Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2174 The only darling

Remember in one second【】

The movie ended, but there was no reaction from the audience in the theater.

They were still immersed in the last set of scenes.

Andy and Rhett got closer and closer, and finally embraced each other, with the boundless blue sea next to them.

The ending is happy, even perfect. Andy and Red will live freely by the blue sea from now on. Red will no longer be afraid of the outside world, and it is even less likely that he will end up like Lao Boo. ending.

But in the hearts of the audience, they felt inexplicably melancholy, not because of the ending, but because the movie ended like this.

In fact, at this point, the movie can indeed end. There is no need to explain the rest of the story, and the audience can definitely imagine it themselves.

Andy and Rhett renovated the old boat together, and then often took hotel guests to go fishing on the blue sea, free and comfortable.

Thinking of such a scene, many viewers unconsciously had a faint smile on their lips.

All the lights in the theater have been turned on, which means that the audience in the theater should get up and leave.

"The next movie to be played in this theater should be The Shawshank Redemption. I don't know if I can stay and watch it again. I want to watch it again. Of course, I will pay for it." Some people know that this is impossible. , but still spoke out to ask for confirmation from the people around him.

"You have a good idea. If the cinema allows it, remember to tell me. I also want to watch it again. I feel that watching this movie only once is not enough." Someone next to me said.

"Okay, I'll tell you."


This is of course impossible, and everyone knows that these words can only be said.

If they could, it is estimated that almost all the audience would do so, but now, they can only walk out of the theater reluctantly.

Next to Grover, a filmmaker whispered to Grover, "Mr. Grover, look at this."

Grover sighed and said, "Go out first. This time the battle for the box office has ended early."

Other filmmakers naturally understand this, and surprisingly, they don’t seem to have much anger or unwillingness.

Even Grover seemed to be like that.

At this time, they could only sigh, then stood up, silently blended into the crowd, and walked outside the cinema.

Back in the hall, the hall was packed with spectators waiting to watch the movie.

Seeing a large number of people walking out of the movie aisle, the audience waiting in the hall knew that the movie in one theater was over.

"Hey guys, which movie are you watching? The Shawshank Redemption. What do you think of this movie? Is it really an absolute classic as reviewed on the Internet?" someone couldn't help but ask.

The person being asked seemed very happy that someone could ask him this question, and said quite excitedly, "Of course I watched The Shawshank Redemption. In my opinion, this movie may no longer be described as a classic. It should be "Great, that's a great movie. I never thought a movie could be described as great, but now, I think it can."

"Great movie? Thank you man. I hope I can agree with you after watching it."

"I think you'll agree with me."

"I hope so too, I'm looking forward to it"

"You will soon find that your anticipation is so worth it. Now I have to go and see if there are any movie tickets for The Shawshank Redemption available today. I plan to watch it again."

"Today's ticket? I'm sorry, man. If you want to buy another movie ticket for today's Shawshank Redemption, I guess you can't. I just watched all the Shawshank Redemption today." The movie tickets are all sold out. Of course, you can go to another cinema or choose to buy tickets for tomorrow.”

"Really? That's really a pity. Then I'll hurry up and go to another cinema to watch it. I hope I can watch it again today."

"Okay, good luck mate."

"Thanks, man, and enjoy the movie."

Such a conversation happened to fall into the ears of Grover and other filmmakers. Grover and other filmmakers looked at each other silently, sighed silently, and then walked out of the cinema silently.

"A great movie, maybe." Grover and other filmmakers thought in their hearts.

They don't want to admit it, but they know that even if they don't admit it, it won't help.

What happens in one movie theater is the epitome of countless movie theaters.

At this moment, The Shawshank Redemption has gradually become the only favorite in countless movie theaters in major cities in the United States.

Yesterday's darling, the orangutan man, is gradually being forgotten.

In just one day, such a huge change occurred in the relationship between the two movies, which shocked countless people from all walks of life throughout the United States.

Major media outlets have reported on it one after another. Although such reports make them feel a little depressed and a slap in the face, the news value and popularity are the most important.

And with the reports from major media, many people who don’t usually like to watch movies, and hardly pay attention to movie-related matters, didn’t know about this movie dispute before, or people who have heard about it but don’t have much interest. , and was completely shocked at this time.

What happened? They once doubted whether the report was true.

But more and more media are reporting this, making

^0^ Remember in one second【】

They have to believe that everything is true.

Because it was too exaggerated, it made them, who usually don't like watching movies, have some interest.

"What kind of movie is this? It can change so much overnight."

"I don't know what kind of movie it is, but I know that our American film industry has been greatly embarrassed this time. I heard that before, both the media and ordinary movie audiences ridiculed this movie and believed that people would Setting a record for the lowest box office. I really don’t know why they made such a low-level mistake this time.”

"Actually, you can't blame them. For a movie based on prison, the two leading actors and all the actors are actors without any reputation. No matter how you watch the movie, you won't be able to generate the slightest interest. , it is normal to be looked down upon so much. I can only say that Li Fan of China is indeed a legend, and he can actually make such a movie a classic, and even a great movie. I see that some people have already called it a great movie. ”

"That's true. Although I don't usually like watching movies, I have actually watched a lot of movies. Movies with prison themes are really difficult to get people interested."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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