Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2373 There are young people painting

Half a month later.

Sansheng Village.

Liang Sheng received a call from Lin Hongquan.

"Old Lin, do you want to come over?...Okay, when will you come over?...Okay, then come over."

After hanging up the phone, Liang Sheng found Zheng Jie and said, "Old Zheng, Lao Lin and the others are coming over in two days. Let's go and tell Boy Fan."

Zheng Jie asked: "Which Old Lin? Is it the one you gave him wild ginseng last time?"

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "Well, there is also another old friend, Liu Zhi, and a famous doctor from Xiangjiang, Ling Zhengxiao. The three of them are here together."

Zheng Jie said: "Okay, just in time to see what that kid is doing?"

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng found Li Fan by the creek.

Li Fan was lying on a piece of grass with a piece of foxtail grass in his mouth, watching with interest the tourists touching crabs in the stream ditch.

After hearing what Liang Sheng said about Lin Hongquan's arrival, he nodded and said, "Sure, I will go with the two elders to greet them then."

Liang Sheng said: "Okay, we will call you then."

Li Fan nodded.

After that, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng also sat down on the grass. It was early summer and the weather was quite pleasant.

By the stream and ditch, the cool breeze blowing from time to time often brings a touch of moisture and a faint fragrance of flowers and plants, which is very comfortable.

This is a great place.

Tourists also like this place very much, especially those who come with children.

There are large areas of flat grassland with various wild flowers blooming in the grassland, and groups of butterflies chasing and dancing among the flowers.

The children were chasing butterflies in the grass, carefree and very happy.

Parents love it best when they see their children so happy.

Therefore, every weekend, it is extremely lively here, with groups of children always chasing and playing.

Li Fan likes this kind of unrestrained excitement.

A little further away, there were several young people painting there.

An easel, a drawing board, a few paintbrushes, a palette, a stool, a bag, the equipment for several people is similar.

What they painted was obviously the scenery of the stream and ditch in front of them, including big trees, grassland, wild flowers, butterflies, children chasing and playing, and a large number of tourists.

They all painted very carefully.

Even though there were several tourists standing behind them watching them paint, it didn't seem to have any influence on them.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng also noticed several young people painting.

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "How are those young people doing?"

Liang Sheng said: "It's not very clear. However, the posture looks quite professional, so it should be okay."

Zheng Jie said: "Let's go over and take a look. How are the skills of those young people?"

Liang Sheng had no objection, and Li Fan naturally had no objection either.

The three of them stood up and slowly walked towards the direction where several young people were painting.

The tourists standing behind the young man looking at the painting recognized Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng and were about to say hello. Liang Sheng quickly waved his hand to signal to be quiet so as not to disturb the painting.

The tourists understood it in their hearts and stopped making any sound, just nodding their heads.

Then, they looked at Li Fan again. They vaguely guessed Li Fan's identity, but they were not too sure.

However, the mood started to become exciting.

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng stood behind a young man who was painting and looked at the young man's drawing board.

In Li Fan's opinion, it's not bad. For young people, we can't ask too much.

Then he stood behind several other young people and looked at them, and they were okay.

It can be seen that several young people are indeed professional in painting, but their skills are still relatively raw and there is still enough room for growth.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were not good at painting, but they had enough vision. They could also tell what level the young people were currently at.

After seeing it, the three of them were about to leave.

The young man painting on the far side turned his head for some reason and happened to see Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng standing behind him.

The young man had never met Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng in person before, but he had seen them in the media.

In addition, this is the Sansheng Village, so even if you have not seen the two of them in the media, you can probably guess their identities.

Therefore, after being stunned for a while, the young man stood up excitedly and said, "May I ask, are you Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang?"

Perhaps because of his excitement, the young man's voice was not quiet. The other young people painting and the tourists looking at the painting behind him all heard it.

The tourists had long known that Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were coming, so they were not surprised.

Several young painters were surprised and pleasantly surprised. They looked like Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng.

Zheng Jie laughed and said, "It's us. Young people are good at painting. Keep painting. Don't worry about us. Everyone, please keep painting."

Liang Sheng also smiled and said: "The painting is really good, everyone, keep on painting."

The young man at the end said excitedly: "Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liang, I wonder if you can give me some comments? I'm very grateful."

Several other young people also spoke out. This was a very rare opportunity. If Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were willing to comment, they might benefit a lot.


The young man had such ardent expectations that Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng couldn't bear to refuse. But they are not good at painting. If they comment on it, they will only scratch the surface and will not be of much use to a few young people.

It seems that this matter must be left to Li Fan.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng looked at Li Fan. Although they didn't speak, they knew that Li Fan could understand what they meant.

Li Fan smiled and nodded.

Zheng Jie laughed and said to several young people: "Everyone knows that Mr. Liang and I are not good at painting. I'm afraid our comments will be of little use to them. Therefore, let Li Fan My little friend, please give everyone a review.”

As soon as Zheng Jie's words came out, the tourists were not too surprised because they had already guessed Li Fan's identity.

They're just excited.

Li Fan would like to comment? Although they may not understand it, they still feel very excited.

The few young people who were painting were completely stunned.

After they recognized Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng before, they were too excited and did not think deeply about who the young people with Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were.

Now, they know.

After staying for a long time, I felt extremely annoyed. In fact, they should have guessed long ago that besides Li Fan, who else would be the young people walking together with Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng in Sansheng Village?

After being upset, there was unprecedented excitement and excitement.

Li Fan is the first person in the world of calligraphy and painting. Whether it is calligraphy or painting, he has reached an unfathomable realm.

Let alone a review, even a casual comment is likely to benefit people a lot.

Now, Li Fan wants to review their works. Their excitement and excitement are beyond description in words.

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