Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2300 Try sending a red envelope

Since electronic red envelopes have not yet appeared in this world, everyone has no concept of electronic red envelopes.

So, what exactly does “WeChat red envelope” mean? Everyone didn't know why, and they all looked a little confused.

However, despite being a little confused, everyone was very excited.

Because everyone can see that the reason why WeChat needs to update a new version is to launch the WeChat red envelope function.

A version is specially updated to launch a new feature, which shows that this new feature is definitely not simple.

Everyone is very sure about this, and there are excited discussions on the Internet.

"Although I still don't know what the 'WeChat red envelope' means? But I am convinced that this is another surprise brought to us by Mr. Li Fan after WeChat payment."

"It's only been a month, and there's another surprise. The software launched by Mr. Li Fan is unique."

"What does 'WeChat red envelope' mean? Although we don't quite understand it yet, we are very familiar with red envelopes. Although sometimes now, we may be a little sensitive to the word 'red envelope'. But this is just It's just because red envelopes have undergone some changes now. In fact, red envelopes are a unique traditional culture in China, which can be called 'red envelope culture'."

"That's true. In the traditional sense, red envelopes are actually lucky money. Lucky money is also called lucky money. During the Spring Festival, elders will give younger generations money to bring evil spirits. Because in legend, there is a little demon called '祟', On the night of New Year's Eve, the child will show up and touch the child's head, making the child stupid from then on. If the child is given money to encourage evil spirits, the evil spirit will not dare to approach the child again. Also, lucky money can also be The younger generation gives to the older elders. New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, and keeping down the age will not increase, in order to hope that the elders will live longer. Whether it is 'New Year's Eve' or 'New Year's Eve', it is a beautiful custom and culture. It’s just a pity that now, this culture has changed a lot, which makes people feel very regretful and regretful.”

"In the traditional sense, red envelopes do mean lucky money, but now, red envelopes no longer just mean lucky money. Instead, all kinds of personnel and events require the meaning of red envelopes. Some are good, and some are bad. This is reality. So, what does the WeChat red envelope mean?”

"Literally, it seems to mean sending red envelopes through WeChat. But, how to send red envelopes through WeChat?"

"No matter what, I am very much looking forward to the WeChat red envelopes. I will update the WeChat version as soon as possible tomorrow."

"This is no nonsense, we are all looking forward to it!"


People who had seen the official push message on WeChat were talking a lot on the Internet. Those who had not planned to click on the push message could not help but be slightly stunned when they saw it.

Is WeChat launching a new version? The new version is going to launch a new feature called WeChat red envelopes? I know the red envelope. What does the WeChat red envelope mean?

With these questions in their minds, they couldn't wait to click on the push message. After taking a look, like the previous people, although I didn’t quite understand what the WeChat red envelope meant, I was looking forward to it very much.

Time passed in the active discussion, and the next day, the new version of WeChat was officially launched.

Countless WeChat users who have been waiting impatiently,

All of them upgraded the WeChat version as soon as possible.

After the upgrade is completed, the first thing everyone does is the same, which is to look for it in the WeChat software. Where is the 'WeChat red envelope' function in the software?

And this is not difficult, because there will be a system prompt when using the red envelope function for the first time.

According to the system prompts, everyone quickly found the location of the red envelope function and understood how to use it.

As expected, red envelopes are distributed through WeChat. You can send them to WeChat friends one-on-one, or you can send red envelopes to a group, and everyone in the group can grab the red envelopes.

In addition, you can also send exclusive red envelopes to someone in the group. The exclusive red envelope is visible to everyone, but other people cannot receive it. Only the person designated in the red envelope can receive it.

Sending red envelopes one-to-one between friends is not much different from direct transfers, except that the upper limit of a red envelope is only 200.

In addition, sending red envelopes and transferring money have completely different feelings.

Now that the red envelope function is out, the number of red envelopes sent between friends will definitely be far more than the number of transfers.

This is foreseeable.

After learning about the one-to-one sending of red envelopes between friends, everyone did not stay too much.

Because sending red envelopes in a group makes everyone more interested.

There are two distribution forms of group red envelopes. One is ordinary equal-amount red envelopes, where everyone gets the same amount. The other is to fight for lucky group red envelopes. After setting the total amount and the number of red envelopes, the amount that each person grabs is different.

The lucky group red envelopes are the most interesting to everyone.

After understanding the rules and gameplay of the lucky group red envelope, everyone felt extremely happy and excited.

Because, they vaguely discovered that competing for red envelopes in lucky groups would be very interesting and fun.

WeChat groups, almost all WeChat users have joined one or more WeChat groups.

Usually it is a family group, a colleague group, a classmate group, or a group between three or five friends, etc.

Most groups are usually not lively. In each group, there are usually only a few people who like water groups at most. They chat nonsense in it, and most people rarely take a chance.

But now, almost all the groups have become lively, and people who usually hardly bubble up seem to have suddenly come to life.

"It's out, it's out, it's all out. Stop diving and take a look at the new group red envelope function. I think this function will be very interesting."

"I've seen it a long time ago, why do you need to shout? Now whoever sends out a red envelope, let us experience it in detail, how to grab this red envelope, so that it is real."

"There are equal-amount red envelopes and lucky red envelopes. The lucky red envelopes are obviously more interesting. Well, let me give you one. If you don't want to send more, just send one yuan. There are 32 people in the group, so I will send 20 packets. . Divers, please pay attention. Come out and grab the red envelope. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The person who said this is a young man named Yu Hong, who is also the leader of this classmate group.

As the group leader, Yu Hong is obviously very conscious. Anyway, the money is not much, so he just wants to entertain the atmosphere in the group.

Click on the red envelope function in the group, set the total amount to one yuan, and set the number of red envelopes to 20. He also wrote in the message box, "Everyone, come and grab it!"

This is the first time Yu Hong has given out a red envelope. Although he lost a dollar, he was quite excited and looking forward to it.

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