Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2268 Let’s start with imitation first

Authors of traditional novels from Lan Guo and other countries gradually came to think of this.

This surprised them again, although if online novels had not appeared, the traditional novel market would have started to shrink significantly, and it might have continued to push back for a while.

Maybe one year, maybe two years, or some other time, but this time won't be too long.

The market for traditional novels will become smaller, so that’s a given.

A group of traditional novel authors were not aware of this problem before, but now they are aware of it, which suddenly makes them feel scared.

Because, after they thought about it carefully, they found that the market for traditional novels has become smaller, and it has actually begun to trend.

It’s just that no one has noticed this trend before.

I don’t know when it started. Many traditional novel authors slowly discovered that the performance of their works was getting worse little by little, and the number of readers seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

In the past, they just thought that readers were too demanding, or that they happened to write about a certain point that readers didn't like, which led to the performance getting worse little by little.

They thought it was only temporary.

But now, they suddenly discovered that the real reason was that their traditional novels were gradually no longer meeting the current market demand.

It is precisely because of this that some readers gradually stopped reading novels.

And this is the trend that the traditional novel market is beginning to shrink. They didn't know it before, but they know it now.

This both scares them and makes them feel lucky.

Needless to say, they felt scared. The reason why they felt lucky was because the timely emergence of online novels allowed them to discover in time that the traditional novel market was beginning to shrink. This terrible trend gave them enough time and energy to think and operate. What should I do next?

After thinking of this, many traditional novel writers were surprised to find that they should also be grateful to Gu Yong.

Otherwise, when one day you are eliminated by the market, you still don’t know why?


"Should we really be grateful to Guyong? Thanks to his online novels for successfully occupying our novel market?"

"His online novels have invaded our novel market, and we have to thank him. No matter how you look at it, this seems a bit absurd. But it seems to be true."

"It's a bit ridiculous, but we should really thank him, shouldn't we?"

"Okay, I admit, I should really thank him. He gave me enough time to think about how I should continue my creative career."

"I have to admit that in the current social environment, compared with our traditional novels, online novels do have the advantage of being more adaptable to the current social environment. Gu Yong can launch online novels in a timely manner, and his keen market judgment ability, It is indeed far beyond the comparison of ordinary people. It is no wonder that he has such a great reputation in China. To use a Chinese saying, under the great reputation, there is no falsehood."

"Indeed! There was Li Fan first, and then there was Gu Yong. China is not a simple country!"

"No matter what, we really need to think carefully about our next creative path. Since we have been warned in advance,

Then I don’t want to be eliminated by the market. "

"No one wants to be eliminated from the market. Everyone, please work hard. I am afraid that the competition will become more and more fierce in the future. I see that the new online novel writers are coming fiercely. If we don't work harder, we may be defeated by them. "

"Market competition has always been fierce and cruel. Come on, come on, I can't wait."


Another half month has passed.

In the past half month, "Fights Break the Sphere" has been serialized simultaneously from the original two countries, China and Lan, to simultaneous serialization in Lan and various Western countries.

The number of readers of "Fights Breaking the Sphere" is increasing, and its plot is becoming more and more exciting, making more and more readers more and more trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

After a month of preparation and deliberation, the work of Lan Guo's local online novel authors was finally born.

The first local online novel was officially uploaded to the Languo branch of Shortly after the first work, many more works were uploaded in succession.

Lan Guo's book fans have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and they can't wait.

As soon as the first work was officially uploaded, countless book fans clicked on it. Regardless of the quality of the work, they first felt a sense of intimacy.

The first work is called "The Legend of Immortality", and the name is straightforward. There are two chapters uploaded in total. It is obviously imitating the opening chapter of "Fights Break the Sphere".

Just from the opening chapter alone, "Fights Break the Sphere" is obviously easier to imitate than "Zhu Xian".

After reading two chapters, it seems to be quite relevant. Fans of Lan Guo's books are very happy. Although the traces of imitation are heavy and there is almost nothing of my own, it is at least a good start.

Most of the many works uploaded after "The Legend of Immortality" are imitating the opening chapter of "Fights Break the Sphere". Because they are high imitations, they all look the same.

Not only is the content imitated, but the language style is also imitated. If it weren’t for the fact that the author is a local online novel author from Lan State, book fans would probably think it was written by an author from China.

This makes book fans a little bit regretful. Although they like the language style of "Fights Break the Sphere" very much, since it is a local online novel of their country of Lan, they still hope to have more imprint of the language style of the country of Lan.

Of course, book fans also know that we cannot have too high demands on local online novel authors. It is already very good that they can imitate to this extent.

When I can create whatever I want in the future, I should be able to focus on Lan Guo's language style.

Of course, among the works that have been uploaded, not all of them imitate "Fights Break the Sphere" or "Zhu Xian". There are also a few authors who may disdain to imitate, or do not want to imitate, or they may have the confidence to write They produce their own things, and there is almost no trace of imitation in the beginning of their works.

The quality of their work... is a little hard to say.

After reading it, Lan Guo's book fans almost all commented like this, "Well... let's start with imitation first."

There are no traces of imitation. Languo's book fans were very happy to finally have a truly local online novel.

But after reading the whole article, they really didn’t know what the author was writing about? It's a mess and I don't know what to say.

This makes them regretfully come to the conclusion that their local online novels are still in the learning stage, so they should start with imitation.

Otherwise, it would be really terrible!

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