Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2374 Turning decay into magic

Li Fan smiled, walked to the easel of the first young man, and said, "Give me a paintbrush."

The young man quickly bowed slightly, handed a paintbrush to Li Han with both hands, and said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan."

At this time, several other young people painting and tourists gathered around the easel.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Li Han reached out and took it, said "Thank you", and then said: "Do you mind if I add a few strokes to your painting?"

When the young man heard this, he became even more excited. He was too late to get excited, so how could he mind?

He said excitedly: "This is my greatest honor."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Your foundation is pretty good, but there are a few issues you need to pay attention to. First..."

Li Fan pointed out the problems faced by young people in painting one by one.

In the process of pointing out, sometimes I will add a touch to the young people's paintings.

With each addition, several young people and tourists would widen their eyes in surprise.

Because Li Fan's seemingly random strokes made the original work slowly come to life.

Before, everyone thought that the original painting was actually very good and quite artistic.

However, after Li Fan seemingly added a few strokes at random, everyone realized that the original work didn't seem to be very good.

At least there are many areas that can be improved.

Just a few strokes can change a painting so much that no one at the scene would believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes.

Even Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng found it a bit incredible.

Why is this happening?

There is only one reason, and that is that Li Fan's level of painting is too high.

So high that with just a few strokes, an ordinary painting can become no longer ordinary.

Absolutely turning decay into magic!

What kind of state is this?

No one at the scene could tell clearly.

Some are just endless emotions.

Today, I really learned a lot. I am so lucky to have seen such a magical thing happen with my own eyes.

The young people involved were even more excited and excited. Li Fan's comments just now, as well as a few seemingly random writings, made him feel like he was enlightened.

Faintly, he seemed to have caught something that he had never been able to catch no matter what.

He is so lucky.

Also, his originally ordinary painting, now that Li Fan has added several strokes like this, not only is the painting no longer ordinary.

More importantly, the paintings that were originally worthless are now worth a lot.

Sure enough, I heard one tourist say very excitedly: "Young man, are you selling this painting? I bought it, and we can discuss the price."

From what this tourist said, it seemed that he could get a pretty good price.

Not only is this tourist interested,

Other tourists are actually interested.

It’s just that they know they can’t afford that price.

However, for the young man involved, the painting was certainly impossible to sell.

Even if it can be sold at a high price.

Because this painting is of immeasurable value to him.

He said apologetically: "Sorry, sir, this painting is not for sale."

The young man did not ask the tourist how much he was willing to pay. Although he was actually a little curious, he did not ask.

Since you are not going to sell it anyway, why bother asking the price?

The tourist who wanted to buy the painting was very sorry after hearing this. He really planned to pay a high price to buy the painting.

After Li Fan added several strokes, this painting changed from ordinary to no longer ordinary. This is a magical process.

This process gives the entire painting a very special meaning, and its collection value will be very high.

You know, even Li Fan's handwriting does not have this meaning.

There is no doubt that the value of this painting will become very high in the future.

It’s a shame that young people don’t sell.

This young man was so excited and excited, and the other young people who were painting were equally excited and excited.

When Li Fan commented on this young man's paintings, he seemed to add a few strokes at random.

So, when commenting on their paintings, it should be the same, right?

Their paintings will become as valuable and meaningful as this young man's paintings.

Just thinking about it makes me uncontrollably excited and excited.

They chose to come to Sansheng Village to paint today, which was simply one of the most correct decisions in their lives.

After Li Fan finished commenting on the young man's painting, he walked to the easel of a young man with glasses next to him, ready to start commenting.

Also asked for a paintbrush.

The young man with glasses excitedly handed a paintbrush to Li Fan, his hands trembling slightly.

The movement here attracted the attention of some tourists a little further away.

Some tourists came over curiously and asked what was going on here?

A tourist here told what happened here. When the tourists who came over heard this, their faces were full of surprise.

Are you so lucky today?

When excited, he stood on tiptoes, stretched his neck, and looked inside, or he ducked in through the cracks in the crowd.

The noise grew louder and louder, finally attracting the attention of more tourists.

Slowly, tourists surrounded the easel on three floors inside and three floors outside.

Fortunately, the terrain here has a slight downward slope, and the easel is located at a high point.

Otherwise, tourists from the outside will not be able to see what is going on inside.

When Li Fan was commenting on the paintings of the young man with glasses, he also added a few seemingly random strokes.

The result is naturally the same as the previous painting. The whole painting gives people a completely different feeling, as if it suddenly came to life.

Definitely a few strokes that turn decay into magic.

All the tourists witnessed this magical process with their own eyes, and they all exclaimed in disbelief.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you really wouldn't believe that a few strokes could have such magical power.

What Li Fan is holding is not a paintbrush, but a magic brush.

The tourists are getting more and more excited, and this event will become a topic of conversation for them in the future.

They are very lucky.

While watching, they were discussing quietly.

"These young people who paint are really lucky. After Mr. Li Fan changed their paintings like this, the value of their paintings instantly became extremely high. It makes people envious and jealous!"

"No. Moreover, Mr. Li Fan's comments will definitely benefit them a lot. Of course it is a great opportunity."

"So, no matter what you do, luck is very important. Just like these young people who paint. Now after Mr. Li Fan's comments, it is very likely that the results they can achieve in the future will be better than before. Much higher."

"The brush Mr. Li Fan is holding in his hand is clearly a magic brush that can turn decay into magic."

"This can only be said that Mr. Li Fan's attainments in painting are really unfathomable."

"It's simply breathtaking. It's really worth coming to Sansheng Village today."

"It's truly breathtaking!"


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