Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2194 Is there really such a work?

Remember in one second【】

Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng all felt very happy.

However, after being overjoyed, I fell into thinking again. The father was right. How to write poetry? This does not seem to be teachable.

They previously wanted to ask Li Fan to write a book to improve children's writing skills, and they only wanted to improve children's writing skills in composition.

As for my writing ability in poetry and poetry, it would be best if I could improve it, but that’s just a hope.

Writing poems and composing poems requires one's own talent. If one's own talent is not enough, read a lot of poetry. After a certain amount of reading, you should be able to write poetry.

But the poems written in this way are probably difficult to say are excellent.

This means that writing poetry requires your own talent or a large amount of reading foundation. It is almost impossible for others to teach you how to write poetry.

The kid might be disappointed.

Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng all felt very sorry.

After a while, Zheng Jie said: "Perhaps we can ask Li Fan if he can teach people to write poems and rhymes? Although we think there is no way, it does not mean that the boy can't do it either."

Shen Congdao: "Is there anything Li Fan can do?"

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "Perhaps there really will be. You have to know that there are very few things in this world that can stump that boy."

Shen Congdao: "Old Zheng, when you say this, I suddenly feel hopeful."

Zheng Jie said: "Anyway, just ask that guy directly later, you're welcome."

Shen Cong smiled and said, "Okay, you're welcome."

After staying in the grove for a while, the four of them left the grove and continued walking in the direction of Yuanlaiju.

When Yuanlaiju was about to arrive, Zheng Jie laughed and said, "I just said that it is very likely that I will meet that boy."

Shen Cong also smiled and said, "Let's get there quickly."

Not far ahead, Li Fan was walking leisurely and slowly. When Zheng Jie and Shen Cong saw him, he also saw the four of them.

Then he quickly walked towards the four of them.

Li Fan was not surprised when Shen Cong and Cen Geng came to the village. On the phone a few days ago, Shen Cong said that he might come to the village in the next few days.

Now it's really here.

After approaching, Li Fan laughed and said: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Cen, welcome! Welcome! I just said that the sunshine is so comfortable today. It turns out that the two elders are here."

After Shen Cong and Cen Geng greeted Li Fan one after another, Shen Cong smiled and said, "Should we show that we are particularly grateful for what Li Fan said?"

Li Fan said: "Mr. Shen, just do whatever you want."

Afterwards, several people chatted and laughed for a while.

After that, Shen Cong and Cen Geng told Li Fan that they wanted to help.

"Oh? Works on improving children's writing skills?" Li Fan said.

Shen Cong nodded and said: "Exactly. In addition, I wonder if little friend Li Fan can teach people to recite poems, write poems and compose poems?"

Li Fandao: "Teaching people to recite poems and compose poems, and write poems and poems? Why does Mr. Shen have such a plan?"

Shen Cong then told about the previous conversation between the father and son in the woods, and then said that they actually had such an idea.

In fact, not only children, many adults also want to learn how to write poems? Although we have now reached modern society, there are actually very many people who are very fond of traditional literary forms such as poetry and couplets.

This can be seen from the countless poetry societies, large and small, across the country.

If it weren't for the large number of people who like poetry and couplets, there wouldn't be so many poetry societies across the country.

Moreover, there are many large and small poetry events and couplet events all over the country, and they are often held.

The National Poetry Association will also officially hold some large or small poetry events from time to time, just like the previous Jiannanguan Poetry Event.

It was also at that poetry event that Li Fan's majestic and eternal poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" came out and spread throughout the world, making countless people fascinated.

Every few days in Sansheng Village, someone will organize a poetry meeting or a couplet meeting here. Every time it is very lively, there are many people participating, many of whom come from far away places.

Li Fan, the banished immortal and poet, lives here. Everyone always feels that there is a special spring of literary thoughts here. Here, you can always write some poems that are beyond your own level, or you can meet some pairs that you would never be able to get right.

Poems and couplets are so popular, so there are naturally many people who want to learn how to recite poems and make poems.

Therefore, if Li Fan can really teach people to write poems and poems, and if they can recite poems correctly, it will not only benefit the children, but all the people across the country who are interested in poetry and couplets.

"Is it possible to improve children's writing skills and teach people to recite poems and compose correct works at the same time?" Li Fan thought in his mind that there really is such a work.

Li Fan originally wanted to find an opportunity to launch "The Thousand Character Essay" after "One Hundred Surnames", but now it seems that he can change his plan.

Before launching "The Thousand Character Essay", another work will be released first.

People in this world are indeed very fond of poetry and couplets, and there are indeed many people who want to write good poems and write them well.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Although it is true that writing good poems and making good poems requires a high degree of talent and talent, if the talent and talent are really not enough, it is not impossible to train them the day after tomorrow.

There was a saying in the previous life, "If you read three hundred Tang poems by heart, you will be able to recite poems even if you don't know how to recite them." It means that you can compose poems through hard work.

I just want to say that if you want to develop a good poem and make a good couplet, it is not difficult to write a good poem, but it is almost impossible to write a top-notch poem and make a top-notch couplet.

Writing top-notch poems and making top-notch dialogues does require talent and talent. No matter how hard you work the day after tomorrow, it is almost in vain.

But for many people, they do not need to write top poems and make top pairs. They only need to write excellent poems and make excellent pairs.

This can be achieved through hard work the day after tomorrow.

Then, a good teaching work is very important.

Putting aside everything else, this teaching work must first make people very interested in reading it and learning it.

"Read 300 Tang poems by heart, and you can recite them even if you don't know how to recite them." These 300 Tang poems must at least make people interested in reading them.

Of course, "three hundred" is just an imaginary number. It does not mean that reading only three hundred songs is enough.

If three hundred Tang poems can't arouse people's interest, let alone three hundred, it is estimated that even reading three thousand or thirty thousand poems will be of no use. If you can't recite poetry, you still can't recite poetry.

Therefore, a good teaching work must first of all have a very important premise, that is, it can generate enough interest in people.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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