Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2338 Wonderful and Classic

With the words "I'm really sorry", everything returned to calm and darkness.

After the greatest hope, there is complete despair, and even eternal despair.

Somewhat ironic, but even more painful.

What the rescue team dug was the place where another unlucky man, Mark White, was buried alive. The only thing left for Paul was "I'm really sorry."

In this way, Paul was buried alive by the yellow sand in an unknown place in pain and despair.

A few years later, Paul may be seen again, but by that time, Paul is just a pile of dry bones.

Paul is the protagonist, but this time, the protagonist has lost his halo.

Why is this happening?

Why can't Paul be successfully rescued in the ending?

Everyone is thinking about this question, why did Li Fan of China let Paul, after seeing hope countless times, still not escape the ending of being buried alive?

Why is this so?

The auditorium was silent. Just a moment ago, when the commander of the rescue team said that they had dug out the coffin, there were cheers and high-fives in the auditorium.

But now, the cheers and applause just now seemed so ironic.

It was as if they were cheering and high-fiving, celebrating that Paul had finally been successfully buried alive.

This feeling is painful, even unacceptable, but it really happens.

Quiet, quiet without any sound.

Everyone in the theater needs time to accept such a cruel fact.

The last shot of the picture shows the wooden board above the coffin, with a name on it, Mark White.

That is what Paul wrote, and it is the spiritual sustenance of his hope.

Before, when Paul had a conversation with the commander of the rescue team, he asked the commander if the same case had been successfully rescued before?

The commander replied that, yes, they had successfully rescued a man who was also buried alive. That man's name was Mark White.

Paul wrote the name "Mark White" on the coffin board. It was his spiritual sustenance. He believed that he could be as lucky as Mark White.

But in the end, the place the rescue team found was where Mark White was buried alive.

This shows that the commander deceived Paul before, and they had never successfully rescued Mark White before.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the commander lying to Paul. He wants to give Paul hope and make Paul believe that they can successfully rescue him.

It can be said to be a white lie.

This was actually the right thing to do, because if he hadn't done so, Paul might not have been able to hold out until they arrived.

The premise is that the place they arrived was really the place where Paul was buried alive.

But the final result was not, which is a bit ironic and cruel.

What is the greatest pain? Just when you think hope is right in front of you, you suddenly realize that everything is just an illusion.

In the cinema, after a moment of silence,

Finally there was a sound.

"Let's go, it's over, we should go out. This is really a movie I don't want to see."

"You're right, I don't want to see such a movie. But I just finished watching it, and things are always so helpless."

"I always thought Paul could be rescued, but it ended up like this. It's a sad story."

"Maybe I really shouldn't come to see this movie."

"So, do you regret coming to this movie?"

"Regret? Maybe, I don't know."

"Whether I regret it or not, I don't want to see a movie like this again."

"Me too, I'll just watch it this time. I don't want to see a movie like this again."

"One such movie is enough."

"Well, thanks to Li Fan from China, he succeeded in making me never want to watch such a movie again."


Do you regret it?

Every audience member who walked out of the cinema was thinking about this question in their mind.

Logically speaking, they should really regret it. This movie is so sad and disappointing.

Almost no one will like this kind of movie. seems like it's hard to say whether I regret it or not.

They just feel hopeless and feel pain and sorrow for the main character Paul.

Maybe this is indeed a movie worth watching.

However, after watching this movie, I never want to see the same movie again.

The audience walked out of the theater one after another and came to the aisle.

"I suddenly thought of a question: Is Paul the only one in this movie from beginning to end?"

"Yes, you remembered correctly. From the beginning to the end, only Paul appeared. Only in the mobile phone video sent to Paul by the kidnapper, another character appeared. That was one of Paul's colleagues. He only appeared for a moment. , and it still appeared on Paul’s mobile phone screen.”

"Not only is there a character named Paul, there is only one scene in the entire movie, which is the coffin that makes people feel desperate."

"Yes, there is only one scene in the entire 90-minute movie."

"There is only one actor and one scene. I finally understand why the cost of this movie is so small. This is definitely the lowest-cost movie in history. The person who designed such a movie is a genius."

"Li Fan of China was originally a genius, and a genius in all aspects. This has long been a fact. But why did he let Paul despair countless times after seeing hope countless times? This is the biggest Tortured, couldn’t he successfully rescue Paul?”

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say it. Maybe this ending is the right one. If Paul is successfully rescued in the end, this will be a wonderful movie. But it is just wonderful. Now, Paul is not there in the end. Rescued, the movie might have become a classic.”


After these words, everyone around was silent for a while.

After a long time, someone sighed and said, "Maybe... you are right."

Wonderful and classic, the endings of the two may indeed be different.

The wonderful ending makes people cheer.

And the classic ending may be destined to be just a tragedy.


Countless people sighed.

Daryl followed the crowd and walked out of the cinema silently.

He knew that he had lost.

Regardless of the final box office of this movie in the United States, can it reach more than 20 million?

He has already lost.

He lost out on this movie.

There are no too many regrets, no anger or unwillingness, just peace.

It was calm beyond his own expectation.

Originally, he thought that even if he accepted the result of losing, he would feel regretful and unwilling.

But now, he has no regrets or unwillingness at all.

He is even thinking that even if the box office in the United States does not reach 20 million, he will actively declare that he has lost.

Just because of the movie "Buried Alive" itself.

This was a movie that completely convinced him. One person and one scene held up the 90-minute movie.

Moreover, after watching the entire movie, people suddenly remembered that there was only one person and one scene in this movie.

This means that during the viewing process, everyone did not realize that they only saw one person and one scene from beginning to end.

The reason for this is that their hearts followed the ups and downs of Paul's fate from beginning to end, and they couldn't notice anything else.

This kind of movie has simply reached a super high level.

Whoever designed a movie like this is an absolute genius.

Daryl was truly impressed and he was willing to lose to such a movie.

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