Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2266 Quickly addicted

In addition to book fans, traditional novel authors from other Western countries have also noticed the sudden rise in fame of online novels.

Their concerns are naturally different from those of book fans.

Among them, the traditional novel authors in Lan State attach great importance to online novels, and the fact that many authors decide to change due to online novels is what concerns them the most.

They are confused and do not understand why traditional novel authors in Lan State attach great importance to online novels?

The birth of online novels took less than a year even in China, and just over a month in Lan.

Is a new type of novel that was born in such a short time worthy of the traditional novel authors of Lan Guo paying so much attention to it?

Moreover, most traditional novel authors attach such importance to it.

Authors of traditional novels from other countries felt very incomprehensible. What makes them even more incomprehensible is that many authors of traditional novels in Lan Country have actually made the decision to change.

This is not a secret, so all traditional novel authors from other countries know this.

If the traditional novel authors in Lanzhou only attach great importance to online novels, the traditional novel authors in other countries may not understand it, but they can reluctantly accept it.

But now there are so many authors of traditional novels from Lan Guo who want to make changes because of online novels, which is difficult for them to accept.

Isn't this a bit too exaggerated? The authors of traditional novels in the Lan Kingdom are somewhat incompetent.

"Online novels? It was born less than a year ago, and it only lasted for just over a month in Lan Country. Even if it has a special charm that attracts readers, we, traditional novel authors, don't need to pay so much attention to it."

"In my opinion, the authors of traditional novels in the Lan Kingdom are too indifferent. It would be fine if only a handful of authors are like this, but now it is the majority of authors who are like this. It is really hard to understand."

"However, I have to admit that the development speed of online novels is indeed very fast. There must be a reason for its rapid development. But no matter what the reason is, we don't need to change because of it."

"For the traditional novels of Lan State, online novels are undoubtedly an invader. Judging from the current reaction of the authors of traditional novels of Lan State, online novels have successfully invaded. Perhaps, online novels will also invade soon. This is really not good news for our country."

"Maybe it's not good news, but we don't have to worry at all. We won't be like the traditional novel authors in Lan Kingdom."

"I kind of hope that online novels will invade. I want to see what kind of power online novels have. Can they frighten the traditional novel authors of Lan Guo like that?"

"I want to read it too, so let the online novels come freely."


Many traditional novel authors are not worried at all about the online novels that are about to invade their countries.

From their point of view, they are not like the traditional novel authors in Lan Kingdom. Online novels come as they come, just to satisfy their curiosity.

What exactly are online novels? It can frighten the traditional novel writers of Lan Kingdom into that kind of appearance.

There are also some traditional novel authors who have a different mentality. They are a little worried about the upcoming invasion of online novels.

Although they also don't understand why the traditional novel authors of Lan Kingdom are so scared? But they believe that there must be a reason why Lan Guo's traditional novel writers would be frightened like that.

This worries them. When online novels invade, will they become as flustered and uneasy as the traditional novel authors in Lan Country?

The answer is unknown, and it is precisely because the answer is unknown that they are worried.

The best way is of course not to allow online novels to invade their country. They do not welcome online novels, but they know that this is almost impossible.

The market prospects of online novels in Lanzhou cannot leave their country's publishing houses indifferent.

On the contrary, domestic publishing houses will compete fiercely.

The invasion of online novels is already 100% fact.

And, it won’t be a long wait.

That's why they seemed worried.

Just as book fans in other Western countries and traditional novel authors have analyzed, publishing houses in various countries are indeed competing fiercely to introduce online novels from China.

Publishing houses in various countries that believed they had hope all sent people to China as soon as they learned about the relevant news.

At Xiaojianghu Studio, Rao Qianqian received waves of representatives from publishing houses in Western countries who came to discuss the introduction of online novels.

In the end, after asking Li Fan for his opinion and getting Li Fan's approval, Rao Qianqian selected a publishing house in each country. The selected publishing house will be the same as Lan Guo's Sander Publishing House, as an online novel agency operations in their countries.

After the dust settled, the publishing house that was successfully selected was naturally overjoyed. They immediately started preparations for the official operation of online novels in their own country. They wanted to have online novels appear in their own countries in the shortest possible time. within the country.

The other publishing houses that unfortunately failed to win are very regretful and helpless. After all, they still failed to seize such business opportunities.

Some publishers who were unsuccessful did not rush to return to China, but continued to stay in Xiaojianghu Studio and Sansheng Village, wondering if there were any other business opportunities?

Sander Publishing House in Lanzhou can be the first to introduce online novels, and they may also be the first to discover some business opportunities.

Who knows?

Half a month later.

Agent publishing houses in other Western countries have successively completed preparations for the introduction of online novels. Online novels have been launched in other Western countries.

The first two works to be launched are still "Zhu Xian" and "Fights Break the Sphere".

Book fans from all over the world who have been eagerly awaiting it will finally be able to see the legendary online novel. Finally, they are about to know why online novels can quickly make book fans in Lan Guo addicted.

They couldn't wait any longer and were already prepared.

Therefore, they clicked in as soon as the online novel was officially launched. Some people choose "Zhu Xian", while others choose "Fights Break the Sphere".

Regardless of whether you choose "Zhu Xian" or "Fights Break the Sphere", the effect is the same.

All the same, book fans from other countries quickly became addicted.

After Lan Kingdom, online novels successfully invaded various Western countries.

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