Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2337 Silence

The mood of the audience in the theater became very heavy once again. The mood that they had finally relaxed a little before was gone again.

They found that even if Paul had a mobile phone and could contact the outside world, it would be extremely difficult to successfully escape.

Because every phone call Paul made, the other party was kicking the ball back and forth, but they were unwilling to step forward to save Paul.

The U.S. government has even made it clear that they will not pay ransom to the kidnappers, nor will they negotiate with the kidnappers.

Things are so hopeless that there is no hope.

There was limited space and limited air in the small coffin, and Paul could hardly breathe.

Fear, panic, despair.

Paul was like this, and all the audiences in the theater were also feeling desperate. For the first time, they began to wonder whether Paul would not be able to escape in the end?

His ending is to sleep in this unknown underground forever.

They started to panic.

Fortunately, new hope finally emerged.

The U.S. government received Paul's call, and after a period of meaningless Tai Chi practice, it finally did a good deed.

They transferred Paul's call to the commander of the U.S. hostage rescue team in Iraq.

Finally finding the department under his direct jurisdiction, Paul had new hope, and even his voice became a little trembling.

All the audiences in the theater were also excited, and they also saw hope.

The commander of the rescue team on the other end of the phone really gave Paul and the audience hope.

The commander of the rescue team told Paul to save his cell phone battery and said they were working on ways to rescue Paul.

This is a real hope, and it is the first time such a real hope has appeared since the beginning.

Paul was very excited, and so were all the audiences in the theater.

At this time, the kidnappers took the initiative to call and asked Paul to take a video and send it to the US government, and to lower the ransom to 1 million yuan.

Paul did not take a video, but gave the kidnapper's phone number to the commander of the rescue team.

The commander comforted him to stay calm as much as possible, and told him that they had rescued a hostage in the same situation before, named Mark White, to reassure him.

Finally, the commander also said that a team to rescue him was already on the way.

Hope, this is the hope.

But can the rescue team really find Paul's location in time and rescue him?

The answer remains unknown.

Although there was real hope, the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Because Paul could no longer hold on for much longer.

Paul then called his mother, who had Alzheimer's and had no idea what he was talking about.

Paul could only say "I love you" before hanging up the phone and crying like a child.


He would never see his mother again.

The audience wanted to cry too.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly became critical again.

Paul was hit by artillery shells above him, the coffin was exploded, and sand from above continued to pour in through the cracks in the coffin lid.

Paul quickly used his clothes to block the crack, but no matter how hard he blocked it, he couldn't block it tightly. The sand was still slowly pouring into the coffin.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again, and the time left for Paul suddenly became less.

If the rescue team cannot find Paul before the sand fills the entire coffin, Paul will be buried in the sand forever.

It was an absolute misfortune. The audience in the theater was already highly nervous, and their hearts were completely torn.

At this time, Paul suffered a new blow.

The company called Paul back, but not to save him, but to tell him with great regret that he had been forcibly terminated from the contract because he violated the company's relevant terms.

In other words, the company has had nothing to do with him since the morning he was kidnapped.

It was obvious that the company was unwilling to pay out relevant insurance coverage after Paul's death.

Paul roared angrily, but to no avail.

The reality is very cruel!

The company's approach seems to have added another huge stone to the coffin.

The audience in the theater was also angry, but it was meaningless.

Paul made another call to the commander of the rescue team. After this call, Paul finally realized that he might never have the chance to go out again.

So Paul turned on his cell phone and started recording his will.

In his will, Paul hoped that his son would be successful when he grew up.

Sand continued to be poured into the coffin. Paul's heart was dying little by little, and his hope of survival was becoming slimmer little by little.

The hearts of the audience in the theater became heavier and heavier, and they realized once again that Paul might really not be able to get out.

Although he is the protagonist, this time, the protagonist seems to have lost his halo.

At this time, the kidnappers called again and asked Paul to record a bloody video and send it to the US government to threaten the US government with a ransom.

Paul did not intend to do so, but the kidnappers threatened Paul's family. Paul compromised, complied, and asked the kidnappers to let him go.

But there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Hope was dashed again. Paul had no time left. He had to wait for death and wait for the sand to fill the entire coffin.

All the audiences in the theater shouted strongly in their hearts, "No! No! No! Who can save him!"

Perhaps it was because the inner cries of the audience had an effect, hoping that it would really appear again.

The commander of the rescue team called and told Paul that the search and rescue team was nearby and asked Paul to hold on for a few more minutes. They caught a kidnapper and already knew the exact location where he was buried alive.

Hope comes again and is more real.

The search and rescue team caught one of the kidnappers and knew the exact location where Paul was buried alive. In just a few minutes, they were able to rescue Paul from the coffin where he was buried alive.

But for a few minutes, Paul could still hold on.

There were bursts of cheers in the theater, and everyone felt happy from the bottom of their hearts.

After being nervous for so long, Paul was finally about to be rescued.

This is definitely exciting news, and some viewers even gave each other high fives in celebration.

Paul was also very excited when he saw hope. He called his wife and told her that someone would come to rescue him soon.

Naturally, my wife was also very excited.

After hanging up the phone with his wife, Paul called the commander of the rescue team.

The commander said on the phone that they were above Paul.

And on the phone, there was indeed the sound of digging.

Sand is still pouring into the coffin, and the coffin will be filled soon.

Time is running out!

Paul and the commander were still talking on the phone. Their voices mingled nervously, and the whole atmosphere reached the most thrilling and tense moment.

All the spectators prayed in their hearts, praying that the damn commander would move faster.

Must be faster!

Because the sand was about to fill the entire coffin, and Paul was about to be unable to breathe.

The most thrilling and tense moment has arrived.

Finally, the commander said they had seen the coffin and they were opening it.

All the haze was finally swept away at this moment.

Paul was finally rescued.

Many audiences in the theater cheered and high-fived again!

The ending was happy after all. Paul finally persisted until the end and was successfully rescued.

Paul, who was already in a trance, seemed to actually see the coffin lid being opened and the dazzling sunlight shining into his eyes.


The next words of the rescue team commander made the whole world suddenly become silent, and the haze enveloped everything once again.

"I'm sorry, Paul, I'm sorry. What was that? That was Mark White, and he took us to where Mark White was buried... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Paul... I'm so sorry!"

In Paul's desperate and unwilling roar, the sand finally filled the entire coffin.

The light of hope disappeared.

The entire screen became dark and silent!

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