Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2284 Will it become a tourist town because of this?

More and more passers-by stopped, and all of them had doubts and curiosity on their faces.

A fellow villager couldn't help but walked up to the queue and asked a young man who was queuing up: "Young man, why are you queuing here? Did something happen at the Chengnan Hotel?"

The young man who was asked said excitedly: "No, no, nothing happened. It was Mr. Li Fan who wrote a poem on the wall of one of the rooms. We lined up just to see that poem. poetry."

"Just to read a poem?" The fellow who asked was very surprised. What's so good about a poem? Why are there so many people lining up here?

The fellow became even more confused and asked: "Young man, where are you from?"

The young man replied: "It's not that far. I came from Yuanjiang County."

The fellow said: "Yuanjiang County? It's not that far? It's more than 400 kilometers away. Come all this way just to read a poem?"

The young man said: "It is indeed more than 400 kilometers. We set off at dawn today. This poem is not an ordinary poem. It is a new poem by Mr. Li Fan, and it is the original manuscript of Mr. Li Fan. Currently, there are only two poems in total in the country. One place is on the top of Mount Tai, and the other one is here. Some people include the song "The Road to Shu is Difficult" on the cliff of Shu Road. But strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as the original work of Mr. Li Fan. That was copied by the craftsmen. So, no matter how far you travel to see it, it’s worth it.”

The fellow said: "Young man, the Mr. Li Fan you are talking about is Li Fan, the owner of Xianyuan Farm in Sansheng Village, and Li Fan, the author of "Journey to the West" and "Feng Shen Bang"?"

The young man smiled and said: "Exactly. It turns out that uncle also knows Mr. Li Fan."

The fellow said: "Of course, who doesn't know Li Fan now? In our Lehe Town, no matter who you ask, they must know Li Fan. However, I still don't think there is anything good about a poem? Even if he is What Mr. Li Fan wrote is just a poem."

The young man smiled again and said: "Uncle, for you, a poem is indeed nothing interesting. But for those of us who like poetry, the original manuscript of Mr. Li Fan's new poem has great appeal, and can even Say it’s sacred.”

Afterwards, several people in line before and after the young man also said: "Indeed, the original manuscript of Mr. Li Fan is so precious, and it is infinitely attractive to us."

"Those of us are not too far from here, and we are considered the first batch. There are still a large number of people who are further away on the way. There are also many people who want to come, but due to various reasons, they are temporarily unable to come. No. Most importantly, the news that Mr. Li Fan’s original manuscript has appeared here has not been completely spread. After the news is completely spread, I can’t imagine how many people will come here every day?”

"There are very, very many. In addition, Lehe Town is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is very good. In my opinion, Lehe Town may develop into a tourist town because of Mr. Li Fan's original manuscript. "

"This place is originally a transportation thoroughfare and the scenery is good. It is indeed possible to become a tourist town because of this."


The fellows listened to several people talking, and the more they listened, the more dumbfounded they became. According to what these people said, these people queuing up here are just the first people to arrive. There will be many more people in the future. For that Come here for a poem.

The entire Lehe Town will also develop into a tourist town.

Isn't this too exaggerated?

The Lehe Town government really wants to build Lehe Town into a tourist town, but it has been trying for many years without success. Many residents of Lehe Town know this.

Now it is possible to succeed just by relying on one of Li Fan's poems?

This is simply not realistic.

The fellow said: "Young man, looking at your attitude, I believe that more people may come here in the future. But you said that Lehe Town will develop into a tourist town because of this. This is not realistic at all, right? How many times has the government done this? If you haven’t been successful for years, how can you be successful because of a poem?”

The young man said: "Uncle, we are just saying that it is possible. It is not certain whether it will succeed in the end. However, uncle, your statement is inaccurate, not because of a poem, but because of the original manuscript of Mr. Li Fan. Now all over the country There are only two places, except for the one on the top of Mount Tai, this one here is extremely precious, even if Mr. Li Fan writes this poem again in his own hand. , are far less precious than here. Does uncle understand now?"

After hearing what the young man said, the fellow seemed to finally understand a little bit.

Then, the fellow seemed to suddenly think of something, and said repeatedly: "So, the room in the Chengnan hotel where Mr. Li Fan left his poem will become extremely precious? From then on, Chengnan, which originally had no business at all, Will the hotel become a treasure?”

The young man sighed with emotion: "Uncle, you are right. From now on, Chengnan Hotel will indeed be a treasure, and many people will come here every day."

"This...this...this..." The fellow said this for a long time, but he didn't say anything, but everyone could understand the expression on his face, which was disbelief, emotion, envy, and jealousy. .

And the fellow villagers are not the only ones who have this kind of mentality. Almost everyone who understands the whole story has this kind of mentality.

The owner of Chengnan Hotel makes everyone envious and jealous.

The content of the conversation between the fellow villager and the young man, as well as the several people before and after him, gradually spread among the surrounding crowd.

After learning that nothing major happened at the Chengnan Hotel, but that Li Fan just left a poem on the wall of one of the rooms, everyone felt very incredible.

Can one poem have such an impact? Even if it is Li Fan's poem, it is just a poem.

They really don't understand the enthusiasm of these poetry lovers.

However, after the relevant claims about the authenticity of the original work spread, everyone more or less understood it.

When rumors spread that Lehe Town might become a tourist town, everyone once again felt incredible. How influential is Li Fan's original manuscript?

However, although everyone finds it incredible and does not believe it, everyone hopes that this thing can really become a reality.

Everyone understands that if Lehe Town really becomes a tourist town, what will it mean?

In fact, in the past few years, everyone has shown considerable support and expectations for the government's desire to build Lehe Town into a tourist town.

However, the government has been working on it for several years and has tried various methods without success. Everyone is disappointed and gradually gives up hope.

Could it be that now we can succeed just by relying on one of Li Fan's poems?

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