Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2183 One of the Best Enlightenment Poems

Remember in one second【】

Several people in charge of the adaptation of Chinese textbooks for lower grades of primary schools hurried to the conference room after receiving the notice from the secretary.

I have long heard that Li Fan can create any work very quickly, and now it turns out that it is indeed the case.

They are happy, excited, and looking forward to it!

In the conference room, Wang Xuemin was sitting in person and downloading the works sent by Li Fan from his mailbox.

This kind of thing should have been done by the secretary, but Wang Xuemin didn't let the secretary do it. He wanted to download it himself and enjoy the feeling of anticipation.

Soon, the download was completed, and Wang Xuemin couldn't wait to open it.

There are ancient poems in the front, and text in the back. After Wang Xuemin saw the first ancient poem, his original joy became even more joyful. It is indeed Li Fan's work, it is really extraordinary.

Without enough time to taste it carefully, Wang Xuemin went on to watch the second and third songs...

He wanted to browse through it first and then taste it carefully.

After the ancient poems, I read the texts again, the first, the second, the third...

There are also pictures, and each picture has a vivid charm. Wang Xuemin can be sure that just looking at these pictures without reading the corresponding ancient poems or texts, or just ancient poems or texts without pictures, will definitely be able to arouse Children have a strong interest in learning.

Nowadays, when ancient poems or texts are combined with pictures, the effect is definitely one plus one greater than two. The more Wang Xuemin watched, the more delighted he became. As the director of the film, he couldn't help but get excited.

"Brother Li Fan is indeed qualified and is respected by parents as the 'children's life mentor.'" Wang Xuemin was excited but also felt in his heart.

At this time, several main people in charge walked into the conference room one after another. Wang Xuemin saw them and said: "Everyone, let's take a look at the work sent by Mr. Li Fan first. I have already shared it."

Several of the main people in charge were overjoyed. They had originally wanted to see the works sent by Li Fan as soon as possible, and now Wang Xuemin said this was exactly what they wanted.

I couldn't wait to open it, and the exclamations and sighs from the mouths of the main people in charge never stopped.

After watching it several times, one of the people in charge said with emotion: "As expected of the legendary banished immortal, Mr. Li Fan's talents are unparalleled in ancient and modern times."

Another person in charge also expressed emotion,

"Inviting Mr. Li Fan to write the book is indeed the most correct decision."

Afterwards, several people in charge couldn't help but appreciate Li Fan's works on the spot. The more they appreciated Li Fan's works, the more they discovered the infinite charm of the works, and the more emotional they became.

After a while, a person in charge said: "Minister Wang, almost all parents are now looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's work. Should we announce it to them in advance?"

Wang Xuemin said: "Announce it in advance. There is nothing to hide. Announce it in advance and listen to parents' opinions."

Another person in charge said with a smile: "Of course the parents will not have any opinions this time, but they will only be happy and grateful to Mr. Li Fan. Alas! Don't tell me, if I was studying when I was a child, With such ancient poems and texts, I will undoubtedly be much more interested in learning.”

Another person in charge laughed and said: "It's just that we were born too early. When we were in elementary school, Mr. Li Fan wasn't born yet. These children of school age now, and the children in the future, are indeed much happier than we were at that time. ”

Wang Xuemin said: "If these children can be happy now, we are very satisfied."

Several people in charge said at the same time: "Indeed, this is natural."

Afterwards, Wang Xuemin and several responsible persons had a preliminary discussion on how to select and edit the papers.

After preliminary discussions, the Ministry of Education officially announced to the outside world that Li Fan's works this time include ancient poems, texts, and pictures.

Countless parents are waiting. In their opinion, the Ministry of Education should announce Li Fan's works in advance.

Now, sure enough, the Ministry of Education has officially announced it.

And just as they guessed, it was very fast.

Countless parents couldn't help but sigh in their hearts once again at the speed of Li Fan's creation.

Then, I couldn't wait to start appreciating Li Fan's works this time.

There are ancient poems in the front, text in the back, and all the pictures have been matched.

The first ancient poem, "Mountain Village Ode".

"Two or three miles away, there are four or five houses in Yancun.

There are six or seven pavilions with eighty or ninety flowers. "

It was the first poem Su Qing had seen before.

This poem is the work of Shao Yong, a famous Yi scholar, philosopher, thinker and educator in the Northern Song Dynasty in Li Fan's previous life.

Because this poem cleverly fills in the numbers from one to ten, and has endless charm, in the previous dynasties after the Northern Song Dynasty, it was regarded as an enlightenment poem to teach children to learn to count, recognize numbers, and appreciate the magical uses of numbers.

It can be said to be one of the best enlightenment poems for children.

It was obviously the best time for Li Fan to bring it to the world at this time.

Countless parents were in awe after seeing this poem. This poem is very simple and easy to understand, but the picture it presents is by no means simple, but rather rich, vivid and full of charm. .

Through these simple words, parents can seem to see that the poet came to a mountain village for some reason. The mountain village was very beautiful. As soon as he walked, he unconsciously walked two or three miles and saw four or five families on the way. .

^0^ Remember in one second【】

In addition to other people's houses, I also saw six or seven pavilions. There were flowers blooming around the pavilions or other places along the way.

Count, eighty or ninety flowers.

The pictures are quite rich, vivid, and quite beautiful, and can be easily felt.

What is a good poem? This is a good poem. A poem that can be read and understood by anyone through a few simple words and feel the poetic meaning and imagery is a good poem.

Even people who don’t have any poetic talent, or even people who don’t have any ability to appreciate poetry, can definitely understand this poem and feel the picture it depicts.

The parents couldn’t help but marvel!

Of course, the beauty of this poem is not just the pictures and charm, but also the clever way of embedding the numbers from one to ten and ten into the poem.

And this is especially suitable for children who have never been exposed to ancient poetry before to learn and memorize it.

This poem not only teaches children poetry, but also helps children learn to count and learn from one to ten. How to write ten numbers?

More importantly, it also allows children to experience the wonderful uses and fun of numbers, which is the most wonderful thing.

A child can learn so many things from this ancient poem when he comes into contact with it for the first time. Can you imagine how much inspiration and help this poem will bring to the child?

It is very likely that the child will become interested in ancient poetry, learning, and numbers from then on, or even have a strong interest.

This will be extremely important and precious!

All the parents were once again in awe!

Li Fan is worthy of being a life mentor for children!

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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