Remember in one second【】

Two days later.

At 10 a.m., Li Fan officially uploaded Detective Di Renjie to Qidian Chinese.

Countless people logged into Qidian Huawen early. Waiting, excited and looking forward to it.

When Li Fan successfully uploaded the first chapter, everyone who was waiting cheered and clicked in immediately, very impatient.

The very beginning of the first chapter is a simple background introduction.

In the first year of Tianshou, Wu Zetian changed the name of the Tang Dynasty to Zhou and redefined the border with the Turks.

At this time, the northwest border showed unusual tranquility and peace. The Zhou Dynasty and the Turks reopened their border markets, merchants from the two countries traded with each other, and the people lived in harmony.

On the Silk Road, camel and horse caravans from various countries traveled day and night under the stars and the moon, and the rivers and rivers were peaceful and peaceful.

However, at this time, the Turkic Khan Gu Duolu suddenly died of various illnesses, and his son Jili hastily succeeded to the throne. The main war faction within the Turks, headed by Modu, took this time to brazenly launch a war against the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The sound of war drums shattered the tranquility that had only lasted for a few years in the northwest border. The war rekindled, and the two countries were once again plunged into war. Both sides dispatched heavy troops in Hexi, Longyou, and Gannan. The national transportation of the two countries was depleted. During the war, On and off, for more than ten years.

Wherever the war went, life was devastated and the people were devastated.

In the first year of Wu Zetian's Dazu, the Turkic Khan Jili sent a peace negotiation delegation headed by his brother Shibi to Chang'an, ending the more than ten years of war between the two countries.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, everyone from the emperor Wu Zetian to the common people rejoiced, and the whole country was full of joy.

The whole story begins when the Turkic peace delegation enters Beijing.

Seeing this background introduction, all book fans knew clearly that this must be the story of Di Renjie solving crimes as an adult.

Moreover, the story begins with the Turkic peace delegation entering Beijing. The background is a bit big, and it may involve two countries.

Could it be that this first case is a major case involving both countries?

Judging from the background introduction, it is very possible, and everyone is very excited and looking forward to it.


The Turkic peace delegation has arrived in Beijing. Wu Zetian is sitting in the Jinluan Palace, waiting for the Turkic peace delegation to arrive together with the Manchu civil and military officials.

Since it is the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, book fans are naturally looking forward to Di Renjie's appearance the most.

However, the next conversation between Wu Zetian and Zhang Jianzhi made book fans depressed. Wu Zetian said that there was only one person missing in the court today, and then asked the officials if they knew who the person she was talking about was?

Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi said that the man was Di Renjie.

It turned out that Di Renjie had been demoted to Pengze County Magistrate for some reason before. He was serving as Pengze County Magistrate at this time and was not in the hall at all.


The book fans were a little depressed. They were looking forward to Di Renjie's appearance, but who knew that Di Renjie was not here.

However, book fans who are familiar with history nodded. In real history, Di Renjie was indeed demoted to Pengze County Magistrate for a period of time for some reason.

Apparently, this story also started when Di Renjie was the magistrate of Pengze County.

Di Renjie is not in the court now, so of course it doesn't matter. Let's see how the story develops next.

The Turkic peace delegation finally arrived, and the brother of Jili Khan paid an audience with Wu Zetian. After some congratulations, he presented the Turkic sacred object Duobaozhu on behalf of Jili Khan. It was a strange treasure, and Wu Zetian was very satisfied.

Later, Wu Zetian also gave generous gifts to the envoy. Everything went very smoothly and the two sides were very friendly.

Afterwards, the Turkic mission bid farewell.

The Turkic envoys left in such a hurry, which made Wu Zetian and the ministers suspicious. Logically speaking, the Turkic envoys should not have left in such a hurry.

Zhang Jianzhi deduced that perhaps there was an unexpected incident within the Turks and the mission had to leave in a hurry.

Even though Wu Zetian had doubts, she could not force the Turkic peace delegation to stay, so she had to arrange for the Ministry of Ceremonies to send them off, and ordered Princess Yiyang, the daughter of Prince Changle Li Yong, to marry Jili Khan as a sign of permanent peace.

When we got here, everything was normal and calm.

However, next, a sudden change occurred.

First, the earthen kiln where important prisoners of the imperial court were imprisoned suddenly caught fire, and the prisoner Liu Jin was rescued. And Liu Jin holds an important list related to national security. Once this list falls into the hands of the rebel party, the world will be in chaos.

The person who rescued Liu Jin wore a helmet and could not see his appearance, and called himself "Viper".

Every time he appears, a poisonous snake will appear first. He calls himself "Viper", which is quite appropriate.

Viper has extremely high martial arts skills and is a cold-blooded killer who is good at using an Orchid Sword. Every time a person kills someone, a poisonous snake will be used to clear the way. After the killing, a lake silk handkerchief with the "viper" logo printed on it will be left at the scene.

who is he? Will it be against the party? Why did he want to rescue Liu Jin from the imperial court? Could it be that what he wants is chaos in the world?

The originally calm scene suddenly became no longer calm, and suspense suddenly arose.

The changes are far more than that.

Immediately afterwards, the Princess of Yiyang, who followed the Turkic envoys and went to the Turks for marriage, and her attendants and guards were suddenly assassinated. The attendants and guards were all killed, and the Princess of Yiyang was also killed and destroyed. The appearance.

The Turkic peace delegation took advantage of the chaos and left the city, and then disappeared without a trace.

This incident revealed something strange. The Turkic envoys and Princess Yiyang's escorts were assassinated together. Why were all the attendants and guards of Princess Yiyang killed? The Turkic mission is not only fine

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, can you still take advantage of the chaos to escape?

Why did they flee directly to the city instead of returning to seek Wu Zetian's protection? Logically speaking, it would be much safer for them to return to seek Wu Zetian's protection than to flee the city directly.

Also, the killer killed Princess Yiyang, why did he destroy her appearance? Isn't this unnecessary? Is it to prevent others from knowing that it is Princess Yiyang? But anyone can see through such obvious means.

Could it be that the killer had some special purpose in destroying Princess Yiyang's appearance?

No matter how you look at it, things are by no means simple. All the book fans' eyes are wide open. They already have a premonition that a shocking case is about to happen.

And the fact is that a shocking case soon occurred!

When Wu Zetian heard about the fire in the earth kiln, the prisoner Liu Jin was rescued, and the murder of Princess Yiyang, and the Turkic envoy took advantage of the chaos to leave the city and disappeared, she was shocked and angry. She ordered the fourth-rank Qianniu Guards, whom she trusted very much, to Lang Jiang Hu Jinghui thoroughly investigated two matters and must find the prisoner Liu Jin.

However, things are far from that simple.

An urgent document was delivered to the capital six hundred miles from Gannan Road. Zhang Jianzhi was shocked when he saw the urgent document. He went to see Wu Zetian overnight. Wu Zetian was also shocked when she heard Zhang Jianzhi explain the situation.

It turned out that the document stated that the Turkic peace delegation was ambushed as soon as it entered the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The entire delegation was killed in the Gobi. Only Li Yuanfang, the captain of the escort team who escorted the delegation, was missing.

This means that the Turkic peace delegation that Wu Zetian received two days ago was obviously fake.


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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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