Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2178 Visiting Shawshank Prison

After sighing at the gate for a long time, a group of tourists entered the prison one after another.

After a passage, there is the prison playground. In the film, the playground is a very important scene. Many stories and many famous dialogues take place in the playground.

For example, Red's remarks about the institutionalization of prisons, and the conversation between Andy and Red before escaping from prison, etc... Wait!

A tourist picked up several small stones on the playground, looked at them carefully for a while and then said: "The wall stones dug out by Andy were thrown in this playground, right?"

A tourist nearby replied: "Yes, there is a scene in the film where Andy throws a rock through his pants. After watching it many times, I found that Andy's location in that scene is probably right here."

The tourist who picked up stones said: "It should be here, so I picked up these small stones here to take a look."

The tourist next to me said: "Maybe we can try to take some photos and videos here. Maybe we can take shots similar to those in the movie."

The tourist picking up stones said: "Good idea, let's start now."

The tourists here were busy taking videos and photos, and the tourists there added: "Red should have been sitting in this position at that time, talking about the issue of prison institutionalization, and there were several inmates sitting around him. "

"Yes, that's the position. I was very impressed. It was the wrong position."

On the other side, another tourist said: "The conversation between Andy and Red before he escaped from prison should have been here. It was through that conversation that Andy left Red with the ability to survive in the outside world. Hope to live.”

"Yes, that's right, this is it. I remember it very clearly."

A group of tourists were looking for the shots that appeared in the film on the playground, and they seemed very excited once they found them.

There were so many people on the playground now, and they had a strange feeling of being transported into the movie. Andy, Red and other inmates were all beside them.

This feeling is very subtle, a bit trance-like, and seems to be somewhat real.

After spending a long time on the playground, a group of tourists slowly arrived at the prison cells.

Tourists are also very familiar with the scene of the prison cell. There are two floors, and the cell on the right hand side of the second floor in the north is Andy's cell.

Next to it is Red's cell.

What tourists want to see most is naturally Andy’s cell. However, due to limited space, it is impossible to allow thousands of people to enter Andy’s cell at the same time.

You can only line up to enter Andy's cell according to the order of arrival.

The first 10 or so people who arrived entered Andy's cell. Everyone was already very familiar with the scenes and things inside.

What they saw was exactly the same as in the film.

Scattered on the windowsill are some baubles carved by Andy in stone, and a huge star poster that has been torn off, framed and hung on a wall for visitors to see.

A Bible was put on the table after adding protective measures. On the front page was written the sentence Andy wrote to the warden after escaping from prison, "My dear warden, you are right, the key to salvation is..." The Word is in it - Andy Dufresne."

Then in the middle of the Bible is a hollowed-out section in the shape of a pickaxe.

Wait... Many things made the tourists feel filled with emotion. After truly coming to Shawshank Prison, they seemed to have some new understanding of the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" .

What impresses the tourists the most is the passage leading to freedom that Andy spent nineteen years digging on one of the walls of the cell.

at this time,

In order to prevent tourists from climbing into the passage and causing danger, the entrance of the passage has been treated so that people can no longer climb into the passage, but they can still see inside the passage.

Looking into the passage, with the help of a light source, one can see through the entire passage. Below the other end of the passage is the long sewer that Andy crawled through.

The dozen or so tourists in the cell were filled with emotion. They still wanted to stay in the cell for a while, but unfortunately the time for the visit had come.

Because there were too many tourists, the on-site administrator stipulated that each group of tourists who entered the cell could only visit for a certain amount of time.

When the time is up, you must come out and let the next group of tourists enter.

There was no other way, so the first group of tourists had no choice but to walk out of the cell with great regret.

After walking out, they suddenly realized a problem. It was really incredible that they would be reluctant to leave a cell.

Of course, there is only one cell in the world that they are reluctant to leave.

Groups of tourists entered the cell and walked out again. Every tourist who walked out was filled with emotions.

Then, a group of tourists came to the prison library. When they came to the library, they naturally thought of the administrator here, Lao Bu. Thinking of Lao Bu's ending, the tourists sighed again.

Of course, this is the previous library scene. There is another library in another place, which was rebuilt after Andy applied for funds.

Both libraries have been preserved intact.

After visiting another library, the tourists came to the prison broadcast room.

It was here that Andy played Mozart's "The Wind Blows Through the Maple Leaf Forest" for all the inmates in the prison, allowing all the inmates in the prison to enjoy a feeling of freedom.

Today, there is still an old-fashioned record player here, which is officially the one that appeared in the film.

"Can this thing still be used normally?" a tourist asked curiously.

The on-site manager replied: "It can be used normally. Of course, the music played in the film was dubbed later."

The tourists nodded. They naturally knew that the music played in the film was dubbed later. It was precisely because of this that the tourist asked curiously.

After coming out of the broadcast studio, a group of tourists came to the roof of a building. This was the place where Andy, Red and several inmates were working on the roof shortly after the beginning of the film.

There is no doubt that this is a very important place.

It was here that Andy successfully solved a problem for the prison guard captain, which led to the subsequent series of stories.

It was here that the prison captain invited everyone to drink beer because Andy successfully solved the problem.

The inmates were drinking beer on the roof, with the sun shining on their shoulders, as if they were free people.

At this moment, visitors seem to be able to see Andy sitting there, with his back against the wall, the sun shining on him, and a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Everything feels so familiar.

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