried in their hearts.

Worrying about Andy, Andy always has hope in his heart, is it a good thing?

Because at this time, Andy had been in Shawshank Prison for a full ten years.

Ten years is too long. If there is still no hope in ten years, can we really continue to hope?

However, the audience is more willing to believe that even if it lasts for a long time, the hope in Andy's heart will not make him feel irritated, let alone make him crazy.

It was Andy's unwavering eyes that told them.

Hope is really a very beautiful thing.

Next, Red's parole application was rejected again, and he has stayed here for thirty years.

As a gift for being denied parole, Andy gave Red a harmonica.

From then on, the melodious and gentle sound of the harmonica often echoed in the prison.

That was Rhett playing.

I wonder if when Rhett plays the harmonica, will the sound of the harmonica he plays also ignite expectations in his heart?

The desire for freedom, the everlasting hope.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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