Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2361 Traffic surges

After knowing the reason, many comic fans quickly figured out why the island country's Yomiuri TV station did not seek cooperation with cartoonists at home, but came to their own country to find cooperation with Li Fan.

This must be because Yomiuri TV cannot find any cartoonists to cooperate with in the island country.

This is normal. Besides Li Fan, which cartoonist is also good at detective field?

Even if he dabbles in it, it is just a hobby and cannot meet the requirements of Yomiuri TV at all.

Li Fan is the only person in the world who can help Yomiuri TV.

Naturally, Yomiuri TV had no choice but to come and ask Li Fan for help.

After thinking about this, many comic fans were very excited.

"Hahaha! The cartoonists and comic fans in the island country seem to be very inflated recently. Now, okay, at the critical moment, only Mr. Li Fan who came to ask us to take action."

"It's long past time for those guys in the island country to wake up. It's just the right time for Mr. Li Fan to take action this time."

"Most cartoonists and comic fans in the island country still respect and awe Mr. Li Fan. Only a few people think they are great. We just ignore those people."

"Since this time we are helping the Yomiuri TV station of the island country, it should also be based on the island country. It doesn't matter, just like "Slam Dunk". It doesn't matter what you memorize, the important thing is that it is from Li Fan Sir’s hand.”

"Detective comics, except for Mr. Li Fan's original children's comic "Young Di Renjie", there are no other comics of this type, right? And Mr. Li Fan's work will obviously be similar to "Young Di Renjie". "Young Detective Dee" is completely different. It should be regarded as a pioneering comic work."

"It's like this, as we just said. Except for Mr. Li Fan, there is no other cartoonist who is also good at the detective field. Mr. Li Fan is the first and only person in the world. Well, to be precise, currently The only one. In the future, there may be a second person, but don’t expect him to reach the height of Mr. Li Fan.”

"I wonder what Mr. Li Fan's protagonist will be like this time? A genius crime-solving boy? Or a wise and steady middle-aged man? Or something else?"

"I don't know, but he shouldn't be a teenager, but at least a young man."

"Just wait and see, the answer will be revealed in a week."


Comic fans are discussing excitedly, and cartoonists are also very excited.

Li Fan finally took action again.

Their expectations for Li Fan's comic works are by no means lower than those of comic fans.

As the father of comics, Li Fan pioneered comic techniques in one fell swoop, allowing many people to embark on the road of comics.

Every cartoonist sincerely respects and awes Li Fan.

And Li Fan's comic works are classics among classics, and they can learn a lot from them.

Therefore, they are extremely looking forward to Li Fan being able to create comic works again.

Unfortunately, Li Fan has not created comics for a long time.

This made many comics think that,

Li Fan may never create comics again in the future.

They were very sorry, but they could only accept it.

But who knows, a surprise will suddenly appear today, and Li Fan will take action again.

All the comics are very excited, and their level of excitement is by no means lower than that of comic fans.

"Finally, I finally waited for Mr. Li Fan to take action again. This is an honor for our entire comic industry!"

"Mr. Li Fan takes action again, and I can finally appreciate Mr. Li Fan's comic works again. At this moment, I am just a simple comic fan."

"I have a hunch that we will learn a lot from Mr. Li Fan's work."

"We are lucky to be able to see Mr. Li Fan take action again. Speaking of which, we should also thank the island country's Yomiuri TV this time."

"You can thank them. This is an opportunity for them."

"There's still a week left. Let the time pass quickly."


Although Li Fan's latest comic work will not be online for another week.

However, the traffic of Shiman Online website has begun to soar.

Soon after the relevant announcement was issued, traffic began to show a significant upward trend.

After that, traffic increased faster and faster.

The staff responsible for traffic monitoring at the Fashion Manga Website Management Center would exclaim from time to time.

First he was excited, then he was a little worried. If the traffic continued to surge like this, he was a little doubtful whether the server could withstand it?

Although the command has been issued above, start upgrading the server and directly upgrade it to the highest specifications.

As soon as the management center received the order, it immediately started preparations for the upgrade.

However, it is still in the early stages of preparation and the upgrade has not officially started.

If the traffic continues to soar, the existing servers may not be able to bear it.

Report the situation.

After consulting the above, the manager of the management center decided to temporarily limit the flow of visitors until the server upgrade is completed.

At the same time, an announcement was issued explaining the reason for the traffic limit to all visitors and apologizing.

But even if the traffic is limited, the traffic is much higher than the usual average traffic.

All senior executives in the fashion comics industry, including Xie Chengzhe, and all employees were extremely excited.

They knew traffic would surge, but they didn't expect it to start so early.

It seems that the server upgrade work needs to be carried out more closely.

Xie Chengzhe personally issued an order for relevant personnel to work overtime all night.

After the upgrade is completed, the company will prepare a grand prize for everyone.

The people involved cheered, and it was okay to work overtime occasionally, as long as they were paid enough.

In addition to the excitement of the people involved in the fashion comics industry, the cartoonists who serialize their comic works on the Time Comics online website are also extremely excited.

Because the surge in traffic has caused the various data of their works to increase in varying degrees.

Some works have even increased significantly.

It is true that the original purpose of everyone logging into the Jinshiman Online website is to read the relevant announcement.

However, many people did not exit the website immediately after reading the announcement, but instead clicked on some comic works serialized on it.

The data of comic works will naturally show gratifying changes

"Hahaha! The number of hits on my work in the last few hours has exceeded the number of hits in a week. This is just because of the official news that Mr. Li Fan will serialize the work on this site, or the website will limit the flow. Under such circumstances. Mr. Li Fan’s influence is so terrifying!”


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