Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2184 The mountains look colorful from a distance, but the water sounds silent when up close.

Remember in one second【】

Countless parents have seen Li Fan's first ancient poem "Mountain Village Yonghuai", and naturally Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan and others have also seen it.

After seeing it, I was naturally amazed and amazed.

After a while of emotion, I went to read the second poem, which is called The mountains look colorful from a distance.

“The mountains look colorful from a distance, but the water sounds silent when up close.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. "

This poem was written by Wang Wei, a great poet from the Tang Dynasty in Li Fan's previous life. The original title of this poem was Painting, but Li Fan changed it to Look at the Colorful Mountains from a Distance.

Because, after this change, when everyone saw this poem for the first time, they did not know that it described "painting". They only thought that these lines clearly violated the laws of nature. How could the poet describe it like this?

Isn't this misleading?

Then when you taste it carefully, you will suddenly realize that this poem is not describing nature, but painting.

If what is depicted is a painting, it will be endlessly interesting.

If the title of the poem clearly states that it is "painting" from the beginning, and readers read the poem knowing that it is a "painting", they will not have the surprise feeling of enlightenment after careful appreciation.

Therefore, Li Fan changed the name of the poem.

In addition, this change will have many other benefits for the children who learn this poem. Li Fan believes that teachers and parents can discover it.

The effect of this change was indeed very good. Even Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan did not react immediately.

After Han Zhong read it for the first time, he couldn't help but frown slightly, and said with some confusion, "This second poem seems to have the same charm, but it obviously goes against the laws of nature. Especially the last two sentences, Spring is gone, why are the flowers still there when people approach them, and why are the birds not frightened?"

Bai Yi and Liu Yuan also didn't quite understand.

Of course, if you insist on saying, why are the flowers still there after spring is gone? Because those flowers can also bloom in summer, autumn or winter. When a person approaches, the bird will not be frightened because it is a dead bird.

If you insist on saying this, there is nothing you can do about it. But this is obviously not a brain teaser, and it shouldn't be such a strong argument.


Why did Li Fan write this little poem like this?

Han Zhong frowned slightly, raised his head and accidentally saw a mural hanging on the wall opposite. Then he suddenly realized it, laughed, and said, "It turns out that such a good brother Li has tricked us all. However, It’s a wonderful trap.”

After Han Zhong said this, Bai Yi and Liu Yuan also reacted at the same time and said happily, "That's it."

It is indeed quite wonderful. A few simple sentences seem to violate the laws of nature, but they secretly create a riddle and describe the characteristics of the painting.

When children learn this poem, teachers can completely guide the children to think about why the poet wrote this way and let the children discover the answer on their own.

In this way, children can not only learn a poem with full charm, but also experience the fun of poetry in the process of discovering the answer.

In addition, it can also exercise the ability of positive thinking. After finding the answer, you will also have a sense of joy and accomplishment of success.

This sense of joy and accomplishment may make children fall in love with thinking and exploring.

They know that by thinking and exploring, they may feel the way they do now again.

These are the many benefits that children can get when learning this poem after changing its name.

"It's simply wonderful." Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan once again marveled. They could see Li Fan's ingenuity and good intentions.

Moreover, if you taste it carefully, this poem seems to contain some other feelings.

Flowers bloom to their heart's content in that most beautiful season, and eventually bloom to their most beautiful state like burning their lives.

After being extremely beautiful, it drifted away.

The flowers don't fade at this time, just because they are in the painting.

The birds are not frightened, but they don't know that their youth is gone and the years have passed, leaving only so much regret.

The paintings in the poem seem to represent a kind of dream, a dream that is visible but unobtainable, but that kind of dream can only be remembered when the human mind is in a quiet state.

But the last resort is a fact. The poet can only look for the last thing in the world that can express his feelings with a touch of meditation.

People have gone, leaving empty flowers. Birds are not frightened, and people come again. There is no eternal beauty, and all beauty will be hidden in illusion.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were thoughtful. This poem might really contain such feelings, or maybe they were overthinking it.

Of course, for children, there is no need to think about this.

When countless parents saw the second poem, they were stunned for a while before they realized it. Some parents even waited until others on the Internet gave the answer before finally realizing it.

This is not to say that many people are not smart enough, but because they have never thought that a poem can be a puzzle.

Li Fan's poem "Looking at the mountains from a distance is colorful," opened everyone's eyes. It turns out that one can compose a poem like this. He is worthy of the legendary banished immortal.

After the parents suddenly realized this, they were naturally pleasantly surprised. The surprise here was the poem itself.

After the surprise, the parents slowly tasted the benefits that their children could get from learning this poem.

Now, after the surprise, all the parents felt an even bigger surprise.

"It's great. It's great. Mr. Li Fan is amazing."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Well, my children are so lucky to be able to learn such ancient poems. Thank you Mr. Li Fan”

"When the children learn this poem, they feel that they can gain so much. The more I think about it, the more exciting it becomes. The children are born in the best era."

"Mr. Li Fan's idea is really wonderful, and I can see Mr. Li Fan's good intentions. I hope that when children learn this poem in the future, they will not let down Mr. Li Fan's good intentions."

"This requires teachers and us parents to guide the children well. I am very excited and looking forward to this."

"Me too, I hope to see this poem in the textbook soon. Of course, there is also the previous poem "Mountain Village Ode". Well, it is the third poem that follows. Let me see what the third poem is."

"Okay, let's look at Mr. Li Fan's third poem. It's really exciting."


The third poem follows, called Grass

"The grass on the plain grows brighter and wither every year.

Wild fire, in spring. "

This poem was written by Bai Juyi, a great poet from the Tang Dynasty in Li Fan's previous life, and its original name was Fu De Gu Yuan Cao Farewell.

The original poem has a total of eight lines, and there are four more lines at the end

"The distant fragrance invades the ancient road, and the clear green meets the deserted city.

I also sent the king and grandson away, full of love. "

For children, the last four sentences were obviously too complicated, so Li Fan only intercepted the first four sentences and named them grass.

This poem is quite strange. Just the first four lines can form a complete poem on its own.

Moreover, it is also full of charm and philosophy.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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