Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2193 Want to learn how to write ancient poems

Remember in one second【】

Zheng Jie continued: "That kid should be interested. He is very interested in works about children's education."

Shen Cong said with a smile: "That's true, that's why those parents respect him as the 'children's life mentor'. Little friend Li Fan does have this qualification."

Cen Geng said: "I wonder where little friend Li Fan is now? Should we give him a call?"

Shen Cong said: "No need for now, maybe we will meet him later."

Cen Geng nodded and said, "This is the best."

At this time, the four of them had already entered the village and were walking in the direction of Yuanlaiju.

Along the way, there was an endless stream of tourists. Regarding tourists, the biggest change that Shen Cong and Cen Geng felt was that there were obviously many more foreign tourists now than when they came last time.

If you look around now, you can see several foreign tourists.

This can only show that the influence of Xianyuan Farm in the world has become greater and greater.

Shen Cong and Cen Geng were quite emotional.

Just as I was sighing, I came to a small forest ahead. It is autumn now, and pieces of yellow leaves fall from the trees from time to time, spiraling and falling. It is very beautiful, attracting many tourists to stop here.

Shen Cong, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, and Cen Geng also stopped here.

Shen Cong sighed: "What a beautiful scenery with falling leaves. Such a beautiful scenery can really make people poetic. Little friend Li Fan's poetic talent is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. I don't know how beautiful it is with the beautiful scenery everywhere in this village. Will there be some connection?"

Cen Geng said: "It should be related to some extent. As the saying goes, where the soil and water nourish a person, the soil and water in Sansheng Village nurtures little friend Li Fan."

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "Don't tell me, living here for a long time can really make people's thinking more active. If I had lived here when I was young, I might be able to write more works than the ones I have now. A much more classic piece.”

Liang Sheng also smiled and said: "It's a pity that we arrived too late."

Shen Cong laughed and said, "This is really regrettable."

Several people were talking, and a father and son were having a conversation next to them.

It aroused the interest of several people.

My son, who was about 10 years old, had just caught a piece of yellow leaf falling from the tree in the air. He seemed quite excited and said: "Dad, Dad, I have learned an ancient poem, and one of the lines goes like this , 'The rain has passed over the idle fields, and the fallen leaves are heavy with yellow.' Do you think the 'falling leaves with heavy yellow' in this poem are like what we see now?"

The father, who was about thirty-five or six years old and wearing glasses, smiled and said, "That's what it looks like. Look at the yellow leaves all over the ground, aren't they beautiful?"

The son nodded hurriedly and said: "It's really beautiful, Dad, I like to play here. Dad, I think writing poems is so interesting. Why doesn't the teacher teach us to write poems?"

The father said: "Didn't the teacher teach you to learn ancient poetry? You just read it, and this is teaching you to write poetry."

The son wondered: "Is this teaching us this poem? Then why don't I know how to write poems now?"

"This..." My father was suddenly speechless. How should I answer this question?

After hesitating for a long time, his father said: "Well... you are still young and it doesn't matter if you can't write poetry yet. As long as you read more ancient poems, especially Mr. Li Fan's poems. When you grow up a bit, , can write poetry.”

The son said: "It would be great if there were teachers who directly taught us how to write poems. Now that we are learning ancient poems, I feel like we are just learning the ancient poems themselves, rather than learning how to write poems?"

"This..." The father was at a loss for words again. He realized that what his son said did make sense. What they were learning was indeed ancient poetry, not how to write poetry?

But there is no problem. Isn’t learning ancient poetry all about learning to appreciate and feel the ancient poetry itself? How can anyone learn how to write ancient poetry?

There is simply no way to teach or learn this.

Writing poetry is not about literacy and sentence making, so there is no way to teach it.

Moreover, not all students want to learn how to write poetry. Even if the teacher has the means to teach it, he cannot teach it in the classroom.

After hesitating for a while, my father said, "There is no such thing as directly teaching how to write poetry, and the teacher is not easy to teach. But it doesn't matter. Dad believes that as long as you are willing to read more ancient poems, you will definitely be able to write ancient poems yourself in the future. "

The son said unhappily: "Okay, then I will read more ancient poems in the future. It would be great if I could write poems like Uncle Li Fan."

"This..." The father was speechless for the third time. It wasn't that he didn't believe his son, but that his son's idea was too unrealistic.

Who is Li Fanna? He is a banished immortal in the sky. He is called the Immortal of Poetry. His poetic talents are unparalleled in ancient and modern times. No one can compare. Every poem is an absolute classic.

It is definitely a fantasy for his own son to write poems as good as Li Fan.

Of course, he would not discourage his son's enthusiasm, and said with a smile: "Okay, you can follow Uncle Li Fan's example and try to write poems as good as Uncle Li Fan's. By the way, Uncle Li Fan's How many poems can you recite?”

The son replied: "Many, many, including "Compassion for the Farmers", "Goose Goose", "Spring Dawn", "Wing the Willow", "A Visit to the Garden Is Not Worth It", "The Road to Shu is Difficult", and the new "Mountain Village" written by Uncle Li Fan. "Yong Huai", "Looking at the Colorful Mountains from a Distance", "Grass", etc... etc., many, many poems."

Father has some

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Surprised, he said: "Can you memorize so many things? Can you also memorize "The Road to Shu is Difficult"?"

The son excitedly said: "Yes, yes, yes, gurgle, gurgle, how dangerous it is! The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky! There are thickets of silkworms and yufu, how confused is the founding of the country! You are forty-eight thousand years old, and you are not as good as Qin." Saitong is crowded..."

The son excitedly began to recite "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

The father was even more surprised. He could not recite the song "The Road to Shu is Difficult", but his son could recite it.

It seems that his son really likes ancient poetry, and his father is very happy and very proud.

Then I felt a little regretful. Unfortunately, there were no books on how to recite poems correctly, and the teachers didn't know how to teach them.

Otherwise, we can really let our son learn how to write ancient poems.

My father felt extremely sorry.

Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng completely listened to the conversation between the two father and son.

After listening, they looked at each other, quite pleased.

A 10-year-old kid who likes ancient poetry so much wants to learn how to write ancient poetry?

This is indeed a gratifying thing.

What's even more gratifying is that there are definitely not just these children, there are probably many more across the country.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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