Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2289 What application will it be?

Li Ru was confused in her heart, but she was not slow on her feet. She quickly returned to the office and posted a recruitment advertisement through the official channels of Xianyuan Farm.

The advertisement only said that Li Fan planned to launch an application and needed to recruit several top programmers.

As for what kind of application exactly? Li Ru didn't know it herself, so she didn't explain it in the advertisement.

Of course, there is no need to explain that Xianyuan Farm is recruiting people. Why does it need to be said so clearly?

Xianyuan Farm issued a recruitment advertisement, which was definitely a sensational event.

Therefore, the news that Xianyuan Farm wanted to recruit programmers spread throughout the Internet in a very short period of time, causing heated discussions among countless people and high attention from countless news media.

Of course, it naturally arouses excitement and excitement among almost all programmers, especially those who consider themselves to be top programmers.

Their hearts were moved instantly, and they also knew that they might not be able to meet Li Fan's requirements, but at least it was a chance.

As a result, the top programmers were no longer calm, and they immediately called or sent emails to ask what specific requirements they had. What programming languages ​​do you need to be proficient in?

Some people are even more impulsive and plan to go directly to Sansheng Village without calling or sending emails.

Although the vast majority of people are destined to make the trip in vain, even if there is only a 0.01% chance, it is definitely worth the trip.

This kind of opportunity may only come once in your life. If you don't pursue it with your best efforts, you will definitely regret it.

They were impulsive and tried their best to pursue their dreams, but the company they worked for was in trouble and helpless.

They asked for leave from the company one after another, and the reason was undisguised: they were going to Sansheng Village to apply for jobs.

Major companies were very troubled and helpless, but they did not stop it, but agreed to the programmers' request for leave.

Because major companies understand that this recruitment of Xianyuan Farm has an extremely fatal temptation for programmers. Even if they do not agree to ask for leave, it is of no use.

In this case, it's better to be a favor and agree to take leave. It was impossible for those guys to apply for the job anyway, and they would come back after a few days.

Major companies don’t believe that their own programmers can successfully apply for the job. What Xianyuan Farm wants are the top programmers, and they only recruit a few people in total, so they recruit their own programmers? impossible.

Therefore, although major companies have headaches and helplessness, they are relieved.

While feeling reassured, he couldn't help but be very curious and confused, why did Li Fan suddenly launch an app? What kind of application is it?

"Mr. Li Fan just wrote the song "Silent Night Thoughts" that is destined to become an eternal masterpiece. Why is he suddenly launching an app again? Isn't this a big step? The key is that Mr. Li Fan has never done it before. An application has been launched. Well, no. It seems that a game can also be called an application. So, Mr. Li Fan has launched an application. Could it be that this time it is still a game? "

"Games are indeed a type of application, but this time it won't be a game. If it is a game,

It should be pointed out directly. "

"That's true. So what kind of application does Mr. Li Fan want to launch? It's really curious."

"No matter what kind of application it is, since it is launched by Mr. Li Fan, it will definitely be extraordinary. Just wait and see."

"We can only wait and see. Mr. Li Fan's thinking is not something that we people can imagine. The best programmer in our company took leave to apply for a job in Sansheng Village. Do you think I should hope that he can successfully apply? Or do you not want him to apply successfully? "

"This is indeed contradictory. From the perspective of the company's interests, we naturally do not want to lose the best programmers, but if our company's programmers are really favored by Mr. Li Fan, it will also be a kind of Capital of pride. You can find excellent programmers again, but the opportunity that Mr. Li Fan takes his fancy may be only this one."

"Yeah, it's really contradictory."

"For this kind of thing, just let it take its course. It's not that easy to be favored by Mr. Li Fan."

"What I'm saying is, just let nature take its course."


Major companies are confused and curious, what kind of application is Li Fan going to launch? Countless netizens also discussed it.

"Mr. Li Fan is going to launch an app. It's surprising but not surprising. I just don't know what the app will look like?"

“No matter what kind of application it is, people are looking forward to it!”

"I just went to Lehe Town to experience the original manuscript of Mr. Li Fan, and now I have to see the application launched by Mr. Li Fan. This feeling is quite good."

"I heard that almost all programmers are now obsessed with their thoughts. This phenomenon is interesting. Only Xianyuan Farm recruitment can have such an influence."

"Going to work at Xianyuan Farm, no matter what kind of job it is, is something that countless people dream of and think about day and night. All programmers are restless, which is really normal. It's just a pity that most people They are all doomed to only be restless in their hearts."

"At least people have this opportunity to be restless. We people don't even have a chance to be restless."

"That's true. Alas!"


In addition, major media are also paying great attention to this and reporting on it one after another.

In addition to reporting relevant information, many media also conducted a lot of analysis and speculation on the application that Li Fan will launch.

Some media have speculated that which type of application is most likely to be launched by Li Fan? Some media also said with certainty that they have confirmed through special channels what kind of application Li Fan will launch.

And everyone obviously knows that those media are all serious nonsense, and none of them are reliable at all. But everyone just likes to read those reports.

You know clearly that the media is talking nonsense, but you still watch it with gusto. Perhaps only news related to Li Fan can produce this seemingly abnormal imagination.

What the media likes most is undoubtedly this phenomenon. As soon as the nonsense is spread, the news will become popular. Where can there be anything more exciting than this?

There are also some media outlets that are even more "excessive". First they talk nonsense, and then they change their identity and say that the previous statement is wrong and there is no substantive evidence at all.

Several related news articles were born in this way.

Therefore, once there is any disturbance in Li Fan, the most excited ones are often the major media, and a lot of hot news can be born again.

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