Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2367 I like detective works

Regarding the settings and operation of Conan, it is really slippery.

This kind of crime-solving story has never been seen before, never thought of, and never heard of before.

It's so novel and interesting.

As soon as Li Fan took action, it was indeed a big deal.

Even a conventional theme like detective solving crimes can be played with such new tricks.

Simply breathtaking!

All comic fans are excited.

And the excited people are far from just comic fans.

There are many, many others who are also extremely excited.

For example, here in China, the cartoonists who serialize their works on the Shiman Online website.

As they said before, after the official serialization of "Detective Conan" started, the traffic of Shiman Online website further surged.

The traffic surge means that the number of comic fans visiting Shiman Online has skyrocketed.

Among these soaring numbers, some people will not exit the website immediately after watching "Detective Conan".

Instead, I will continue to browse other comic works that are serialized on the Shiman Online website.

With this browse, there are endless possibilities.

Maybe he will think it's okay and add it to his bookshelf, maybe he will vote for a recommendation, maybe he will leave a message, comment, etc.

They will even subscribe to the works.

Even if everything is good after he clicks on the work, it will increase the number of clicks.

Therefore, since "Detective Conan" officially started serialization, most of the other works on the Shiman Online website have seen very significant improvements in their data.

For authors, improving the data of their works is one of the most exciting things.

"Hahaha! I knew the traffic would surge again. The speed of this data increase looks really gratifying."

"I'm afraid my royalties for this month will increase by more than half. There is nothing more gratifying than this."

"It is really a pleasure to watch the data of my works grow so fast. This is the first time I have experienced this feeling after drawing comics for so long. It is really refreshing!"

"Now every few minutes, I can't help but refresh the data. Seeing new changes in the data, I instantly feel full of energy."

"Hahaha! Thank you Mr. Li Fan for choosing Shiman Online. At this time, I can guarantee that the authors of other comic websites are absolutely envious and jealous of us."

"That's for sure. I guess some authors want to change their vests and come to our website to exploit them."

"I don't think so yet. However, if it takes a little longer, I'm afraid some author will actually come over and start a trap."

"Forget it, they'd better not come. Don't come to steal our traffic and resources."

"That makes sense."


As they said, the authors of other similar websites are really envious of them.

"Holy shit! The traffic of Shiman Online has soared again. The data of most works have improved significantly, which is really enviable."

"Why did Mr. Li Fan choose Timeman Online? Why didn't we choose our website?"

"The speed at which the data of Shiman Online's works is rising is so gratifying. It makes me want to go to Shiman Online to launch new works to test the waters."

"I also have this idea, but I don't have enough time and energy. I only have this one work now, and I feel very tired and mentally exhausted every day. How can I dare to go to Shiman Online to release new works."

"Yeah, comics are not like novels. People will die if they read too much."

"So, we can only be so envious and jealous?"

"Yes, that's all."

"All right."

They are envious.

However, putting aside these envious factors, they are actually very excited.

Because of the work "Detective Conan" itself.

Although this work is a detective work, they can still learn many new things from it.

These things will be of great help to their future creative careers.

And this is undoubtedly the most important.

They were very excited and all hoped that Li Fan's "Detective Conan" could be drawn longer.

The longer, the better.

It would be really cool if the serialization could last more than a year!

island country.

Cartoonists from the island nation are equally excited.

The father of comics is, after all, the father of comics, and this move is no small matter.

Although "Detective Conan" is a detective work about solving crimes, there are still many places worth learning from.

For example, regarding Kudo Shinichi and Conan, this kind of thinking is obviously the same person, but they are two different characters. They can all be used for reference in other types of works.

This idea is so amazing that ordinary people cannot come up with it.

There is no way they would have such an idea.

Then, they can only learn from it.

If he doesn’t have any ideas, the father of comics provides him with them.

In addition to this setting, there are many other places worth learning from.

This is a work that excites most cartoonists.

The comic fans in the island country are also very excited.

"Hahaha! Mr. Li Fan's works are just different. This work will definitely become as classic as "Slam Dunk"."

"That's for sure. Just relying on the imaginative settings of Kudo Shinichi and Conan is enough to become a classic."

"Mr. Li Fan's works are still good-looking. Even though I didn't like detective works before, I completely like this work now. The cartoonists in our country cannot compare with Mr. Li Fan at all."

"This is not nonsense. This is the gap between them and the father of comics. Of course, there are also many excellent cartoonists among them, who are very powerful. They just cannot compare with Mr. Li Fan."

"I didn't like detective works before. But now after watching "Detective Conan", I suddenly became interested in detective works. What are Mr. Li Fan's detective works? I want to see them."

"Mr. Li Fan has many detective works, all of which are classics. First of all, I recommend a detective work created by Mr. Li Fan based on the background of our country, called "The Devotion of Suspect X"."

"Ah? Mr. Li Fan has also created detective works based on our country?"

"Well, that happened a long time ago. It was called "The Devotion of Suspect X" and it's quite a classic."

"Okay, then I'll go watch "The Devotion of Suspect X" first."

"Yes. Then there are "Detective Di Renjie" which is set in the Tang Dynasty of China, and "Sherlock Holmes" which is set in the Lan Kingdom. You should know these two works, right?"

"Well, I know that. Di Renjie and Sherlock Holmes are the two most famous detectives in the world."

"Well, then there are also "Young Bao Qingtian" and "The Punisher of the Song Dynasty" which are also set in ancient China. They are also quite classics. These works are enough for you to watch for a long time."

"Okay, thank you, I'll take my time."



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