Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2269 Really taking root and sprouting

Book fans in China are also very curious and looking forward to Lan Guo's local online novels.

Qidian Chinese website obviously understands the needs of book fans very well, so it has officially selected and translated some works and updated them on Qidian Chinese website.

Book fans in China can all see it, and they can’t wait to click on it.

After reading it, I nodded with some satisfaction. Those works not only imitated the opening chapters of "Fights Break the Sphere" or "Zhu Xian", but also had obvious Chinese imprints in the use of language style.

This shows that the online novel authors in Lan Guo are very self-aware and know how to start correctly.

At the same time, this also means that China’s online novels have an absolute leading role in the field of online novels, which makes Chinese book fans very satisfied.

Of course, Qidian Chinese website officials also selected some of the works that had no trace of imitation. After reading these works, Chinese book fans felt a little want to laugh.

What a mess, even those works from China that completely hit the streets are much better than these works.

People who can upload this kind of work can be considered very courageous and confident.

Unfortunately, sometimes, just having courage and confidence is not enough. Those guys haven't learned to crawl yet, it's like they've learned to run. The result is that they take too long a step and tear their eggs.

Of course, the laughter of Chinese book fans is not to ridicule, but to simply find it a bit funny when they see those works that they don’t know what they are called.

The works written by those who refuse to imitate are incomprehensible. Book fans in China can understand this. Online novels seem to have no barriers, but it is not easy to write well. .

I hope those guys can honestly start by imitating and borrowing from their first works.

Otherwise, except for a very small number of talented writers, most writers will probably continue to struggle.

Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo also saw online novels from the Lan Kingdom.

Yang Qiming smiled and said: "It's pretty much what we expected. The high imitation works are so-so, and the non-imitation works are incomprehensible."

Li Bo said: "This is indeed normal. For the online novel community in Lan State, their local online novels have finally begun to take off. As long as they can follow Gu Yong's pace, the future development should be optimistic enough. "

Yang Qiming nodded and said: "It should be quite optimistic, as long as they don't act self-righteously. Now that Lan Guo's local online novels have begun to take off, other countries in the West will surely not be far behind. The development of online novels is becoming more and more lively. "

Li Bodao: "This just proves that online novels are really suitable for the current novel market. Maybe one day in the future, online works will appear at the Times Literature Award ceremony."

Yang Qiming said: "It's unlikely, but it's not completely impossible. It's hard to say what will happen in the future."

Li Bo said: "Let's see the final development level of online novels."

Lan Guo’s local online novels have officially begun.

Book fans from other countries will naturally be able to learn the relevant news as well.

This made them very envious and a little anxious.

Languo has already taken the lead in introducing online novels from China, and now local online novels have taken the lead again. Book fans from other countries are a little anxious.

They also hope that local online novels can appear in their country. The feeling of reading online novels native to your own country is definitely different from the feeling of reading online novels imported from China.

They appealed online.

"Local online novels have begun to appear in Languo. No matter how good the quality is, at least they have started. When will our country have its own online novels? Those who have ideas in their hearts must act as soon as possible."

"Indeed, anyone who has an idea in mind can boldly try it, and we will definitely support it."

"Since those people in Lan State can change from book fans to authors, we can certainly do the same. The key is that we need people to try. Everyone, get excited and start writing online novels. I am optimistic about you."

"I can't wait to support our local online novel authors, please come out and let me support them. Recommendation votes and rewards are all available."

"Yes, yes, recommendation votes and rewards will be provided every day."


Under the appeal of a large number of book fans, some people who had reluctantly planned to write novels but had been hesitant to make up their mind finally no longer hesitated.

They decided to start trying to write online novels and become an online novel author.

Since book fans have already said that they will definitely support their works regardless of the quality, then what is there to hesitate and worry about?

It must be a very good feeling to become an online novel author and create your own works for other people to read and comment on.

As a result, people from other countries began to start writing online novels.

Most of them may not be able to persist and will choose to give up midway, but there will always be people who can persist, and there will definitely be people who will achieve final success.

As long as there is a start, there will definitely be a pretty good result.

Book fans from all over the world are delighted and looking forward to it.

As people from other countries began to try to create online novels, online novels began to truly take root in the Western continent.

After staying for a certain period of time, it will definitely show a prosperous attitude.

At that time, online novels must have also spread to several other continents in the world. Online novels have taken root all over the world. Chinese online novels, led by Gu Yong's works, have also spread to all parts of the world, influencing Book fans from all over the world, as well as local traditional novel writers.

By that time, online novels may become one of the most influential novel types in the world, or even one of them.

Of course, the influence mentioned here only refers to its popularity.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was actually a little surprised that online novels could develop so rapidly in other Western countries. The development speed was faster than he imagined.

However, if you think about it carefully, this seems normal. Compared with the previous life, the novels in this world are relatively scarce. This is true for China, and it is true for other countries in the world.

There is a relative lack of novels, so it is reasonable for online novels to develop so rapidly.

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