Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2185 The text makes parents read with gusto

Remember in one second【】

"Farewell to the Ancient Grass" is Bai Juyi's famous poem. When he wrote this poem, Bai Juyi was only sixteen years old.

When it comes to this poem, we have to tell a story between Gu Kuang and Bai Juyi.

In the third year of Zhenyuan, the young Bai Juyi came to the capital for the first time and visited with his poems. At that time, he was already a great poet Gu Kuang. The first poem he wrote was "Farewell to Ancient Original Grass".

Before Gu Kuang read Bai Juyi's poems, he first saw Bai Juyi's name and joked: "The price of rice is expensive, and the price of living is not easy."

This means that the price of rice in the capital is too expensive, and it is not easy to live here.

Then I started to read Bai Juyi's poems, and the first one was, "The grass on the Lili Plain dries up and flourishes every year. The wild fire cannot burn it out, but the spring breeze blows and grows again."

After seeing this poem, Gu Kuang sighed again and again, saying, "If you get a word from the Tao, it will be easy to live in it."

I mean, if you can write such a poem and live here, what's the difficulty?

As a result, Bai Juyi became famous and opened a brilliant chapter of a generation of great poets.

And this song "Farewell to Fu De Gu Yuan Cao" has also become a masterpiece that has been passed down through the ages.

Now, Li Fan has brought the first four lines of this poem to the world. He believes that this little poem can also become the eternal song of this world.

Countless parents naturally marveled at Li Fan's third poem.

This poem is also very easy to understand in terms of words and words. Anyone can understand it. It is simple but not ordinary.

Wild grass is an annual plant. It flourishes in spring and withers in autumn. It cycles through the years and grows endlessly. The phrase "one year old and one withered" is a simple and vivid word, which shows the life cycle of wild grass in spring and autumn. bad.

"Wild fires cannot burn them all, but spring breezes blow and they grow again." Weeds have tenacious vitality. They cannot be cut down or hoeed away. As long as a few roots remain, they will be greener and longer in the coming year, and they will quickly spread across the wilderness.

However, here we do not say "can't cut it all off, we can't cut it off with hoeing", but instead write "the wildfire can't burn it all off", which creates a heroic artistic conception. Wildfires ignited a prairie fire, and the flames were terrifying. In an instant, large tracts of dead grass were burned to the ground.

The reason why the power of destruction and the pain of destruction are so emphasized is to pave the way for the subsequent emphasis on the power of regeneration and the joy of regeneration.

Fierce fire can burn all weeds including their stems and leaves.

However, no matter how fierce the fire is, the roots hidden deep in the ground are helpless. Once the spring breeze turns into rain, the life of the weeds will revive, and with rapid growth, they will cover the earth again, smiling at the abuse of fire.

The language in the whole poem is natural, fluent and neat, every word contains true feelings, and the language has an aftertaste, which can be described as a masterpiece.

All the parents shook their heads and chanted aloud. The more they read, the more they felt that it had endless charm and a kind of philosophy contained in it.

This kind of simple yet charming poem, which also contains some kind of philosophy, is perfect for children to learn and master.

Countless parents were filled with emotion.

"This is another excellent poem suitable for children to learn! If I could read a poem like this when I was young, it might have inspired me to have a strong interest in poetry. Now, I may have become a famous poet A great poet."

"Don't mention it, it is really possible. If this kind of poetry could have appeared ten or twenty years earlier, there might be many more great poets now. We also studied poetry when we were young, but those poems It’s really hard to get our little ones interested in poetry.”

"I still remember the poems I learned when I was a child. Compared with these poems by Mr. Li Fan, the gap is really huge. We learned poems like that when we were young, and it's really pitiful to think about it now."

"So, today's school-age children, and children in the future, are extremely happy."


Parents are lamenting, and so are the three great poets Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan. They really don't know how to evaluate Li Fan's poetic talent.

For Li Fan, writing a good poem seems as simple as drinking water and walking. How to evaluate this? What should I say?

Li Fan wrote a total of seven ancient poems this time. In addition to the first three poems, there is also a fourth poem "What I See".

"The shepherd boy rides the ox, and his singing shakes the forest.

He wanted to catch the chirping cicada, but suddenly he stood up with his mouth closed. "

The fifth song is "Painting a Chicken".

“There is no need to cut off the red crown on your head, and you will walk into the future covered in snow-white.

I dare not speak softly in my life, and thousands of doors will be opened at once. "

The sixth song is "Mountain Travel".

"Far up the Hanshan Mountain, the stone path is sloping, and there are people living in the white clouds.

Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the leaves are as red as the flowers in February due to frost. "

The seventh song is "Xugong Store, Suxin City".

“The fence is sparsely one foot deep, and the flowers on the treetops have not yet formed shade.

The children hurriedly chased the yellow butterfly, which flew into the cauliflower and was nowhere to be found. "

Each of the seven poems is simple and full of charm. For children, this is the best poem for them to learn. Even for adults, it is a classic worth savoring.

Poets led by Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan, as well as all poetry lovers and countless parents, were all excited.

Li Fan is the only one in the world who can write poems so simple and easy to understand, yet so extraordinary.

After the seven poems, there are several texts specially written by Li Fan, which parents are also very concerned about.

The first article is titled "Spring is Coming".

“Spring is coming, spring is coming.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Came to the small river,

The stream flows happily.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Came to the fields,

The grass is green and the flowers are blooming.

Spring is coming, spring is coming.

Arriving at the bird’s home,

The birds sang beautiful songs.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Came to the campus,

The campus is full of laughter and laughter. "

Then comes the second piece "Autumn"

“Autumn is here and the weather is getting colder.

Pieces of yellow leaves fell from the trees.

A group of wild geese flew south,

After a while, they formed the character ‘人’.

After a while, they formed the character ‘one’. "

Then comes the third piece "The Little Painter in the Snow".

“It’s snowing, it’s snowing!

A group of little painters came to the snow.

The chicken draws bamboo leaves, the puppy draws plum blossoms, the duck draws maple leaves, and the pony draws the crescent moon.

No paint or pen, just a few steps to create a painting.

Why didn't the frog participate? It's asleep in the hole! "

The more the parents read, the more delighted they became. These texts were very simple, but they did not seem childish. They read them with gusto, especially the third text "The Little Painter in the Snow", which was even more eye-catching.

This text is very lively and interesting, and it can make children actively think about many issues.

A group of little painters painted in the snow. How did they paint?

Why don't you use paint or a pen and just take a few steps to complete a painting?

Why does the chicken draw bamboo leaves? Why does the puppy draw plum blossoms? Why does the little duck draw maple leaves? Why did Xiaoma draw the crescent moon?

In addition to drawing bamboo leaves, can the chicken draw other things?

Other small animals are painting, but why does the frog fall asleep in the hole?

There are many questions that can make children think actively, and children will definitely be very interested in thinking.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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