Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2190 The Origin of Surnames

Remember in one second【】

Cen Geng’s explanation officially began.

He said that in ancient Chinese society, the social and geographical environment was very complex, and people were scattered in various places. In order to facilitate mutual contact, distinction and communication, people in each local group gradually formed code names with their own characteristics - surnames. .

The mysterious origin of the surname has become a unique treasure in Chinese culture.

Therefore, the origin of surnames can be traced back to primitive society five thousand years ago.

Surnames are divided into surnames and surnames. Surnames and surnames are the symbols of a tribe. Surnames are the main body and surnames are branches. The two are different from each other and related to each other.

In primitive society, the earliest role of "surname" was to distinguish human groups.

Why distinguish between human groups?

That's because in the matrilineal clan era, with the continuous development of society and productivity, people of the same blood gathered together to produce and live, forming the earliest tribes.

In the social era when tribes were formed, a new understanding of marriage gradually emerged. It was discovered that the offspring produced by marriages between close relatives of the same blood were often unhealthy, and they gradually realized that marriage should occur between non-close relatives.

Therefore, the marriage between men and women of various ethnic groups has gradually entered the stage of inter-ethnic marriage from the most primitive chaos.

And because it was a matrilineal society at the beginning, many people only knew their mothers, but not their fathers. Children born from the mating of men and women could only be raised by the mother's clan, which resulted in the formation of each tribe and clan. All the people in it are the phenomenon of the same ancestor.

Later, with the continuous development of history, the continuous progress of productivity and the continuous improvement of production levels, people gradually had fixed living places. In order to meet the needs of production and life and marriage between men and women, it was also the need for each tribe to meet each other. distinction, thus forming the original code name - surname.

This is how the "surname" came into being.

After the "surname" came into being, one of its main functions was to identify the descendants of different races in the tribe and facilitate intermarriage between different races.

Therefore, the emergence of surnames marks the transition from group marriage to blood relationship marriage, and is an important milestone in the progress of human civilization.

The surname is the main body, representing the origin of the ancestral clan, so the surname can never be changed. There is a folk proverb in our country that expresses that the surname cannot be changed, "A man will not change his name in work, and he will not change his surname in office."

The surname passed down from the ancestors basically does not change from generation to generation.

Surnames originated in matriarchal primitive society, so at that time, "surnames" always had the prefix "female" next to them.

Among them, eight surnames are the most famous, namely: Ji, Yao, Gui, Si, Jiang, Ying, Ji, and Gui.

We call them the eight major surnames in ancient times.

These eight surnames are the origin and treasure of all surnames. Most of our current surnames evolved from these eight surnames.

"Eight major surnames in ancient times?" Almost all parents and netizens heard about it for the first time, which made them feel faintly excited, especially the parents and netizens with the surnames of these eight castes.

"Wow haha! My surname is Gui. There are very few people with this surname, and it is a bit unfamiliar. Many people don't know it and don't know how to pronounce it? I have said it countless times, 'gui, pronounce gui.' This makes me quite happy. I'm a little depressed. Now I know that our surname is one of the eight surnames in ancient times and is the origin of the surname. Suddenly I feel so awesome."

"My surname is Si. This surname is also rare, and many people don't know it. The number of people with the surname Si in the country is probably less than the number of people with the surname Gui. It seems that there are less than 5,000 people. It is definitely a small surname. However, there is no Thinking that it was one of the eight major surnames in ancient times, I suddenly felt so awesome."

"My surname is Jiang. I only know that there was an awesome person with this surname in ancient times, named Jiang Ziya. Now I know that it turned out to be one of the eight surnames in ancient times. Awesome! Awesome!"


Parents and netizens of the eight major surnames are very excited. These eight major surnames are considered minor surnames today, especially the uncommon surnames such as Gui, Si, Ying, Ji, and Wei. However, they did not expect that these surnames are actually the oldest surnames. They all have a history of four or five thousand years, which makes parents and netizens with these surnames instantly feel that their surnames are too awesome.

All very excited.

Cen Geng's explanation continued.

Having just finished talking about the origin of "surname", let's now talk about the origin of "surname".

A surname is a branch of a surname, which is derived from a surname.

We all know that primitive society was a matriarchal society at first, but later it gradually developed into a patriarchal society.

This is because with the continuous development of productivity, stronger and more powerful men have gradually become the main producers in society.

In a patriarchal society, people's productivity level has been greatly improved, and the average life span has been extended. In addition, the birth rate has been greatly increased, and the mortality rate has gradually decreased. This has resulted in an increasing number of people in the tribe, and the natural environment in the area where the tribe is located. The ecological environment is gradually insufficient to support the development of more people.

Therefore, some people migrated to other areas and formed multiple new tribes.

The original tribe and several new tribes all have the same surname, making it difficult to distinguish them.

In order to distinguish these tribes with the same surname, a new name was derived based on the "surname", which is "shi".

This is how Shi appeared.

The emergence of surnames has caused differences between tribes that originally had the same surname.

Later, surname refers specifically to the leader of the tribe.

For example, the Yellow Emperor, whom we are very familiar with, is also called Xuanyuan.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The "shi" here can only be qualified to be called a clan by the leader of the tribe.

Of course, there are also different opinions on the emergence of Shi.

For example, in a patriarchal society, the population is increasing, and the number of tribes is also increasing. As time goes on, people are no longer equal, but are distinguished by superiority and inferiority.

This is inevitable for social development.

The distinction between high and low emerged among people, and then gradually there were slaves, civilians, and nobles, and the entire society slowly transitioned into a slave society.

At this time, in order to show that they were different from the slaves and civilians, some nobles added a surname after their surname.

This is another way of saying that Shi appears.

From this statement, we can know that nobles have surnames and surnames, while slaves and commoners only have surnames and no surnames.

Therefore, it can be said that the emergence of clan marks the entry into class society in human history.

Therefore, there is also a saying that women are called "surname" to distinguish between marriages, and men are called "shi" to distinguish between high and low.

The origin and function of surname is a little more complicated than that of "surname", but "surname" appears after "surname" and is a branch of surname. It evolved from surname. This is certain.

The surname He is the product of the progress of human society and the two stages of civilization.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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