Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2385 Pay attention! Follow now!

Seeing that everyone was more motivated than ever, Chu Yufei was also very happy. He waved his hand and said: "Okay, this is what I want to say. Let's go ahead. Remember, Mr. Li Fan may We will personally pay attention to our party this time, and everyone must do their best to do their best.”

All the responsible persons agreed in unison.

Chu Yufei said again: "Wang Zhe, please disclose this matter to the outside world."

Wang Zhe said excitedly: "Okay, director. Once the news is announced, the attention of our party will skyrocket."

Chu Yufei smiled and said, "That's true."

Wang Zhe and the other responsible persons walked out of the office, still looking very excited.

As long as the news is announced, they no longer have to worry about publicity, and they only need to focus on the various matters of the party itself.

The official channel of the Capital University Student Union announced a piece of news to the outside world.

The main thing is that the graduation gala held by Beijing University has received strong support from the National Music Association. The president of the National Music Association, Mu Wenfu, has come forward to invite it. Li Fan, the first person in music, will personally take charge of this event. Composing a song for the graduation party. Welcome everyone to pay attention to this music gala.

Originally, the official channel of the Capital University Student Union had little influence on the outside world.

The official news released will not attract the attention of the outside world at all.

But this time is destined to be an exception, because the news this time is related to Li Fan.

There were no ripples at first, but the calm was destined to be temporary.

"Holy shit! Is it true? Mr. Li Fan actually wants to compose a song himself?" Soon the first person saw the news.

"Fuck!" In addition to feeling incredible, there is also doubt about the authenticity of the news.

But that person knew that since the news came from the official channels of Beijing University, it could not be false.

The whole person became extremely excited again.

And this was just the beginning. With the beginning, the relevant news spread throughout the entire network in a very short period of time.

Incredible "fuck" sounds were heard from countless corners across the country.

Originally, many people did not intend to pay attention to the graduation party of Beijing University this time. What is worth paying attention to in a party held by a school?

But it's different now.

All the people who had not originally planned to pay attention became very excited at this time.

focus on! Follow now! Who says they don't pay attention anymore?

They were meant to pay attention.

Right, that is it.

"Hahaha! The graduation party of Jingcheng University was well organized. I have been paying attention to it and hope it will be a complete success."

"Huh? It's you. I remember you, are you sure you've been paying attention? I remember just this morning, weren't you still saying that you wouldn't pay attention to a party held by a university?"

"No, no, no, you must be wrong, that's not me, I never said that.

Pay attention, you must pay attention, I am very confident about this party. "

"Mr. Li Fan will personally compose songs, which is really surprising. Why would Mr. Li Fan do it this time?"

"Why does Mr. Li Fan need a reason to take action? Let alone a party held by a prestigious university like Beijing University, I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Li Fan composed a song for a party of a small company."

"That's right. I shouldn't have asked this question."

"What the person above said makes sense. But this time, Jingcheng University told me the reason. It was the president of the National Music Association who invited me."

"Of course I saw it. What I mean is that the reason why Mr. Li Fan chose to take action was because the matter of the party held by Beijing University made Mr. Li Fan interested. If Mr. Li Fan was not interested, even if The president of the National Music Association personally comes forward, but I am afraid that Mr. Li Fan may not be able to do so."

"That's true. If Mr. Li Fan takes action himself, the meaning of this party will become very different."

"Hahaha! I told you before, this graduation party is worthy of attention. Could it be that I have foresight?"

"This time there will be a talent competition between various universities. Funan University in Funan Province will also participate. I am thinking that this program of Funan University will be Mr. Li Fan's song, right?"

"Probably not. If true, it would be too unfair to other schools. Who the hell can do this? Mr. Li Fan's songs should exist alone and will not be counted as the head of any school."

"That means you can hear Mr. Li Fan's new song in two weeks? It's really exciting!"

"I just don't know what type of Mr. Li Fan's new song will be this time?"

"Since it is about a graduation party, it must be related to campus. Speaking of which, Mr. Li Fan's "Childhood" is very suitable. But this time it will definitely be a new song."

"It should be related to campus. No matter what type of song it is, as long as it is Mr. Li Fan's song, it will definitely be a classic. At the end of this month, Mr. Li Fan will bring us another classic."

"Of course, there are still two weeks left, let's count down together."


Netizens were very excited, and so were the media. They finally had news about Li Fan to report.

All of a sudden, relevant reports from major media outlets came out one after another.

"Mr. Li Fan takes action again and will personally compose a song for the graduation party held by Beijing University at the end of this month!"

"Mr. Li Fan's new song will be with you at the graduation party held by Beijing University at the end of this month!"

"Following "Love Country More Love Beauty", Mr. Li Fan will release a new song again. What type will the new song be this time? The answer will be revealed at the end of this month!"


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