Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2189 Starting from the Origin of Surnames

Remember in one second【】

Everyone is puzzled and wonders why Shen Cong said that "Zhao" ranks first in "Hundred Family Surnames". Is it related to Qin Shihuang, the emperor of the ages?

But they did not question Shen Cong's words, but were waiting for Shen Cong to explain further.

Shen Cong did have something to say. After a while, Shen Cong continued to update Weibo.

He said on Weibo that each of us should know something about the character of Qin Shihuang. We know that his surname is Ying Mingzheng, and we also know that he believed that his contribution was better than that of the previous Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, so he adopted the name "Emperor" from the Three Sovereigns. , the "Emperor" of the Five Emperors constitutes the title of "Emperor", and he calls himself the First Emperor.

He is indeed the first monarch to use the title "Emperor" in the history of our country, and is truly the First Emperor.

Why do I say that in "Hundred Family Surnames", "Zhao" ranked first is related to Qin Shihuang?

Because in addition to having a "surname" and "given name", Qin Shihuang also had a family name.

Surnames have their own culture and inheritance. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the "surname" and "family name" in the surname were actually different.

The surname is determined by the origin of the ancestral examination. Those who belong to a clan, do not divide their descendants into their own. Therefore, there is no distinction between high and low surnames. The noble ones have surnames, and the lowly ones have no surnames.

Therefore, before the Qin and Han Dynasties, people with status should be called "surname + given name" instead of "surname + given name".

The era of Qin Shihuang was the late period when surnames merged, so people with status should also be called "surname + given name".

There is also a saying that women are called surnames and men are called surnames.

No matter which theory is used, it is said that at that time, it was inappropriate for us to call Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng. We should use Qin Shihuang's "surname + first name" to call Qin Shihuang.

Note that what I say here is inappropriate, not impossible.

So, what is the "family" of Qin Shihuang?

According to historical records, "The first emperor of Qin was Prince Zhuangxiang of Qin. King Zhuangxiang was Qin's proton in Zhao. When he saw Concubine Lu Buwei, he took him and gave birth to the first emperor. In the first month of the forty-eighth year of King Zhao of Qin, he was born in Handan. His name was born. For politics, his surname is Zhao."

It can be seen that the surname of Qin Shihuang is Zhao.

In addition, there are many theories about Qin Shihuang's surname being Zhao.

for example,

The Qin royal family and the Zhao royal family are of the same lineage. The ancestors of the Qin royal family were once attached to the Zhao royal family, so they took the surname of the Zhao royal family.

For another example, Qin Shihuang was born in the State of Zhao, and took the place of his birth as his surname, so his surname was Zhao.

There are many opinions and they are all controversial, but it is certain that Qin Shihuang's surname is "Zhao".

Therefore, Qin Shihuang’s surname was Ying, his family name was Zhao, and his name was Zheng. According to the name naming method in Qin Shihuang’s era, Qin Shihuang should be called “family name + given name”.

In other words, it is more appropriate to call Qin Shihuang Zhao Zheng than to call him Ying Zheng.

Of course, after the Qin and Han Dynasties, the surname and surname were combined into one, and we have become accustomed to calling Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng, and there is no problem in continuing to call him Ying Zheng.

But we must know the relevant statements about Qin Shihuang's surname Zhao.

To sum up, in my opinion, it is for this reason that Mr. Li Fan ranked "Zhao" first in "Hundred Family Surnames".

Shen Cong's explanation is quite detailed. The reason why he wants to explain in such detail is naturally to take this as an opportunity to naturally promote the surname culture.

After countless parents and netizens saw Shen Cong's explanations, they suddenly realized that this was the case. This really improved their knowledge.

Although this may not be 100% Li Fan's original intention, Shen Cong's explanation is absolutely convincing, and there is no better reason than this.

Li Fan's original intention should be the same.

Parents and netizens were excited. It turned out that there was such a saying about surnames. In addition to the surname and given name, Qin Shihuang actually had a surname, and the surname was more noble than the surname.

So, this means that the number one "Zhao" in "Hundred Family Surnames" is actually a family name, not a surname.

Of course, today, surnames have become one, and "Zhao" is both a family name and a surname. It is not wrong to say it is a surname.

But if we have to pay attention to it, it would be more appropriate to say Shishi.

What we are talking about here is "Zhao", which ranks first in "Hundred Family Surnames", rather than the surname "Zhao".

After the sudden realization, parents and netizens continued to discuss and discuss on the Internet excitedly. They gradually discovered that they had a very strong interest in surnames.

Before this, they never thought that one day, they would become interested in the surname. I never thought that there are so many opinions about surnames.

Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, surnames and surnames were separate. So, how did the surnames and surnames originate?

My surname is Zhang, why is my surname Zhang? Because my father’s surname is Zhang.

Why is my father’s surname Zhang? Because my grandfather’s surname is Zhang.

This seems to be a joke, but if you keep pushing up, you will find a problem, that is, the first person with a surname, his father must not have a surname.

Surnames did not exist from the beginning of time, but were created later by humans.

So, how did it originate?

Also, my surname is Wang. Where did the surname "Wang" come from? His surname is Liu, where did the surname "Liu" come from?

I remember that Li Fan mentioned in his related mythological works that the Yellow Emperor's surname was Ji. Why was the Yellow Emperor's surname Ji?

Parents and netizens have gradually become extremely interested in all the related surname issues.

And this is exactly what Shen Cong, Cen Geng and Wang Xuemin said, the best way to promote surname culture

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Good opportunity.

In Shen Cong's office, Wang Xuemin said excitedly: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Cen, the opportunity has indeed appeared."

Shen Cong smiled and said: "This is expected, so let's strike while the iron is hot and promote our Chinese surname culture. Where should we start? Naturally, we should start with the origin of surnames."

Cen Geng nodded and said, "Yes, let's start with the origin of the surname."

So, Cen Geng updated his Weibo and posted a notice saying that he would start talking about the origin of his surname for all interested friends to listen.

Cen Geng and Shen Cong planned to use this method to explain it roughly first, and then explain it in detail through other ways.

Cen Geng's Weibo also spread throughout the Internet immediately. Countless parents and netizens were excited. They had just become very interested in the origin of the surname. Cen Geng immediately came to explain to them. It's just perfect.

"Haha! Mr. Cen must have heard our thoughts and came to explain it to us so quickly. Thank you Mr. Cen, I can't wait."

"The origin of the surname should be able to be traced back to a very long time ago. I look forward to Mr. Cen's explanation."

"It's really exciting. Let's get started."


Countless people were talking excitedly and getting ready to listen.

And Cen Geng’s explanation officially began.

:. :

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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