Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2265 Spread (Happy Lantern Festival!)

Then, Li Bo smiled faintly and said: "Forget it, let's not worry about whether 'Gu Yong' is a real name or a pen name. Having said that, what kind of works will the online novel authors in Lan Guo create? Is this really true? It’s very curious.”

Yang Qiming nodded and said: "It is indeed very curious. Whether it is "Zhu Xian" or "Fights Break the Sphere", there are elements of the Chinese country in the lines. I don't know the works created by the online novel authors of Lan Guo. Will there still be Chinese elements?”

Li Bodao: "If you are an author who is familiar with Chinese culture, there will be more or less Chinese elements. If you are not familiar with Chinese culture, you probably won't be able to incorporate some Chinese elements even if you want to. .”

Yang Qiming said: "That's true. In short, after they create their works, it is necessary for us to take a look."

Li Bo said: "This is natural. Not just us, I estimate that most online novel authors and online novel fans are very curious about Lan Guo's local online novels. There should be no shortage of Lan Guo's online novels in our country Readers. Of course, this is just the beginning. After the novelty wears off, will Lan Guo’s online novels still have readers in our country? It’s hard to say.”

Yang Qiming said: "In short, we need to pay attention to this."

Li Bo nodded, naturally he agreed with Yang Qiming's statement.

What kind of online novels can the online novel authors in Lan Guo create? Languo's online novels, as well as the Chinese online novel world, are very concerned about it.

But the answer to this mystery will not be revealed so quickly.

It is not easy to create a work, let alone a complete newcomer who has never created a novel before. It takes a certain amount of time for them to create the work.

Even though everyone is very curious and looking forward to it, they also understand it very well and are willing to wait.

While waiting, other countries on the Western continent began to pay attention to the news about online novels, and as expected, news came out.

The online novel has caused such a big stir in Lan Country, and other countries in the Western Continent will naturally take notice.

This was also expected by everyone before. The online novels from China were going to invade not only the country of Lan, but many countries in the world.

Now, Yulan Kingdom has spread to other Western countries.

At the beginning, book fans from other countries didn’t know what online novels were? He seemed very confused.

"Everyone has heard of the term 'online novel', right? What exactly is an online novel? Why has it become so popular all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, I just know that online novels were created by Gu Yong of Hua. A month ago, Lan Guo introduced online novels from Hua. So far, there have been two works of Lan Guo's online novels. One has already It’s finished, and one is being serialized. Both works were created by Gu Yong himself.”

"That's not the point. The point is that book fans in Lan State seem to have great respect for online novels. Traditional novel writers in Lan State have also begun to attach great importance to online novels. Does this mean that online novels are very good?"

"Perhaps it's not just that it's good-looking. If it's just good-looking, the traditional novel writers in Lan Country probably won't attach great importance to it.

It can be seen from some related reports that traditional novel writers in Lan State have felt the tremendous pressure brought by online novels, and they are even seeking changes. "

"Seeking change? What change are they seeking? They are writers writing novels, what kind of changes can they seek?"

"That's not clear. I also know it from relevant reports. However, it should be related to online novels."

"What kind of novel is an online novel? This is really very curious."

"Among the two novels that appeared in Lan Guo, the one that has been completed is called "Zhu Xian", and the one that is being serialized is called "Fights Break the Sphere". If you want to know what online novels are? Just read these two novels. ”

"It's not nonsense. The key is that we can't see these two novels. Our country has not introduced online novels."

"Your country has not introduced it, and our country has not introduced it. Now in the entire Western Continent, only one country, Lan Guo, has introduced it."

"Since Lan Guo can introduce it, our country should also be able to introduce it. Why doesn't anyone in our country introduce it?"

"Perhaps it's because the publishing houses in our country don't know the concept of 'online novels'. They don't know how to introduce it? However, they must already know it now. Let's see if anyone is willing to introduce it?"

"You shouldn't say to see if anyone is willing to introduce online novels. You should say that you don't know who will be the lucky one to introduce online novels. Why do you say that? Because from now on, there will definitely be many publishers who want to introduce online novels, and there will be competition. It will definitely be very intense. Think about it, it has only been more than a month since Languosande Publishing House introduced online novels, and online novels have already made such a big noise. This shows that the market prospects of online novels are very good , beyond people’s imagination. Such a good market prospect naturally represents a large amount of profit returns, which must be a very scary number. Under such circumstances, how can publishing houses in other countries not Crazy action?”

"It seems like this is true. So, we can also read online novels?"

"The key depends on whether Gu Yong of China is willing to cooperate with our country's publishing house? I think he is willing. Since he has already cooperated with Lan State, he should not refuse other countries. Therefore, we can It should be possible and certain to read online novels. But online novels are the works of China after all, so I don’t know if we can read them?"

"Since Lan Guo's book fans admire it so much, we can naturally read it."

"Well, that's true. Okay, let's see what kind of magic the online novel has. Can it capture Lan Country in such a short period of time?"

"I'm very curious and looking forward to it. I hope we can introduce online novels earlier?"


Book fans in other Western countries are very interested in it, and are very curious and looking forward to the online novel that has conquered the country of Lan at a very fast speed.

They are all waiting for their country's publishing house to reach a cooperation agreement with Guyong to introduce online novels to their country. They want to get a glimpse of what kind of magic online novels have?

Happy Lantern Festival everyone!

Are you going to have sex tonight?

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