Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2301 I’ll grab the red envelope! Rob! Rob!

After setting up, Yu Hong clicked "Put money into red envelope" and entered the transaction password.

A red envelope soon appeared in the group chat interface window. He could also grab the red envelope he sent. Yu Hong was a little hesitant whether he should grab it?

Isn’t it bad to grab the red envelopes you gave out by yourself?

After hesitating for a second or two, Yu Hong opened the red envelope. Who cares, just grab it. Being the first one to give out a red envelope is already considered very good. Do you still have objections after stealing it from others?

Yu Hong believed that he would definitely be able to grab the red envelope. He sent a total of 20 packets to a total of 32 people in the group. Most of them were inactive and probably did not know that he was sending out red envelopes. Although he sent out red envelopes before, Everyone has been reminded.

But Yu Hong didn't think many people could see it.

However, when he clicked on the red envelope, he got this prompt, "I'm too slow, the red envelope has been collected."

"This..." Yu Hong was slightly startled. In just one or two seconds, he had collected all 20 bags? Are all these guys here?

Clicking on the collection details, I saw that 20 people received the red envelope, and behind each person's avatar, there was also the amount received.

Yu Hong looked at it carefully, it was as little as one cent, several cents, as much as ten cents or two cents. One guy received the most, thirty-six cents, with the words "Best Luck" written underneath.

Thirty-six cents is a small amount of money, but compared with those pennies or pennies, it instantly feels like a huge amount of money.

The guy who grabbed 36 cents must be very excited at this time, right?

"Interesting!" Although he didn't grab a penny, Yu Hong was in a very good mood.

Exiting the red envelope receiving details interface and returning to the chat window interface, Yu Hong found that the chat window was already very lively. Messages were refreshing one after another. Many people who usually hardly bubbled up were also very active at this time.

"Since the establishment of the group, when has this group been as lively as it is now?" After Yu Hong sighed in his heart, he kept scrolling up the news. He decided to read it from beginning to end to see what these guys had to say. What?

After flipping through many pages, I finally saw the red envelope I had just been given. There are a series of system messages below the red envelope, indicating who has received your red envelope.

"These guys are really fast." Yu Hong sighed, then continued reading the news below.

"It turns out this is about grabbing red envelopes. It's interesting, very interesting, and the income is 12 cents. Thank you to the group leader, the group leader is mighty!"

"I grabbed 13 cents. Why am I so excited now? 13 cents makes me so excited? Usually when I see 50 cents on the ground, I am too lazy to bend down to pick it up. Why am I so excited now because of 13 cents? ?”

"Because this is a red envelope grab, the feeling is exactly the same. Don't tell me you only got 13 cents, I got 5 cents, and I feel so excited. Haha!"

"That guy Wang Yun robbed the most, and he actually got 36 cents. And why did I only get a penny? In other words, why do I feel that 36 cents is a huge sum of money?"

"This is because there is no harm without comparison. Compared with your penny, thirty-six cents is indeed a huge sum of money."

"Oh! It seems like this is really the case.

Look at what you are showing is 0.01, and what others are showing is 0.36. It really feels like there is a huge gap. "

"The group leader gave out 20 bags for one dollar, so the average price of a bag should be five cents. Wang Yun robbed 36 cents by himself. It's too much, it's too much!"

"So, I grabbed six cents, which is better than the average. Not bad, not bad!"

"Suddenly, it's so interesting to grab red envelopes! How did Mr. Li Fan come up with the idea of ​​launching such a function? It's really interesting."

"I have long said that since WeChat will specially update the WeChat version this time to launch the WeChat red envelope function, the WeChat red envelope function will definitely not be simple. Now is it true?"

"Tch! Why do you need to say this? We all know it, okay? How can the function launched by Mr. Li Fan himself be any simpler?"

"I have never thought that you can grab and send red envelopes online. The red envelope function launched by Mr. Li Fan is undoubtedly at the forefront."

"Mr. Li Fan is always the one at the front. Come on, let's not talk about anything else. Who will send out a red envelope for everyone to grab? How's my luck this time?"

"Yes, yes, it's business to send out a few more red envelopes now."

"Let me send you one. The group leader has just started to introduce ideas, so we can't fall behind. I'll send you one too. Everyone, get ready!"

"I'm always ready. Hurry up. I've been single for more than 20 years and my hand speed is already very impatient."

"We are never afraid of anyone when comparing hand speeds. It just depends on how bad the internet speed is. Hurry up and send it!"

"Here it comes... I'll grab it! Grab it! Grab it... Haha! I got it, I'll rub it, it's nine cents. But, it's okay, it's much better than those who grab one cent."

"I'll wipe it! It's gone? 20 bags, gone in one second? What the hell is your hand speed? Are you all single?"

"What hand speed? Hey! Fujihawk accelerates!"


Grabbing red envelopes in WeChat groups suddenly became popular, and red envelopes rained down in various WeChat groups.

Although the amount of red envelopes is generally not large, and most of them are a few cents, one yuan, two yuan, or a few yuan, everyone is eager to grab them.

As long as you grab something, whether it is a penny, a few cents, a dime, or a few cents, you can make people happy.

There is such a seemingly strange phenomenon, that is, grabbing a penny in a red envelope is more satisfying than picking up a quick buck on the road.

This phenomenon may seem strange, but after experiencing it personally, it doesn't seem strange at all.

There was a shower of red envelopes in the WeChat group, and the major media would not miss such big news.

Before WeChat red envelopes, no one had ever thought that red envelopes could appear on the Internet and in a software.

There is no doubt that WeChat red envelopes have set a new precedent.

Because WeChat red envelopes are paid electronically. Therefore, the media calls WeChat red envelopes electronic red envelopes.

"Have you grabbed red envelopes today? WeChat launched the red envelope function. Suddenly, grabbing red envelopes in WeChat groups became popular."

"WeChat red envelopes are coming! From now on, will the era of electronic red envelopes begin?"

"Once again, we are at the forefront of the world! Mr. Li Fan launches the WeChat red envelope function!"


I recommend a friend's book, "The Rebirth of the Pig Farmer"! Get the pig raising APP and take off by raising pigs. Awesome!

Everyone is welcome to appreciate the life of a pig farmer.

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