Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2376 In a Taxi

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng left the stream.

Zheng Jie said: "I just watched you write, and it felt really magical. You are getting more and more secretive."

Li Fan said: "It's not necessarily magical."

Liang Sheng said: "I'm afraid what happened this time has already been spread on the Internet. It will be hotly discussed on the Internet for a while."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Let them discuss it."

Two days later, at 10 a.m.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng arrived in front of Li Fan's yard and said that Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao and Liu Zhi who came from Xiangjiang were about to arrive.

Li Fan walked out of the yard and said, "Let's go."

He, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng went to the entrance of the village to greet him.

Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao, and Liu Zhi were in a taxi and were about to arrive at Sansheng Village.

Outside the car window, you can see a lot of vehicles coming and going.

There are taxis and private cars.

Ling Zhengxiao said a little surprised: "The traffic here is so heavy?"

After hearing this, the taxi driver smiled and said, "Is this your first time here?"

Ling Zhengxiao said: "Yes, Master. It is indeed our first time here. Although I knew that Sansheng Village and Xianyuan Farm are extremely famous, I did not expect that the traffic volume would be so heavy. This is comparable to the traffic volume in the downtown area. ”

The master said: "This is not the time when the traffic flow is at its maximum. When the traffic flow was at its maximum, it was much greater than it is now. Mr. Li Fan's Xianyuan Farm is a completely miraculous existence."

Ling Zhengxiao, Lin Hongquan, and Liu Zhi nodded. They completely agreed with the master's statement.

If it is not a miraculous existence, how could it be famous all over the world? Countless people yearn for it, and the traffic volume is comparable to the busiest downtown.

Lin Hongquan said: "Master, does he come here often?"

The master smiled and said: "I run often, almost every day. And often many times. Since the establishment of Xianyuan Farm, the number of taxis in our Zixian County has increased more than ten times than before. It's all because of the people here. Passenger demand. We are also very willing to run here. For long distances, the car is much more comfortable than in the county. We can also make more money."

The three of them sighed for a while.

After that, Liu Zhi said: "Master, since you often come here, have you ever seen the legendary beast that protects the village in Xianyuan Farm? I heard that many people have seen it. It should be true. "

The master said: "Of course it's true! I've seen it once with my own eyes."

"Oh?" The three of them were instantly interested. Ling Zhengxiao said, "Master, can you tell us in detail?"

The master said with some excitement: "Okay. You know that there are sacred beasts that protect the village. Do you know how many sacred beasts there are? What are their names?"

Liu Zhidao: "I'm not sure about this. I just heard that there seem to be big dragons, roaring sky, and tiger heads."

The master said: "Yes, there are these. Among them, Mr. Li Fan called Dalong Dasha. I guess 'Dasha' is Dalong's real name."

However, none of us are called like that. We are all called Dalong, which is a snake-shaped mythical beast with an extremely huge size. It is said to be more than 20 meters long. I have not seen it with my own eyes, but I have heard it from others, but it is definitely true. The sacred beast that protects the village that I have seen with my own eyes is Xiaotian, which is a sculpture-shaped beast. The body is also huge, with a wingspan of at least more than twenty meters. Even when flying at high altitude, it gives people a strong sense of oppression. "

Wingspan over twenty meters? What kind of emotion should that be?

Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao, and Liu Zhi were shocked.

Although they had heard the legends about the sacred beasts that protect the village, and knew that the beasts that protected the village were gigantic, no one who had witnessed it had ever given them such a detailed description.

The master smiled and said: "Very surprised, right? Many people who hear it for the first time can't believe it. Even people who have heard it many times can't believe it. Only after seeing it with your own eyes can you believe it. "

Liu Zhidao: "It's really unbelievable. Master, you haven't said yet under what circumstances you met Xiaotian."

The master said: "Okay, let me continue. That happened several months ago. That day, I also sent a few guests here. When I was about to park at the entrance of the village, I suddenly heard an extremely loud sound in the sky. A sharp and loud whistling sound.

At that time, I didn't realize what happened? Then I heard screams of exclamation from the tourists around me, and saw all the tourists looking up at the sky, taking out their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures frantically. Only then did I realize what was happening? I hurriedly stepped on the brake, pulled on the handbrake, opened the door and got out of the car, and then looked up. Of course the same goes for the guests in the car.

When I looked up, I saw a huge thing flying high in the sky. At that time, it was still very high from the inside, but it could still make people feel a strong sense of oppression.

Later I heard that the reason why Xiaotian appeared on that day was because there was a group of uninvited guests from the sky who wanted to steal food from the farm. It's a pity that the uninvited guests were not seen. Those guys should have been scared away as soon as Xiaotian showed up.

I heard that once there were uninvited guests from the sky who wanted to steal food from the farm. After Xiao Tian showed up, those guys didn't even run away.

As a result, Xiao Tian took action and killed one guy with lightning speed, and the rest of the guys fled in fear. Xiaotian did not pursue him again. It is noble, and it definitely doesn't bother to take action against those guys. Those guys really refused to leave, so they had to teach them a lesson. "

The more the three of them listened, the more miraculous they felt. They felt that everything the master said should be true.

This makes them yearn for the legend of the sacred beast that protects the village even more.

Liu Zhi added: "By the way, master, besides the big dragon, roaring sky, and tiger head, what other sacred beasts are there that protect the village of Xianyuan Farm? Do you know?"

The master said: "I know. Almost every passenger who comes to Sansheng Village will talk about this. I have already heard it."

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