Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2283 What happened?

The man with glasses was annoyed for a while. Why didn't he think of making a reservation over the phone?

Well, no, how did those guys know the boss’s phone number? The man with glasses didn't think about this problem for a while.

But this issue is not important now. What is important is that if he wants to book this room, he will have to wait until two months later.

Forget it, two months will be two months later. Two months is actually not too long.

After booking the room, the man with glasses asked with great interest: "By the way, boss, what was it like when Mr. Li Fan came to stay the night before yesterday? Can you tell me about it?"

Speaking of this matter, the boss felt very emotional. Just as he was about to talk to the man with glasses, there was a sudden noise outside, and the sound became louder and louder.

It was obvious that a large group of people were gathering downstairs.

If you listen carefully, you can hear some sounds more or less clearly.

"The Chengnan Hotel should be this one, there is no mistake. It's just that this hotel looks so small and simple, there is no mistake, right?"

"It can't be wrong. In Mr. Li Fan's eyes, there is actually no difference between a high-end hotel and a very simple shop like this. The key is whether there is any special story behind Mr. Li Fan's choice of this hotel. ?”

"I don't know. Maybe you can just ask the boss. Where is the boss? Why does it feel like there is no one there?"

"Maybe the boss is inside? Call out, boss, boss, is the boss here? Is anyone there?"


On the second floor, the boss quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, there is someone, there is someone, come down right now."

After that, the boss said to the man with glasses, "Sir, please do as you please" and hurried downstairs.

When I looked downstairs, I was shocked. A few minutes ago, when they went upstairs, there was no one downstairs, but now twenty or thirty people had gathered.

Moreover, the boss also saw a group of people pouring out from the south gate not far away, and the destination was probably him.

Although Lehe Town is located on a major transportation thoroughfare, it is not a tourist attraction. The scene of so many outsiders pouring out of the city gate has never happened before.

The boss didn't have time to sigh in his heart. He had to greet the group of people who had arrived downstairs first.

Hearing the sound just now, and now seeing someone coming down from upstairs, everyone has determined that the person coming down from upstairs is the boss here.

All of a sudden, everyone was chattering and couldn't wait to ask the questions they had wanted to ask for a long time.

Seeing this, the boss quickly pressed down his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Hello everyone, welcome to Lehe Town and my small store. I know what you want to ask. That's right. The night before yesterday, there was indeed a young man staying here who left that poem on the wall of a room. But I’m not sure whether that young gentleman was Mr. Li Fan.”

"Boss, you can't be wrong. That young gentleman must be Mr. Li Fan. Can we go and have a look in that room?"

"Yes, boss, we will decide whether it is Mr. Li Fan or not.

Please let us go and take a look. "


After listening to the boss's words, everyone spoke out again. The purpose of their coming here was to go and see the room in person.

The boss looked at the group of people in front of him. The room could not accommodate so many people at the same time. They had to enter the room in batches.

After some emotion, the boss said: "Everyone, everyone. You can go to the room to see it, but the room is not big, so everyone can only enter the room in batches."

This is indeed a fact, and everyone at the scene also understands this truth, but everyone wants to be the first to enter.

For a moment, the scene was a bit chaotic.

Seeing this, the boss had to say again: "Everyone, please line up, one batch of ten people, and the time is five minutes. Even if the second and third batches enter, they won't be able to wait long. Otherwise, wait until that group of people Once it arrives, everyone may have to wait even longer.”

Everyone turned around and saw a group of people coming this way. If they waited until they arrived, it would indeed be more messy, and it would indeed be much later to enter the room.

For this reason, everyone finally lined up in order.

The group of people who came not far away seemed to realize something when they saw the queue here. They all quickened their pace, and some even started to trot.

Since you have to queue, walk faster and be as far ahead as possible.

As for the people at the back, looking at the people trotting over, they finally felt balanced. Although they were at the back, at least they had to be in front of those people.

The ten people at the front could not wait to go upstairs and entered the room under the guidance of the boss.

The bespectacled man from before was still there, and he knew exactly what was happening below, which finally gave him a sense of satisfaction. Although he did not reserve a room in the front, at least he was ahead of everyone today.

He had confirmed it with his boss. He was the third person to see the poem after the boss, the tall and lanky man.

This is enough to make him proud.

The man with glasses was very satisfied, and although the ten people who had just entered were a little confused as to why there was a person in the room, they had no intention of thinking about this problem.

Their thoughts were all on that poem.

No one showed any expressions of envy, which made the man with glasses feel very regretful.

"There is absolutely no mistake. This was definitely written by Mr. Li Fan himself. These words really seem to be alive. For us, this is an extremely valuable asset."

"Finally, I saw Mr. Li Fan's authentic work again. "


The faces of the ten people were all filled with uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

There was already a long queue downstairs, from the entrance of the hotel to the road outside.

This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon for the people and vehicles passing by.

The Chengnan Hotel is located next to the South Gate. There are many local residents coming in and out of the South Gate every day. There is a hotel here that everyone knows, and they even know the owner of the hotel.

But no matter when I passed by here in the past, the Chengnan Hotel would always be an extremely deserted scene.

What's going on now? Why are there so many people queuing here all of a sudden? Something happened at the Chengnan Hotel? What happened? From the looks of it, this is definitely a big deal.

However, if something big happened, they should have heard about it long ago. There is no way there are so many outsiders queuing up in such a long line here, and they don’t know what is happening here.

But what would happen if something big didn't happen?

Everyone who passed by was curious and stopped, obviously they would not be willing to do anything until they figured out what was going on here.

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