Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2377 Meeting old friends

Liu Zhi felt happy and said, "Then please tell us, master."

The master said: "Okay, then let me tell you. In addition to the big dragon, Xiaotian, and Hutou, there are also the leopard-shaped mythical beasts Big Zhuiyun and Little Zhuiyun, the tiger-shaped mythical beast Hu Ben, and the turtle-shaped mythical beast Ba Tian. In addition, There are two other mythical beasts that must have grown up later. Very few people have seen them, and their names are not very clear. I only know that they are eagle-shaped beasts."

Liu Zhi, Lin Hongquan, and Ling Zhengxiao were all a little surprised after hearing this, "There are actually so many mythical beasts."

The master said: "Isn't it incredible? Everyone will be so emotional."

Lin Hongquan said: "It is indeed incredible. By the way, master, you should know a lot about Baiyun Mountain, right?"

The master said: "To be precise, I know the area open to tourists on the main peak of Baiyun Mountain. I have been to the top of Baiyun Mountain twice, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. The most famous ones are Baiyun Lake and the unknown tower."

Lin Hongquan said: "We know the names of Baiyun Lake and the Nameless Tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain. In addition to the places open to tourists, does Master know about other places in Baiyun Mountain?"

The master said: "I don't understand this. There are endless mountains deep in Baiyun Mountain, and many places are inaccessible. Almost no one dares to set foot there. Sansheng Village also clearly stipulates that tourists are prohibited from entering non-open areas. Otherwise, there will be consequences. Conceited. The only person who knows everything about Baiyun Mountain should be Mr. Li Fan."

Lin Hongquan asked: "Is the closed area of ​​Baiyun Mountain dangerous?"

The master said: "Of course it is very dangerous. However, I heard that the sacred beasts that protect the village will secretly protect the safety of tourists. But I just heard that Mr. Li Fan did not say so. Of course, even if it is true, Mr. Li Fan will definitely I won’t tell you. Otherwise, I’m afraid many people will go to non-open areas to explore. So, generally speaking, no one dares to go to non-open areas, and you can’t risk your life.”

Lin Hongquan said: "That's it, thank you, master."

The master said: "You're welcome. You don't want to go to the closed area of ​​Baiyun Mountain, right? I advise you not to go, because you are no longer young."

Lin Hongquan laughed and said: "Thank you, master. This is our first time here. We are very curious and want to find out more about Sansheng Village. We will not go to non-open areas."

The master said: "That's good. Okay, we'll be there soon. Get ready to get off the bus and don't leave anything behind."

"Is it almost there? Okay, thank you, master."

"You're welcome."

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng have arrived at the entrance of the village.

Seeing three people getting out of a taxi, Liang Sheng looked happy and said, "Here we come."

Then, he quickly met the three of them.

Li Fan and Zheng Jie followed immediately.

"Hahaha! Old Lin, Old Liu, Mr. Ling, you are finally here." Liang Sheng laughed.

Liang Sheng didn't have a close relationship with Ling Zhengxiao, but he knew him.

And at this time, even if the friendship is not deep, it cannot be ignored.

Lin Hongquan and Liu Zhi were a little surprised when they saw Liang Sheng. They haven't seen each other for a few days. Is Lao Liang getting younger and younger as he gets older?

Lin Hongquan said: "Old Liang,

Come on, let me take a closer look. It’s hard to believe that you are getting younger and younger as you live! "

Liang Sheng laughed loudly and said: "In this precious land of Sansheng Village, everyone can live younger and younger. Come on, let me introduce you. Well, no, I should introduce you to them. They You should have known his identity a long time ago.”

Lin Hongquan nodded, walked up to Li Fan, gave a salute, and then said: "I have met Mr. Li Fan. Mr. Li Fan's gift of wild ginseng will be remembered forever in Lin's heart."

Li Fan returned the courtesy and said, "Mr. Lin, you're too polite. It's just two wild ginseng plants."

Lin Hongquan said: "Those two wild ginseng plants are too precious to Lin."

Li Fan waved his hand again, telling Lin Hongquan not to be polite.

After Lin Hongquan expressed his gratitude again and again, he said to Zheng Jie: "Mr. Zheng, I have admired your name for a long time."

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, you're too polite."

Afterwards, Liu Zhi, Ling Zhengxiao, Li Fan and Zheng Jie met separately.

After a while of pleasantries, Lin Hongquan, Liu Zhi, and Ling Zhengxiao began to look around.

The more he looked at it, the more emotion he felt in his heart.

Just at the entrance of the village, there are already huge crowds of tourists. There are also many foreign faces.

The popularity here is greater than they imagined. It's no wonder that the traffic volume along the way is so heavy.

After staying at the entrance of the village for a long time, a group of six people entered the village.

Along the way, Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao and Liu Zhi never stopped feeling emotional.

Liang Sheng was like a guide, constantly introducing Lin Hongquan, Ling Zhengxiao and Liu Zhi along the way.

When passing by a farm weir and pond, Liang Sheng smiled and said: "Old Lin, you also like fishing very much. Do you want to challenge the fish in this weir and pond?"

Lin Hongquan said: "What do you mean by this? Challenge the fish in this weir and pond? Isn't it easy to catch the fish in this weir and pond?"

Liang Sheng said: “It’s not that it’s not easy to catch, it’s that it’s very difficult to catch.”

Lin Hongquan said: "There are very few fish in it?"

Liang Sheng said: "No, there are a lot of fish in it."

Lin Hongquan said: "Then it can't be that difficult to catch, right? Lao Liang, in the final analysis, your skills are still not good."

Liang Sheng said: "Old Lin, you see there are so many people fishing here, are there any professional fishermen there?"

Lin Hongquan nodded and said: "That's a good thing. Several of them can tell from the equipment they carry that they are professionals."

Liang Sheng said: "Very good. Then Lao Lin, ask those professional fishermen how long they have been fishing today? How many fish have they caught?"

Lin Hongquan said: "Shall I ask?"

Liang Sheng said: "If you don't believe that the fish here are very difficult to catch, just ask."

Lin Hongquan thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll go ask."

After finishing speaking, Lin Hongquan walked towards the professional fishermen.

Liu Zhi asked: "Old Liang, is it really as difficult to fish as you say?"

Liang Sheng smiled and said, "You will know after Lao Lin comes back."

Lin Hongquan came back soon. He had already asked five or six professional fishing people.

Liu Zhi asked first, "Old Lin, how are you?"

Lin Hongquan shook his head helplessly and said: "They have been fishing for more than two or three hours. Only one of them caught a carp. The rest have not fished yet."

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "Old Lin, Old Liu, you should believe it now, right?"

Liu Zhi was stunned and said: "It's so difficult to catch?"

Lin Hongquan nodded and said: "At the moment, it seems that it is indeed difficult to fish. However, you still have to fish it yourself before you can make a final decision. Lao Liang, how about we go fishing this afternoon?"

Liang Sheng said: "Sure, it's okay. We might as well give it a try."

Lin Hongquan said: "Okay, that's exactly what I meant."

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