Remember in one second【】

After "The Little Painter in the Snow", there are several texts.

Such as "Four Seasons".

"The grass buds are sharp, and he says to the birds: 'I am spring.'

The lotus leaves are round, and he said to the frog: "I am summer." ’

The ears of grain are bent, and he bows and says: ‘I am autumn. ’

The snowman’s belly bulged out and he said mischievously: ‘I am winter. ’”

This text is also lively and interesting, and can also arouse children's interest and make them think actively.

For example, why does a grass bud say that it is spring? Why does the lotus leaf say that it is summer?

Through these thoughts, let the children discover for themselves that these things are very representative things in the corresponding seasons.

Then it can further stimulate children's thinking. In addition to what is mentioned in the text, what are the representative things of each season?

Children will be very interested in thinking about it.

Texts that can arouse children's interest in thinking actively are undoubtedly excellent texts. The previous three texts are so, and so is this "Four Seasons".

Parents are getting more and more delighted, and there are still several texts to follow.

For example, "Little Boat".

"The crescent moon is a small boat, and the two ends of the small boat are pointed.

I sat in the small boat and saw only the twinkling stars and the blue sky. "

Another example is "Tall Honey Locust Tree", "Two Iron Balls Landed at the Same Time", "Cao Chong Weighs the Elephant", "Monkey Fishing for the Moon", "Let's Swing the Sculls" and so on.

These texts, coupled with Li Fan's hand-drawn illustrations, aroused all the parents' interest, and they even had the idea of ​​going to school and becoming students again.

This idea is somewhat absurd, but yet so true.

"After reading these texts by Mr. Li Fan, I really feel like I want to be a student again. This is definitely my true thought."

"I trust you,

Because I have this idea too. These texts must be very interesting to learn, and I really want to dream back to my childhood. "

"If we had a text like this when we were young, maybe I would have been a good kid who loved learning."

"We missed it, but luckily our kids caught up. I'm a little envious of my kids."

"Thank you Mr. Li Fan. I know that once Mr. Li Fan takes action, people will never feel even a little bit disappointed."

"Thank you Mr. Li Fan, thank you for being the life mentor of the children!"


Ministry of Education.

Wang Xuemin personally checked on the Internet to see parents’ comments and reactions to Li Fan’s work.

After seeing all the comments from parents, Wang Xuemin was not surprised, but still looked excited.

In the past, the Ministry of Education would also publish the ancient poems and texts selected for inclusion in primary school Chinese textbooks on the Internet in advance to collect opinions from the outside world and parents.

Every time, there are mixed reviews, and even more criticism than praise. What kind of vision is behind the selection of materials? Can such ancient poems and texts be selected? Some people may even say that choosing such a text is not misleading students.

But this time, the reactions of parents were almost all excitement, excitement and anticipation. Only a very small number of thoughtful people were just deliberately trying to smear the story.

Wang Xuemin was very excited and immediately called Li Fan to express his gratitude.

Li Fan said on the phone that he would have a gift to give to children across the country in two days.

"A gift?" Wang Xuemin's eyes lit up. He could probably guess that the gift Li Fan was talking about should be a work suitable for children to read.

The works that Li Fan gave to the children are absolutely extraordinary. Not to mention the earth-shattering "Three Character Classic", the popular science book "One Hundred Thousand Whys" is also an extraordinary work.

Now Li Fan is going to give his children another work. Once the news spreads, it will definitely make countless parents and children extremely excited.

In fact, Li Fan's work specially created for Chinese language textbooks for lower grades of primary schools is already the best gift for children.

If you could give children another work, it would be a gift among gifts.

What will it be? Wang Xuemin is looking forward to it!

Then, Wang Xuemin asked Li Fan on the phone if he could release the news to the outside world in advance.

Li Fan said yes.

As a result, the Ministry of Education once again announced a message to the effect that in two days, Li Fan would have a gift to give to children across the country. Of course, it can also be considered as a gift to parents across the country, so stay tuned!

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar on the Internet.

Originally, countless parents were very happy and excited after reading the ancient poems and texts specially created by Li Fan this time.

I was having an exciting discussion on the Internet, and now I saw such news, and my excitement was simply superimposed several times.

What is the gift Li Fan is talking about? Parents can also guess it, and there should be nothing wrong with it.

"Mr. Li Fan has just created so many ancient poems and texts, and now he has to create another work for children. I really don't know what I should say to Mr. Li Fan?"

"From previous works such as "The Three Character Classic" and "One Hundred Thousand Whys", as well as these ancient poems and texts this time, we can see that Mr. Li Fan attaches great importance to children's education.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, our children are so lucky to be born in Mr. Li Fan’s era. "

"Mr. Li Fan's works for children are absolutely extraordinary and really exciting!"


Sansheng Village.

The next gift Li Fan prepared for the children has already been prepared, but he will not announce it for two days.

This gift is another work of Li Fan's previous life, one of the three traditional children's enlightenment books, "Hundred Family Surnames".

In the previous life, "Hundred Family Surnames", "Three Character Classic" and "Thousand Character Classic" were collectively known as the three traditional children's enlightenment books.

The "Three Character Classic" has been published in this world before, and now it is the turn of "Hundred Family Surnames".

Respected by parents as the "children's life mentor", Li Fan feels proud and has an extra responsibility. He wants to bring more works suitable for the children of this world to read.

"One Hundred Surnames" is one of the most important works.

In the previous life, "Hundred Family Surnames" was a household name, and almost everyone knew it, even if few people could recite it completely.

Although most people cannot recite "Hundred Family Surnames" in its entirety, almost everyone knows the opening sentence "Zhao Qian Sun Li".

There are also many people who know the last sentence "King Zhou Wu and Zheng". Next to "Feng Chen Chuwei", far fewer people know about it.

Later, fewer and fewer people knew.

But no matter what, almost everyone knows the work "Hundred Family Surnames" and the opening sentence "Zhao Qian Sun Li".

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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