Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2286 The name of the poem? some

Beijing, the headquarters office building of the Poetry Association.

Han Zhong said with some joy: "Lao Bai, Lao Liu, you all know that poem, right?"

Bai Yi said: "I just saw it, and I was just about to say this. Judging from the poem itself, it is indeed very likely that it is the work of brother Li Fan."

Liu Yuandao: "It is true, but we cannot be 100% sure. Unless we can see the original manuscript with our own eyes."

Han Zhong said: "In that case, let's go to Lehe Town in person?"

Bai Yi said: "Well, it just so happens that there is nothing going on during this period, and it is indeed time to go out for a walk. We are already lagging behind this time. There should be a lot of people who have gone to see the scene."

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "That seems to be the case. We haven't been to the Poetry World for a while. If it hadn't been for those who had been there and made a fuss on the Internet, we might not have known about it until now. "

Han Zhongdao: "Those who have been to the scene are unanimously sure that it was written by Brother Li Fan himself. Looking at this poem, I should be 100% sure that it is the work of Brother Li Fan. Of course, we still have to go to the scene to see it in person. Look. It always makes people feel itchy if they don’t go and see it for themselves.”

Bai Yi smiled and said: "In that case, let's set off immediately."

Yongle Ancient Town.

Qin Yulin was tinkering with his mobile phone when he suddenly asked Li Fan in surprise: "Brother-in-law, the night you spent the night in Lehe Town, did you write a poem on the wall of the hotel room?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "I had an idea that night, so I wrote it down. What? Has that poem been circulated on the Internet?"

That the poem spread on the Internet was not beyond Li Fan's expectation. It was an eternal masterpiece of the Poet Immortal in his previous life. No matter how it appeared, it would never remain unknown.

Qin Yulin said: "Not only has it spread, it has caused a sensation on the entire Internet. Look, look, all kinds of hot searches are directly ranked first, and almost all websites with some news are pushing pop-ups. There are many more very News websites are also trying their best to gain popularity. At this time, there is a long queue outside Chengnan Hotel. Chengnan Hotel has also completely become popular on the Internet."

Li Fan smiled and said: "This is normal, just a routine operation, no need to make a fuss."

"Tch!" Qin Yulin curled his lips and made a "cut" sound, then muttered something in a low voice, and then said: "Brother-in-law, Lehe Town is so lively now. How about we go back and have a look?"

Li Fan said: "Do you want to go?"

Qin Yulin nodded hurriedly.

Li Fan thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go back and have a look."

Qin Yulin cheered.

Lehe Town.

There was still a very lively scene outside the Chengnan Hotel, with people queuing up to visit and local residents watching the excitement, all chatting among themselves.

The content of their chat was naturally related to this incident.

Gradually, a question slowly aroused everyone's curiosity. That's why Li Fan chose this Chengnan hotel to stay? Is there any special reason for this?

With curiosity,

Naturally, I had to ask around, and through this inquiry, I really found out something.

What content? It is about the father of the hotel owner in the south of the city who met Li Fan by chance and recommended Li Fan to stay in his hotel.

It turns out that there is such a story in it.

"It's not wrong. There is such a reason. I heard that someone has confirmed it to the boss, and the boss himself admitted it."

"I know the father of the hotel owner in the south of the city. His name is Gong Yujiang. He often goes to the river to fish. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Li Fan this time. It's really enviable."

"It seems to be true, old man, what a great opportunity."

"Such an opportunity is really enviable and enviable."


Everyone at the scene was talking about the father of the hotel owner in the south of the city, the old man. Naturally, the old man already knew that the young man he invited to stay was the legendary Li Fan.

This made the old man feel unreal and unbelievable. What an amazing person Li Fan was, he could be so friendly?

He still couldn't believe that the young man who called him by the river and joked with him would be the legendary Li Fan.

The old man naturally knew about Li Fan and had heard many legends about Li Fan. In the storytelling teahouses in the town, the favorite stories are the legends about Li Fan and the stories created by Li Fan.

The audience below also loves to listen to these, whether they are legends about Li Fan himself or stories created by Li Fan.

The old man also likes to listen, and often listens for a while and drinks a cup of tea.

Perhaps because he had heard too many stories, in the old man's heart, Li Fan was always far away. How could he dare to believe that Li Fan would come to him and talk and laugh with him?

He said to his son countless times, "Is there a mistake? How could that young man be Mr. Li Fan?"

My son always seemed very excited and said, "Dad, I find it hard to believe, but it must be true. Thousands of people have already seen the poem, and they all agreed that it was written by Mr. Li Fan himself. They all say that there may be people who can write such a good poem, but absolutely no one can write such handwriting. Moreover, they have compared Mr. Li Fan’s handwriting elsewhere, and it is absolutely correct. So, Dad, then It’s really Mr. Li Fan.”

After hearing his son say this many times, the old man finally believed that it was really Li Fan. This made him really don't know how to express his feelings. He just sighed infinitely that Li Fan had such a status, but he was still so "ordinary".

the next day.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan arrived at the scene and saw the poems on the wall.

Han Zhong said: "How about Lao Bai and Lao Liu? Are you sure?"

Bai Yi smiled and said, "Of course, no one can write such words except him."

Liu Yuandao: "It's a pity that there is no poem title. I always feel that something is missing."

Han Zhong said: "As for the name of the poem, I can only ask that boy. This must be a question that many people want to know now."

Bai Yi said: "In that case, let's make a call and ask. Now you can also call that boy. I'll do it."

After saying that, Bai Yi took out his cell phone and dialed Li Fan's number.

Li Fan's voice came from the phone, "Of course there is a name for the poem. Let's call it "Thoughts on a Quiet Night."

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