Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2285 Exciting

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No matter how you think about it, it seems unreliable. The residents of Lehe Town who were watching the scene did not believe it.

The relevant rumors quickly spread throughout the town.

"Hey, hey, have you heard about it? A poem written by Li Fan appeared on the wall of a room in the Chengnan Hotel at the south gate. There are many people queuing up there to read it."

"Real or fake? What's so good about a poem that people line up to read it?"

"You don't understand. That's not an ordinary poem. It's Li Fan's new poem, which appears for the first time. And it was written by Li Fan himself on the wall. It's called the original manuscript. It's said to be very precious. There are only one in the country. Two places.”

"No matter how precious it is, it's just a poem. So many people line up to see it. Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"Whether that's an exaggeration or not, won't it be clear if you take a look for yourself? Let me tell you, there is an even more exaggerated statement, saying that our town is likely to develop into a tourist town because of that poem. That's why It’s a real exaggeration.”

"This is nonsense, can a poem have such an impact?"

"Actually, this does sound impossible. But if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not completely impossible. First of all, our town is located on a traffic artery, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with pleasant scenery. This makes it a The basic conditions and possibilities of a tourist town. This is why the government wants to build this place into a tourist town. Furthermore, Mr. Li Fan’s influence is probably much greater than we imagined. Combined, it is not impossible for this place to develop into a tourist town. Don’t rush to refute it. You can go to Nanmen to see it. I didn’t believe it at all before, but after I went to Nanmen to see it, I became convinced. Some believe it.”

"Are there really many people queuing at the south gate?"

"Of course it's true, and there are more and more people. Many people from the town are there to watch the fun."

"Really? No wonder I always feel that there are a few people in this town today.

Then I'll take a look too. "

"Let's go, too. This town is usually quite dull, but now something so lively has happened, how can we miss it?"


The news spread throughout the town, and more and more local residents gathered towards the south gate. For the usually quiet town, what happened at the south gate today was an extremely sensational event.

No one wants to miss such a lively event.

At the south gate, more and more foreign guests came for the poem, and more and more local residents came to watch the fun. The south gate was already crowded.

Fortunately, there are large areas of fields and open space on both sides of the road outside the south gate, so it is not a problem to accommodate more people.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the number of people would have been saturated long ago.

Those local residents who had just arrived at South Gate were a little skeptical about the relevant news on the way here, but after arriving at South Gate, they believed it.

At this time, although they still find it difficult to understand why a poem has such a great influence? But the facts before them forced them to believe it.

In addition, they finally believed that it was not impossible for Lehe Town to develop into a tourist town.

Such sensational news has naturally alarmed the relevant personnel of the Lehe Town Government.

Relevant personnel in the government were first surprised, then skeptical, and finally excited about this news.

"Mr. Li Fan came to our Lehe Town? And he also left a poem on the wall of a room in the Chengnan Hotel? Is the news accurate? Are you sure it was left by Mr. Li Fan?"

"I have just verified it myself. There is indeed a poem there. Judging from the handwriting, the poem itself, and the boss's description of the person who left the poem, there is no doubt that the person who left the poem should be Mr. Li Fan. But this is just speculation. The judgment cannot be 100% certain. Unless Mr. Li Fan personally admits it, even if the outside world confirms it, it can only be speculation. "

"Although this is true, it is actually a fact. Except for Mr. Li Fan, no one can write such words and make such poems, and no one has such great influence. According to our preliminary observations at the scene As of three o'clock this afternoon, more than 2,000 people from outside the town have come to Lehe Town for the poem. And this is obviously just the beginning. I am afraid that many people will come here every day."

"Okay, okay! For us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we operate it well, our long-cherished wish may really come true."

"Judging from the current situation, the possibility is really high. This time we would like to thank the father of the owner of the Chengnan Hotel. I heard from the owner of the Chengnan Hotel that the reason why Mr. Li Fan chose to stay in his small hotel He stayed at the hotel at the invitation of his father. "

"So that's it. Is his father from the town or from the surrounding villages? I guess his father didn't know Mr. Li Fan's identity when he invited him."

"That's for sure. If his father knew Mr. Li Fan's identity, how could he dare to invite Mr. Li Fan? I've already found out clearly that his father is from Taoxi Village and is a fisherman. He often goes to the river to fish. His father This time I met Mr. Li Fan at dusk when he was returning from fishing. At that time, his father collected the boat and went ashore, and Mr. Li Fan happened to pass by, so the two met. After a conversation, his father learned that Li Fan Mr. Fan planned to spend the night in Lehe Town, so he recommended Mr. Li Fan to stay at the hotel in the south of the city owned by his son. The old man's original intention was just to get a guest for his son. But he couldn't find the guest he worked hard to win. It's Mr. Li Fan."

"Perhaps this is the legendary, God's will in the dark. The old man is lucky, the owner of the Chengnan Hotel is lucky, we are lucky, and the entire residents of Lehe Town are also lucky. Don't Not to mention, just the people who came to Lehe Town today consumed a lot of things. Many restaurants in the town are doing much better today than in the past, and the same is true for other shops. Those Shop owners, you are very happy today."

"All in all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us and we must seize it."

"No problem, we will definitely catch it."


The relevant personnel of the Lehe Town Government are very excited. They have been working hard for many years without success, and now they finally see the hope of success.

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