Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2339 Contradictory statement

The movie ended and it was already late, almost 12 o'clock in the evening.

At this time, many people who had not gone to the cinema to watch "Buried Alive" were still awake. They are waiting for those who went to the cinema to watch it and share their thoughts after watching "Buried Alive" on the Internet, as well as their evaluation of "Buried Alive".

Although they did not go to the cinema to watch it, they were very concerned about the movie.

They also believe that those who go to the cinema to watch it will definitely share it on the Internet.

They are waiting.

And they didn't have to wait long.

"I've finished watching "Buried Alive" and I'm on my way home now. I don't want to say anything more about this movie, nor do I want to comment."

"I also went to see it, and I didn't want to say anything. I didn't feel much in the same mood."

"It's already very late. Let's go to bed when we get home. I hope I can have a good night's sleep."


Almost all the sounds that came were like this, which made those waiting on the Internet feel a little strange.

Why is this happening?

Could it be that this movie was so poorly made that people have no interest in discussing and evaluating it?

Logically speaking, this shouldn’t be the case!

This is a movie by Chinese Li Fan, and it was shot by the famous director Nolan and starred by the famous actor Ryan. No matter how bad it is, it can't be any worse.

How strange!

Very curious and confused, someone asked: "What's wrong? You all seem to be unwilling to say more. What's going on? The filming of "Buried Alive" was so poor? That you have no interest in talking about it? Isn't that right? Maybe."

"That's right, what's going on? You all look like you're not interested in saying anything more, but you still want to say this. Isn't this just to whet our appetites? It's better not to say anything at all."

"That's right, you said you didn't want to say more, but in fact you have already said it. Now that you have said it, why don't you tell us what's going on?"

"Come on, tell me, how is this movie?"


"It's not that we don't want to say it, but we really don't know what to say? In short, you'd better not watch this movie. After watching it, you may regret it."

"Why? The movie was poorly shot?"

"That's not true, the movie is wonderful, it can even be said to be a classic."

"If that's the case, why do you suggest we not go see it? Isn't this a contradiction in terms?"

"No, for the movie "Buried Alive", this is not contradictory. In short, I really don't recommend you to watch it."

"This...well, this is indeed a bit difficult to understand. So, after watching it now, do you feel regretful? Do you regret that you should not have watched it?"

"Well... I can't say I regret it. I just feel a little uncomfortable."

"Don't regret it? Then this is even more difficult to understand. Since you yourself said you don't regret it after watching it, why do you say that we will regret it after watching it? This is so strange!"

"All right,

It does sound strange, but we're telling the truth. All in all, this is a movie not recommended to watch. "


Many people are confused, what is going on?

Why do I feel like those who went to see "Buried Alive" are a little abnormal.

He obviously said that "Buried Alive" was wonderful and could even be called a classic. He also said that after watching it, he couldn't say that he regretted it. But I don't recommend not to watch it, saying that you will regret it if you do.

This is an obvious inconsistency.

Watch a movie called "Buried Alive" and make people look stupid?

"Buried Alive" is indeed not a normal movie.

By the way, there is another very important question.

"I don't quite understand your inconsistent words. I want to ask you a question right now. Is this movie really about burying a person alive?"

"That's the answer to your question. Yes, it's literally burying a man alive."

"The kind that's buried alive in the ground?"

"Yes, put in a coffin and buried underground."

"They actually buried people alive. Well, what I want to say is, luckily I didn't choose to see it."

"You made the right choice. I also wish I had chosen not to see it. But unfortunately I have already gone to see it."

"But you won't regret it after seeing it."

"Yes, I really can't say I regret it."

"Then why did you say that you also wished you had chosen not to see it?"

"Yeah, I really wish I hadn't looked."

"I found that we can no longer communicate well. You clearly said that you didn't regret it after watching it, but you also said that you wished you had not watched it. It is simply incomprehensible. Well, I am too lazy to understand. Since it is really If you bury a person alive, then I won’t look at it.”

"You made the right choice."

"hope so."


Dizzy, dizzy, completely dizzy.

Those who went to see "Buried Alive" seemed to have something really abnormal.

Forget it, don’t worry about it so much. Since a person is really "buried alive" underground, then I won't watch it.

Lest you become a little abnormal after watching it.

Many people who have not watched "Buried Alive" have made such a decision in their hearts.

The next day, the topic of "Buried Alive" continued on the Internet, and the situation was similar to last night.

Those who went to see "Buried Alive" were not normal, and those who did not go to see "Buried Alive" were confused.

And there is one thing that everyone is paying close attention to: what was the box office of "Buried Alive" yesterday?

The results are out.

2 million!

Of course, this is only the domestic box office in the United States.

For a movie with an investment of less than 1 million, this box office is already very high, enough to make people cheer with excitement.

Not only did we get our money back on the first day, but we also made a profit. This is a rare situation in the entire history of film.

However, considering the popularity of "Buried Alive" before, the box office was not high, not even satisfactory.

However, there is one more thing to consider. Yesterday, the arrangements for "Buried Alive" by major theater chains were almost all tentative, and there were not many scheduled screenings.

A box office of 2 million is considered normal.

Overall, this is a normal box office.

If this trend continues, major theater chains will arrange slightly more screenings of "Buried Alive" in the future, and those theater chains that have not introduced "Buried Alive" before and are ready to wait and see will begin to introduce "Buried Alive". It won't take long to break through 20 million box office.

The key question is, how will major theater chains arrange "Buried Alive" next?

All walks of life are paying attention to this issue.

And the major theater chains are all a little confused now, and they don't know how to arrange movies next?

Yesterday's test, it stands to reason that the effect was very good.

Not only was the attendance rate very high, but viewers who had watched it also used words like "wonderful" and even "classic" in their evaluations of "Buried Alive".

If this is the case, then it is time to devote a lot of resources to "Buried Alive".

However, those people are all suggesting on the Internet that those who have not seen "Buried Alive" should not watch it, lest they regret it after watching it.

He also said that the story told in "Buried Alive" is really about burying a person alive underground.

Well, now, countless people who have never seen "Buried Alive" are glad that they did not choose to see it, and they also said that they will not go see it.

This means that very few people will choose to watch Buried Alive next?

So how should I arrange this piece?

Those theaters that have not introduced "Buried Alive" are thinking, should I introduce it or not?

The major theater chains were confused.

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