Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2218 Only Di Renjie can solve the case

Remember in one second【】

All the book fans were also shocked that the Turkic peace mission was fake. This was a bit too incredible.

Who are the fake missionaries? It is almost absolutely certain that they were the gangsters who ambushed and killed the real mission.

A team of gangsters disguised as sudden peace envoys easily sneaked into Chang'an in full view of the government and the public, and even went to the court to talk with Wu Zetian about major diplomatic issues between the two countries.

Such an act is too thrilling.

The empress Wu Zetian and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty did not have the slightest suspicion. If the mission was fake, it would be too real. It was simply unbelievable.

The gangsters are so arrogant, how can the court be safe?

Moreover, the loss is not only the face of the Zhou Dynasty, but also may have very serious consequences.

Just imagine, if the news that all the Turkic envoys were killed was known to the Turkic Khan Gilead, the war between the two countries that had just been extinguished would surely reignite.

The northwest border will once again fall into boundless war, countless lives will suffer again, and the people of the two countries will suffer from the war again.

The consequences were extremely serious, and Wu Zetian was shocked and angry.

Now, only by finding out the truth about the murder of the Turkic mission as soon as possible, finding out the real culprit behind the scenes, and giving an explanation to Jili Khan can the matter have a chance.

So, what is the truth behind the murder of all the Turkic envoys? Why were all the huge team of envoys killed?

You must know that the entire envoy team reached 166 people, including 46 Turkic envoys and 120 escorts sent by Zhou Dynasty to protect the Turkic envoys.

The escort team is led by captain Li Yuanfang, who is the best among the best.

How could such an elite team be killed by a group of gangsters, with only the captain Li Yuanfang missing?

Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi analyzed that there was only one possibility, and that was to have internal support and external support.

In other words, there is a traitor in the escort team.

Who is the traitor? The answer seems very obvious, that is, the only one who was not killed and whose whereabouts are unknown is the captain of the escort team, Li Yuanfang.

This analysis is reasonable and reasonable,

Wu Zetian believed that Li Yuanfang was a traitor. In anger, she made Li Yuanfang the most wanted criminal in the imperial court. After discovering the arrest documents, she launched a nationwide hunt for the traitor Li Yuanfang.

Is Li Yuanfang really a traitor? In the eyes of book fans, it is indeed very possible.

After all, Zhang Jianzhi's analysis is reasonable, and it seems that this is the only way to make sense.

"Li Yuanfang is quite courageous." This is basically what the book fans are thinking at this time.

At this time, they did not realize that Li Yuanfang was a very important person.

Catching the traitor Li Yuanfang is a top priority, but it is even more urgent to uncover the mystery of the murder of the Turkic mission and the purpose of the fake mission entering Chang'an.

Otherwise, the war between the two countries will surely reignite.

However, the whole case is weird and complicated, and it is not easy to find out?

Zhang Jianzhi said that there was only one person in the entire Zhou Dynasty who could solve the case.

Wu Zetian naturally understood who Zhang Jianzhi was talking about? While rectifying border affairs to prevent Turkic invasion, he urgently dispatched Di Renjie to Beijing to solve the case.

When they saw this, all the book fans were extremely excited, excited and looking forward to it.

This case is much bigger and more complicated than they imagined. It is an absolutely shocking case!

The first case was such a complicated and shocking case, it was really exciting.

What makes them even more excited is that Wu Zetian, Zhang Jianzhi and everyone else understand that only Di Renjie can solve this case.

The book fans laughed excitedly. As long as Wu Zetian, Zhang Jianzhi and others knew that only Di Renjie could solve the case, let's leave the matter to Di Renjie and see how Di Renjie peeled off the cocoon layer by layer to find the final truth?

Di Renjie finally appeared!

Pengze County.

Di Renjie was solving a case as soon as he appeared on the scene. It was just a small case.

It probably said that a farmer named Tuesday went to the Yamen to report that his wife had hanged herself.

As the county magistrate, Di Renjie led the police officers and went to Tuesday's home to inspect the scene in person.

Upon arriving at the scene, Di Renjie knew that Tuesday's wife did not hang herself, but was killed by Tuesday. After killing his wife on Tuesday, he disguised her as hanging herself.

Di Renjie smiled and said to Tuesday, if he were Tuesday, what would he do after killing his wife?

Di Renjie said five points in total, and these five points were all flaws left on Tuesday.

Finally, Tuesday broke down and admitted that he had indeed killed his wife.

Such a small case was obviously too easy for Di Renjie.

This can be regarded as a warm-up for Di Renjie's appearance. Next, it is time to set off to investigate the extremely complicated and shocking case.

Book fans are all looking forward to it!

Sure enough, after Di Renjie solved the case of killing his wife on Tuesday, the imperial edict arrived, prompting Di Renjie to rush to Beijing.

Di Renjie did not dare to neglect and immediately set off back to Beijing.

At the same time, another character also officially appeared, that is, Li Yuanfang, the court's most wanted criminal.

Because the dynasty issued a sea arrest document, whoever successfully captured Li Yuanfang would receive a large reward, which was also a great achievement.

Therefore, whether it is for the people in the yamen for merit, or for the

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The people in the world who have received the bonus are all trying their best to hunt down Li Yuanfang.

And they could always discover Li Yuanfang's whereabouts, as if someone was leaking Li Yuanfang's whereabouts to them.

Therefore, Li Yuanfang had experienced dozens of battles in a short period of time and was seriously injured. In order to treat his injuries, he had to take the risk and sneak into Lingzhou City for treatment.

Seeing this situation, many book fans sighed in their hearts, "Li Yuanfang's martial arts seems to be very high. Otherwise, how could he only be injured after dozens of battles? Although the injury is relatively serious, but no matter what, he is still injured." A serious injury is just an injury.”

Then, there seemed to be a strange feeling gradually, that is, Li Yuanfang did not seem like a bad person.

Is he really a traitor? Is there another secret? Book fans have gradually begun to have such doubts.

Of course, it was just a little doubtful.

For Li Yuanfang, they still don't have any special feelings at this time.

Li Yuanfang took the risk and sneaked into Lingzhou City to treat his injuries, but his whereabouts were leaked again.

In the evening, when Li Yuanfang was resting in an inn, a group of police officers who received the news quietly sneaked into the inn where Li Yuanfang was resting, preparing to take advantage of Li Yuanfang's serious injury to capture Li Yuanfang and obtain a great achievement.

However, a mysterious person appears.

The mysterious man took action and killed the police officer who was about to attack Li Yuanfang, and also pointed out a way for Li Yuanfang to survive.

The mysterious man told Li Yuanfang that no matter how high his martial arts skills were, he would definitely die if he kept fighting like this. His only way to survive is to go find Di Renjie. Only Di Renjie can save him.

The mysterious man also told Li Yuanfang that Di Renjie had been ordered to investigate the murder of the Turkic mission and was now on his way back to Beijing and would arrive at Jiangzhang tomorrow.

Li Yuanfang's only chance of survival is to go to Jiangzhang tomorrow to look for Di Renjie.

Who is the mysterious man? Why did he point out a way out for Li Yuanfang? Does he sincerely want to rescue Li Yuanfang?

These are all questions.


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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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