Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2173 Curtain Call

Remember in one second【】

All the audiences in the theater hope that Red can be freed, but Red cannot escape from prison like Andy.

So, if Red wants to be free, there is only one way, through parole.

Rhett has had several parole opportunities before, but none of them were successful. Now he has another chance.

In the interrogation room, the parole officer says that Red has been in prison for forty years and asks if Red has reformed.

Rhett has answered this question several times before. Several times before, Rhett said that he had completely changed his ways and would no longer harm society. He promised God.

However, every time I answered this, I was rejected every time.

This time, Rhett did not answer as before. Instead, he pretended not to care and said, "Reform and let me think about it. I don't understand what that means at all."

The parole officer seemed to smile and said to Rhett, are you ready to return to society?

Rhett said, I understand what you are saying, but to me it is all false. It is just a word invented by politicians so that young people like you in suits and ties can have something to do.

Later, the parole officer asked Red, do you regret it?

Rhett replied, "Not a day goes by that I don't regret it, but not because I'm in jail, and not because you think I should." It's just that I look back at that young, stupid kid who committed a serious crime. I want to talk to him, I want to talk to him about the principles of life, and tell him about right and wrong, good and evil, but I can't, because the child has long since disappeared, and only this old man is left alone. I have to accept the reality. Rehabilitation is bullshit, go ahead and stamp the form, young man, stop wasting my time, and to be honest with you, I don't give a shit.

This is what Rhett said to the parole officer this time. Why did Rhett say this time completely differently from what he said several times before?

Perhaps it was because of Andy that Red had a new understanding of life behind prison walls. Andy made him understand that there is another word in life called "hope".

No matter where you are, hope is the best and most beautiful thing that will never fade.

That's why he said these thought-provoking words this time.

All the audiences in the theater were also pondering what Red just said, but they hadn't thought too clearly yet.

Just stop thinking about it for the time being because I am happy.

Because Red's words made his parole successful, after spending forty years in Shawshank Prison, he could finally walk out freely.

There was cheering in the theater. Everyone was happy for Rhett and looked forward to Rhett's reunion with Andy in the outside world.

It's just that the audience didn't stay happy for long, and they couldn't be happy at all. Not only was he not happy, he was also slightly worried.

Because Rhett cannot adapt to life outside.

The reality is difficult to face. Rhett simply cannot live outside. He is always thinking about how to violate his parole.

That way, he could be sent back to prison again.

Lao Bu had thought about this before, but Lao Bu was too old and could no longer violate the parole regulations, so Lao Bu had no choice but to commit suicide.

But Rhett can, Rhett is not too old, and he is fully capable of violating parole.

This made the audience a little worried for a while.

In fact, this situation was expected by the audience, because Red, like Lao Boo, has been institutionalized by the prison, and he can only live in prison.

The audience sighed, but this time they were not as worried as they were before.

Because Andy once left Red with hope of being able to live in the outside world.

Now, the audience can only place their hope on the hope Andy left for Red. I hope that the hope Andy left behind can really allow Red to live a good life and live freely in the outside world. Go down.

Rhett always lives in fear. He just wants to go back to a place that is meaningful to him and where he can no longer be afraid.

There was just one thing that stopped him. He had promised Andy that if he could come out one day, he would go to a place called Bucktons and find a long stone wall there. Then, under an oak tree at the end of the north, he found something Andy left for him.

Red came to Bucktons to find what Andy left for him.

Seeing this, all the audience breathed a long sigh of relief, and Red finally went to find what Andy left for him.

The audience believes that as long as Red finds that thing, he will be able to live in the outside world.

Because the audience already knows what Andy left for Red.

It’s the hope of surviving in the outside world.

Under the oak tree at the north end of the stone wall, Red found what Andy left for him, which was an iron box. When he opened the iron box, he found a sum of money and a letter.

Andy said in the letter that Red must have been released from prison when he saw this letter. Since he has come such a long way, he might as well go a little further.

Andy says he needs a good guy to work with him, the chessboard is set, and he's looking forward to Red's arrival.

He said that hope is a beautiful thing and the most beautiful thing in the world, and beautiful things never die.

Obviously, what Andy left to Red was not money or letters, but hope.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

So, will Red go find Andy?

All the audiences in the theater had a strong hope at this time that Rhett could find Andy and reunite with Andy on the blue seaside.

And Rhett really went.

Sitting in the car, Rhett confessed that he was so excited that he could hardly sit still, and thoughts were flying in his mind. This is what it feels like to be a free man. A free man begins a long journey with an unknown ending. He hoped that he could cross the border successfully, he hoped to meet his friend and shake hands with him, and he hoped that the water of the Pacific Ocean would be as blue as in his dream.

Rhett hopes, and the audience hopes strongly.

In the next scene, Red successfully arrived at the beach. The water of the Pacific Ocean was indeed blue.

The boundless Pacific Ocean and the blue water are all a free life.

Red walked slowly towards an old ship.

Andy, who had not been seen for a long time, was squatting on the deck at this time, renovating the old ship.

He saw Rhett walking slowly toward him. He smiled, put down his work, jumped off the old boat, and went to meet him.

The camera zooms out further and further, and the two people get closer and closer

When two people embrace each other, the whole movie ends perfectly

it's over

All the audiences in the theater did not react for a long time.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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