Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2288: Come up with scan code payment

The government departments of Lehe Town suddenly felt that their hopes were getting a little higher.

Next, with the assistance of government departments, the Chengnan Hotel began to expand. At the same time, with the help of government departments, Chengnan Hotel has become more than just a hotel, it has also become a tourist attraction.

In addition, the government department also took the opportunity to recommend other places worth seeing in Lehe Town to guests visiting the hotel.

Some people actually went to see them, and they found that those places were indeed pretty good and worth seeing.

In this way, for everyone who comes for "Quiet Night Thoughts", after appreciating the original manuscript of Shixian, they can also take a look at other places worth seeing in Lehe Town.

In this way, the itinerary in Lehe Town will undoubtedly be more fulfilling. You can not only appreciate the original manuscripts of Shixian, but also feel the unique customs of the Jiangnan water town.

Therefore, everyone is becoming more and more accepting of the scenery in other parts of Lehe Town and more and more willing to see it.

Some scenic spots gradually formed and gradually gained a certain reputation.

The government department of Lehe Town struck while the iron was hot and launched a series of activities. Among them, one activity received the most positive response from tourists. It is an activity to collect names of scenic spots for those scenic spots that have gradually formed and gained a certain reputation.

Visitors responded positively, with thousands of names collected for each attraction. A large number of the names are related to materials such as Shixian, Li Fan and "Quiet Night Thoughts".

After the final tourist voting session, the names of the attractions were determined one by one. These names, thought by tourists and finally voted by tourists, are all related to Shixian and the poem "Silent Night Thoughts".

For example, Shixian Valley, Mingyue Lake, Homesickness Forest, etc... and so on.

With the names of these attractions being determined, Lehe Town can finally announce that it is now a tourist town.

Government departments have been working hard for this for many years without success, and now they have finally succeeded because of Li Fan's "Quiet Night Thoughts".

The government departments are very excited, and all the residents of Lehe Town are equally excited. What they once thought was completely impossible is now a reality.

At this time, they finally believed that the influence of one person and one poem could really be so huge, that they could really make their town develop from an ordinary town into a tourist town.

Lehe Town has developed into a tourist town, and "Quiet Night Thoughts" has long been a household name. On countless moonlit nights, it has influenced countless wanderers wandering in other places.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin are also paying attention to the development of Lehe Town. Seeing that it has finally developed into a tourist town, they are also happy for Lehe Town.

No matter what, Lehe Town still gave the two of them a very good feeling, and the scenery was beautiful.

Now, Li Fan and Qin Yulin have left Jiangnan and returned to the village.

On this sunny day, Li Fan passed by a vegetable park and saw a long queue of people waiting to withdraw money from a bank ATM in front of the office area of ​​the vegetable park. There were as many as 20 people.

With such a long queue, people at the back may have to wait for a long time.

"Brother Fan, you are here." This was Li Ru's voice.

Li Fan looked back and saw Li Ru holding a stack of documents in his hand, standing behind him. Li Fan nodded and said, "Well, I just happened to pass by here."

Li Ru said "hmm" and said, "Goodbye, Brother Fan." She didn't come to see Li Fan, she was just passing by and happened to see Li Fan here.

Li Fan said: "Wait a minute. Xiaoru, do people who withdraw money here often queue up in such a long queue?"

Li Ru nodded and said: "Yes, Brother Fan. Not only here, there are often long queues in front of the cash machines everywhere in the farm. After all, there are too many people, and some people are unwilling to swipe their cards. Then you can only come and queue to withdraw money.”

In the farm, you can swipe cards for consumption anywhere, but perhaps because they feel that swiping cards is not very safe, some people are unwilling to swipe cards. When they don't have enough cash, they would rather queue up to withdraw money.

This results in long queues often forming in front of the cash machines in the farm.

"It seems that we have to hurry up and develop mobile payment." Li Fan thought in his heart.

He had this idea the last time he was in Lehe Town, but at that time he felt there was no need to be so anxious.

Now, Li Fan felt that he could seize the time again. Even if it's just for the convenience of the guests at his farm, he has to hurry up.

Mobile payment refers to a commercial transaction in which both parties use mobile terminal devices as carriers for certain goods or services through mobile communication networks.

The mobile terminals used in mobile payment can be mobile phones, PDAs, mobile PCs, etc. Among them, the most important and commonly used mobile terminal is undoubtedly the mobile phone.

Therefore, mobile payment can sometimes also be called mobile payment.

Commonly used methods of mobile payment include SMS payment, scan code payment, fingerprint payment, sound wave payment, etc.

But Li Fan doesn't plan to make it so complicated. He just plans to launch scan-code payment. Just scan the code with your mobile phone to complete the payment. How convenient.

To launch scan-code payment, it is best to launch the e-wallet together. The two are already very closely linked.

Scan code payment cannot be launched directly, it needs to be embedded in an application. This application needs to provide instant messaging services for smart terminals.

It's best if it's free.

Therefore, what Li Fan wants to launch is actually a free application that provides instant messaging services for smart terminals.

In a previous life, there was a very successful program like this, WeChat.

Therefore, Li Fan only needs to copy the WeChat from his previous life to this world.

The key is how to operate? Naturally, Li Fan would not write a program himself for this kind of thing. Although with the help of Space Mall, he could become a top programmer in minutes. Writing a WeChat program would be a piece of cake, but he did not intend to do so. Do.

After writing the program myself, do I still have to operate and manage it myself? Isn't this nonsense? People who enjoy leisure like them would not be able to do these things.

Therefore, he needs to recruit a WeChat team to develop WeChat programs and be responsible for the future operation and management of WeChat.

Having said so much, it actually only happened in the blink of an eye.

In front of the vegetable park, Li Fan said to Li Ru: "Xiaoru, go publish a recruitment announcement, recruit a few top programmers, and say that I plan to launch an application."

After hearing this, Li Ru asked curiously: "Brother Fan, what kind of application are you going to launch?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "You will know soon."

Li Ru said: "Okay, then I will publish the recruitment announcement now."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Go ahead, thank you for your hard work."

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