Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2368 The problem of Kogoro’s detective ability

The executives of Yomiuri TV in the island country immediately launched the animation adaptation plan as soon as "Detective Conan" began to be serialized.

They originally wanted to launch such a cartoon, so they specifically approached Li Fan to cooperate.

They were very excited now. Li Fan took action, and it was amazing every time.

A detective comic work has such imaginative ideas, and the cases are also very exciting.

This kind of work is exactly what they dreamed of most before.

They now have great confidence in the production and distribution of cartoons.

Ishiyama Guiyi once again embarked on a journey to China.

This time he went out of his way to thank Li Fan.

He could have expressed his gratitude to Li Fan over the phone, but he believed that it would be most sincere to go to Sansheng Village of Huaguo to express his gratitude to Li Fan in person.

Whether they are comic fans in China or comic fans in island countries, they are all discussing the plot of "Detective Conan" on the Internet.

Kudo Shinichi, or Conan, is undoubtedly the focus of everyone's discussion.

Besides Conan, the character that everyone discusses the most is not Mao Lilan, but Mao Lilan's father, Maori Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro seems to be a rather confused detective. The detective agency he opened rarely got any business.

So, is Kogoro Mouri's detective ability really bad?

This is the topic that comic fans discuss the most.

Some people think that Kogoro Mouri's detective ability is really poor, at least at the moment, it seems to be really poor.

Of course, saying it's really bad might be a bit exaggerated, but it's really average.

Some people also believe that Kogoro Mouri's detective skills are actually not bad. Although he can't compare to Conan, he should still be a qualified detective.

Otherwise, why did Mouri Kogoro react so quickly to the hints Conan gave during the previous case.

If the detective ability is really poor, no matter what Conan hints, it should be difficult to understand the meaning of the hint.

Of course, no matter which view it is, it is not very convincing now.

Because there are still too few cases.

However, one thing is certain, that is, Kogoro Mouri is a very important figure.

He is also a rather funny character.

Next, Dr. Ali secretly prepared several secret weapons for Conan, including a bow that can change his voice, a watch that can shoot anesthesia needles, a belt that can instantly pop up the ball, and powerful shoes that can kick with great force.

Among them, the voice-changing bow allows Conan to imitate anyone's voice.

This is why in the next case, Conan used an anesthesia needle to anesthetize Mouri Kogoro and let Mouri Kogoro sit in a chair and fall into a deep sleep.

Then, by imitating the voice of Mouri Kogoro through the voice-changing bow tie, the entire case was perfectly solved and the murderer was successfully found.

After that, Conan followed the same pattern in every case, anesthetizing Kogoro Mouri through an anesthetic needle,

Then he secretly imitated the voice of Kogoro Mori and solved the case perfectly.

Of course, no one knows the truth except Conan himself.

Everyone believes that the case was solved by Moori Kogoro.

As more and more cases were successfully solved, Kogoro Mouri gradually became famous and became a famous detective.

And because Mouri Kogoro always looked like he was asleep every time he was reasoning about the case.

Therefore, Kogoro Mori is also called the sleeping Kogoro.

In every case, as soon as Mouri Kogoro begins to fall into a deep sleep, everyone will know that the sleeping Kogoro is coming, and the truth of the case will soon be deduced.

This is certainly true.

Because every time, after Conan has completely understood the case, he puts Mouri Kogoro to sleep, imitating Moori Kogoro's voice, reasoning about what happened in the case, the murderer's method of committing the crime, etc.

Every time it was like this, the sleeping Kogoro became more and more famous.

Mouri Kogoro's fame is growing and he has become a famous detective, but a topic that everyone was arguing about before seems to have an answer.

What is Mouri Kogoro's detective ability?

Many people have said before that Mouri Kogoro's detective ability is actually very good.

But now, they don't say that.

Because, this series of cases were all solved by Conan.

Before Mouri Kogoro was anesthetized by Conan, he would also make various reasonings on his own, but the final facts always proved that his reasoning was all wrong.

This seems to be enough to prove that Kogoro Mouri's detective skills are really poor.

Even those who had previously insisted that Mouri Kogoro's detective skills were actually good did not refute them at this time.

In the face of the facts, they could no longer refute.

I can only think that my previous feeling may indeed be wrong.

Mouri Kogoro's detective ability is indeed not very good.

Until a new case occurs.

The name of this case is "Kogoro Alumni Association Murder Case".

It's about Maori Kogoro taking Maori Lan and Conan to attend his college reunion.

The students who participated in the class reunion were all classmates who had a very good relationship during school, and they had a reunion every year.

However, during this class reunion, a classmate named Yumi was shot and killed.

Through the investigation of the crime scene, it was determined that the murderer was one of the students attending the class reunion.

We are all classmates, and we have a very good relationship during school.

Now, a classmate shot and killed another classmate.

This made Maori Kogoro very angry and vowed to find the murderer and bring him to justice.

And he clearly knew that the murderer must be one of the few classmates present, but he deliberately pretended to be confused and said that the murderer should be an outsider.

This time even Conan was fooled.

In the end, Mouri Kogoro himself deduced the murderer's modus operandi and successfully subdued the murderer.

The murderer's name was Nakamichi Kazushi, and he was a policeman. This made Maori Kogoro feel even more angry and regretful.

In the process of Mouri Kogoro subduing Nakamichi Kazushi, Nakamichi Kazushi angrily told Mouri Kogoro that there was a reason for killing Yumi.

And Mouri Kogoro interrupted him and said, "No matter what reason you have for wanting a murderer to kill someone, I don't want to know. I don't want to know your reason for killing someone."

As soon as this sentence came out, all comic fans felt it instantly. It turns out that Kogoro Mouri can be so handsome.

And this case can almost be regarded as a case that Mouri Kogoro solved by himself.

This can clearly prove that Mouri Kogoro's detective ability is not bad at all.

However, if it is a case that has nothing to do with him, he always seems to be unable to use such detective skills and is always very confused.

It seems that only in cases that are closely related to him can he be truly serious and have excellent reasoning skills.

This makes people really helpless.

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