Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2282 I will go there in 2 months

Just as the second call was hung up, the phone rang again, this time it was an unfamiliar local number.

"Hey, is this the Chengnan Hotel? Is there a poem written on the wall of a room there? The first sentence is 'Moonlight in front of the bed'. I want to book that room. Already booked for tomorrow night? The day after tomorrow What about at night? What about the night after tomorrow? OK, OK, then make a reservation for the night after tomorrow."

Then, the fourth, fifth, sixth... the calls kept coming.

"What? Already booked for a month later? Damn it! Why are they so fast? Determined, determined, determined, one month later, one month later."

"That's it, that's all. I'll book the other room first, the room next to it. What? The room next to it has been booked for a week? Okay, book it, still have to book it."

"What about the room next to it? Or was it booked a week later? What about the other rooms? What? No more? There are only three rooms in total? Boss, you don't have too many rooms. Determined, determined, I still have to make a reservation, please find a time for me to check in as soon as possible."


The calls came one after another, and the boss didn’t know how many calls he had received. He only knew that his voice was a little hoarse and that the room with the poem had been booked for two months.

The other two rooms have also been booked for a month later.

During this process, the boss was always in a state of complete confusion, and it felt as unreal as a dream.

Well, no, dreams feel more real than this.

However, although the boss was always confused and confused, he knew that this was related to the poem that the young man left on the wall.

It seems that the poem has been spread outside.

How did it spread? The boss easily thought that besides himself, the tall and lanky man who stayed last night was the only one who had seen the poem.

Then, it could only be the tall and thin man who spread the poem.

And this is not the point. The point is why did that poem cause such a sensation after it spread? There will be so many people calling eagerly to reserve a room, without asking anything, just to reserve a room.

Could it be that those who called to book a room guessed the identity of the young man? And that young man's identity was so extraordinary that so many people couldn't wait to move into the same room.

Who is that young man? The boss carefully recalled the young man's face. He seemed to be a rather ordinary young man. He really couldn't guess who the young man was?

But no matter who the young man is, the boss is already full of gratitude in his heart. He is definitely the noble person in his life.

I received hundreds of calls to reserve rooms in a row, and no matter how long the queue lasted, they were all booked. Such brilliant achievements have never been achieved by even the most luxurious star-rated hotels, let alone his humble hotel in the south of the city.

It can be said that this is already a miracle.

For the boss, this is too unreal, even a dream is more real than this.


After being excited for a long time, the boss finally felt that things were a little bit real.

Who is that young man? The boss still doesn't know, but he believes that everything will be answered tomorrow.

The next day, shortly after dawn, the boss opened the door and started business.

Not long after I opened the door, I saw a man in his twenties wearing glasses. He hurried to the store and stood outside. He looked at the four-character sign of "Chengnan Hotel" and said to himself: "South Gate Hotel" The hotel in the south of the city should be this one."

Then, the bespectacled man saw the boss, with a look of excitement and expectation on his face. He quickly ran to the boss and said, "Boss, are you the boss of the Chengnan Hotel? Do you have a room on one wall here? A young guest left a poem, the first line is 'Moonlight before the bed'?"

The boss was not surprised that someone would come looking for him today. He just didn't expect someone to come so early.

He said: "It's true. It was the night before yesterday, and a young man staying in the hotel left such a poem on the wall."

When the man with glasses heard the boss's confirmation, he looked even more excited and expectant, and said, "Boss, can I go and have a look?"

The boss nodded and said: "Of course, sir, please come upstairs with me."

"Hey, okay, okay, thank you, boss." The man with glasses nodded hurriedly.

The boss looked quite calm on the surface, but his inner excitement was not at all inferior to that of the man with glasses.

After bringing the bespectacled man into the room, the boss pointed to a wall and said, "It's right there, sir. Please take a look."

As soon as the bespectacled man entered the room, he couldn't wait to scan the surrounding walls. Then he saw the direction the boss's hand was pointing. After a closer look, he saw writing on the wall. He whispered and ran over in two steps.

When he arrived, the bespectacled man became more and more excited and murmured, "It's unmistakable, absolutely unmistakable. These are Mr. Li Fan's words. Only Mr. Li Fan's words can have such profound meaning." Achievements.”

The boss has been paying attention to the reaction of the man with glasses, and naturally heard the man with glasses muttering to himself. When he heard the four words "Mr. Li Fan", the boss was shocked at first, and then finally solved many doubts in his mind.

It's clear, everything is clear, all doubts are solved. Why those phone calls last night? Why did the bespectacled man in front of me rush over so early in the morning and still look like this?

It turned out that the young man turned out to be Li Fan.

"Hey! I should have thought of it a long time ago. Besides Mr. Li Fan, who else would have such influence? Why didn't I think of that young man as Mr. Li Fan?" the boss thought in his heart.

At this thought, he felt something was wrong. Why didn't he expect that young man to be Li Fan?

Because in his opinion, this poem is quite ordinary. How could a poem by the poet Li Fan be so ordinary? This was the reason why he didn't think about Li Fan at all.

But various circumstances now show that this poem was really written by Li Fan.

Could it be that this poem is not as simple as it seems?

The boss felt a chill in his heart and looked at the poem on the wall again, appreciating it carefully.

After listening carefully, he seemed to feel that this song was extraordinary. However, before he had time to experience the smell more deeply, he was interrupted by the bespectacled man's words.

"Boss, I'll stay in this room tonight. How much does it cost per night?"

"Um..." The boss gave the man with glasses a strange look and said, "I'm very sorry, sir, this room has already been booked tonight."

"Someone has already made a reservation? So soon?" The man with glasses was slightly startled, and then said: "Then tomorrow night, tomorrow night is fine too."

The boss shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but there are also reservations for tomorrow night."

"You've made a reservation for tomorrow night too? What about the night after tomorrow?"

"We also have a reservation for the night after tomorrow."

"You've made a reservation for the night after tomorrow too? No, what about the night after tomorrow?"

"Also booked."

"No, boss, when will I be able to stay in this room at the earliest?"

"This...will be gone in two months."

"What? Two months later? Boss, all these times have been booked? When did they book? There can't be so many people ahead of me, right?"

"I made a reservation by phone last night."

"Phone? Damn it! Why didn't I think of booking by phone?"

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