"The changes in my various data are also very obvious. Mr. Li Fan chose Shiman Online this time, and we took off. Moreover, this is just the beginning."

"Yes, what will the traffic be like after Mr. Li Fan's works are officially launched? It's really hard to imagine."

"Hahaha! Now I am finally convinced that choosing to serialize the work in Shiman Online is absolutely the right decision."

"There's still one week left, so everyone is ready to take off."


The cartoonists who serialized their works in Shiman Online were so excited, but the main competitors of Shiman Online were sighing at this time.

They really couldn't understand why Shiman Online got such an opportunity?

Now, traffic has started to surge.

So, when Li Fan's work is officially launched, how will it soar?

Competitors don't dare to think about it, and they don't want to think about it.

They only know that from now on, Shiman Online will definitely stand out and rise rapidly.

And they could only watch helplessly, helpless.

Trying to find ways to divert traffic?

It is indeed feasible and may have some effect.

However, no matter how effective it is, it is destined to be only insignificant in the face of Li Fan's influence.

They tried their best to divert the flow, but they were just making a desperate struggle.

Obviously everyone has similar strength and traffic. They compete with each other, and some lose and some win.

Now, Shiman Online is going to ascend alone.

The competitors were envious and extremely envious, but they could only watch helplessly.

Apart from sighing, there was nothing else I could do.

Many non-comic fans are also talking about it with great interest at this time.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Li Fan would draw comics again while chatting with us every day. Li Fan has been very diligent recently!"

"I can't help it. Who made Mr. Li Fan interested in the request from the island country Yomiuri TV? Then let's take action once."

"Comics, I really don't like reading those things. However, you can read them after they are made into animations."

"This time Yomiuri TV was originally going to make animation. It will definitely be released in our country by then, and we can take a look at it then."

"Look, of course. I don't like reading comics, but you can watch animations. Mr. Li Fan's works are a must-read."


In addition, a number of celebrities, including Shen Cong and Wang Xuemin, are also paying attention.

Naturally, they have no interest in comics.

However, they are interested in detective works.

So, what will the detective comics look like?

It's quite curious.

Many big guys are thinking,

Will serialization start in a week? Let’s take a look at it then.

See if the detective element is obvious?

In addition, the major media naturally spared no effort to report on major events.

There is still a week left until the series officially starts, but countless people are already discussing it online and offline.

Among them, there are a lot of people who are not very interested in comics.

Of course, this is purely a routine operation for Li Fan.

No one was surprised.

This is the case in China, and the situation in the island country is not much different.

Except for a few comic fans and cartoonists who are sarcastic, the vast majority of cartoonists and comic fans are very excited and looking forward to it.

The media in the island country are also reporting a lot.

People in both countries are talking about it and looking forward to it.

And time finally passed slowly.

A week later.

At nine o'clock in the morning that day, there was still one hour left before the official launch time of ten o'clock in the morning.

Shiman Online and the island country's serial website Weekly Shonen simultaneously announced the title of the work to the outside world:

"Detective Conan"!

Once the title of the work was announced, it instantly ignited the passion of countless comic fans in both countries.

The atmosphere on the Internet instantly reached its peak.

Everyone is talking and speculating.

The title of the work is simple, direct and crude, and the message contained is very obvious.

The protagonist's name is Conan and he is a famous detective.

This is absolutely certain, but what will Conan's character look like?

This is unknown.

This question is of great interest to everyone.

"Conan? Well, judging from the name, he seems not too old. He is probably a young man in his twenties."

"No, no. Since he is already a famous detective, he shouldn't be too young. He is probably around forty years old. You have to know that when he was young, his name was Conan, and when he got older, he was still called Conan."

"I wonder if Conan is a full-time detective, or does he have another identity? Detective is just a part-time job for him?"

"It's possible both ways. We'll find out later."

"Since you are a detective, you must solve the case. I wonder what the first case will be like?"

"It's quite exciting. Fortunately, we don't have to wait too long."


Time finally passed little by little, and finally it was ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Fan's latest comic work, "Detective Conan" is finally officially launched.

Before, everyone was speculating about Conan's character and what the first case would be like. When will it happen?

Now, the answer seems to be coming from the get-go.

The whole story begins with a case.

Of course, this is not a complete case, just an introduction.

It’s about a mansion where the male owner’s wife was killed.

The police arrived at the scene.

However, the murderer's modus operandi could not be determined.

If you don’t even know the murderer’s modus operandi, then naturally there will be no way to solve the case or find the murderer.

At this moment, a voice appeared.

"I understand!"

Then a young man appeared.

The young man was very young, looking about sixteen or seventeen years old.

When the young man said he understood, he meant he understood the murderer's modus operandi.

Next, he indeed told the murderer's modus operandi one by one. How did the murderer commit the crime? How did you escape?

The police officers at the scene suddenly realized.

At this time, comic fans were greatly moved, this young man is amazing! Reasoning ability is very strong.

Could it be that he is the protagonist, Detective Conan?

Well, nine times out of ten it should be correct.

However, the character was so young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, which surprised almost everyone.

Even those who guessed that Conan's character should be very young did not expect that he would be so young.

They thought they would be in their twenties at least.

Of course, everyone was just surprised and had no other thoughts.

This is Li Fan's work. Even if the character is just a child of a few years old, no one will have any ideas.

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