Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2384 Excitement

Kyungseong University.

The graduation party is mainly responsible for the student union, and is personally supervised by Chu Yufei, director of the Academic Affairs Office.

The Mu Wenfu of the National Music Association approached Chu Yufei and said that the National Music Association was willing to compose a song and perform it at the graduation night as a gift to those students who are graduating or have graduated.

Chu Yufei was overjoyed and asked Mu Wenfu what kind of song it was?

Mu Wenfu said that he planned to go to Sansheng Village in person and invite Li Fan to compose a song himself.

After hearing this, Chu Yufei was even more surprised and even very excited.

If Li Fan is really willing to take action personally.

Then, the influence of Beijing University's graduation party will undoubtedly be much greater than before.

Although the current level of attention is not low, it is not much higher.

If the news that Li Fan personally took action to compose a song for this graduation party spread, the attention would soar in an instant and become the focus of attention from all walks of life and major media.

There is no doubt about this.

Chu Yufei was waiting with great anticipation for the news from Muwen Mansion.

Mu Wenfu had already arrived at Sansheng Village this morning, and it stands to reason that he should have talked to Li Fan by this time.

I don’t know what the result will be? Did Li Fan accept the invitation?

There was no news coming from Muwen Mansion for a long time, which made Chu Yufei wait a little anxiously.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Muwen Mansion finally called.

Chu Yufei was in high spirits, answered the phone, and asked very expectantly: "President Mu, how was the conversation? Has Mr. Li Fan agreed?"

On the phone, Mu Wenfu laughed loudly and said, "Director Chu seems to be very anxious?"

Chu Yufei said: "Of course. President Mu, please stop being so secretive and tell me quickly."

Mu Wenfu said: "Mr. Li Fan agreed. Congratulations to Director Zhu, the influence of this graduation party will be greatly improved."

Chu Yufei laughed loudly and said: "President Mu, thank you for your hard work. I also want to thank President Mu for personally going to Sansheng Village."

Mu Wenfu said: "Director Chu is too polite."

Chu Yufei added: "So, can we officially announce this news to the outside world? To be honest, I can't wait very much."

Mu Wenfu smiled and said: "Of course this is fine. Our National Music Association will also announce this news to the outside world."

For Mu Wenfu, the National Music Association must announce the news to the outside world. He wanted the outside world to know that Li Fan was invited by their country's music association to compose such a song.

This song is also sent by the National Music Association to those students who are graduating and those who have graduated.

Everyone must know about this.

After Chu Yufei ended the call with Mu Wenfu, he immediately called Wang Zhe, chairman of the Student Union of Capital University.

Ask Wang Zhe to immediately notify the main personnel responsible for the party to hold a meeting. He has something very important to notify.

Wang Zhe agreed.

Half an hour later, in Chu Yufei's office.

Including Wang Zhe, all the main personnel responsible for this party were present.

Chu Yufei said: "The reason why I have called you here so urgently is because I have something very important to tell you."

All the people in charge nodded, they already knew this, and they were waiting for Chu Yufei to continue talking.

Chu Yufei continued: "This time, the National Music Association will personally compose a song and perform it at the party."

"Seriously?" As soon as Chu Yufei said this, all the people in charge became very excited.

The National Music Association created a song themselves, which will undoubtedly increase the impact of this evening. It would be better if the National Music Association could invite a star singer to sing this song, and its influence would be increased.

Improving the influence of the party is what the people in charge most desire. They are also trying their best to enhance the influence of the party.

After Chu Yufei saw everyone's reaction, he smiled and continued: "Don't be too eager to be happy, I haven't finished speaking yet. Do you know who will compose the song of the National Music Association this time?"


The people in charge looked at each other. They really didn't know the answer to Chu Yufei's question.

Wang Zhe said: "Director, I'm afraid we can't guess this. However, he will definitely be a famous person."

Chu Yufei smiled and said: "Everyone might as well take a guess. You can make a very bold guess. You can guess as boldly as you want."

Um? What does the director mean?

How bold is your guess? Is it a hint that it comes from the top musicians?

Mr. Li Fan?

This is impossible. It was just a college graduation party, how could Li Fan take action in person?

Wang Zhe said: "Director, if you say this, we will have to guess that it was Mr. Li Fan. But this should be impossible."

Chu Yufei said: "Why is it impossible?"

"Because ours isn't... huh? Wait." Wang Zhe was about to say that our quality was not high enough, but he was stunned before he finished speaking.

The rest of the people in charge were also stunned.

The director said why it was impossible? What does it mean? Could it really be from Li Fan?

This is impossible, right?

Wang Zhe and the other people in charge still couldn't believe it, but they had already begun to become extremely excited.

If it was really done by Li Fan, then...

What kind of influence should that be? Wang Zhe and all the people in charge couldn't imagine it.

Wang Zhe's voice trembled with excitement and he said, "Director, do you think it was really created by Mr. Li Fan?"

Chu Yufei smiled and said: "Yes. It is officially written by Mr. Li Fan. Mr. Li Fan has accepted the invitation of Mr. Mu Wenfu, the president of the National Music Association. He will personally compose a song for our graduation party this time. "


Wang Zhe and all the people in charge couldn't help but shouted excitedly.

That's Li Fan. Li Fan personally composed a song for their graduation party this time. This would be a supreme honor.

There is no need to wait for Li Fan's song to be officially performed at the party. Just such a news is enough to cause a sensation in the outside world.

How influential will the graduation party evening be at this time? Wang Zhe and all the people in charge didn't dare to imagine it.

They don't have time to think about it now.

Because, besides being excited, they are still excited and can no longer think about anything else.

Chu Yufei was not surprised at all when he saw everyone excited.

In fact, he was very excited himself.

After a while, Chu Yufei said: "So, everyone should do their best to make this party a success. Because by then, Mr. Li Fan will most likely pay attention to it, and may even watch it on the Internet in person Live broadcast. We have to do our best.”

"Yes, director!" Wang Zhe and the other leaders replied excitedly.

Their motivation now is unprecedented.

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