Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2394 Are children’s cartoons competitive enough?

All the singers, whether they are superstar singers, star singers, ordinary singers, or amateur singers, all sighed at this time.

I sigh not only for the song "My Deskmate" itself, but also for the fact that they didn't have the chance to sing such a good song.

The song itself also reminded them of their school days, their childhood classmates, their teachers, and so much...

After working hard in the entertainment industry, they miss the innocence of campus life.

The song also makes them somewhat sentimental.

Then, they felt even more regretful that they didn't have the chance to sing such a classic song.

Li Fan's songs are still of a very high level, and they are still enough to make people famous.

Tan Zhe, who has just finished singing, has undoubtedly become famous.

This is indeed a shortcut, which makes people envious and envious, but this is their opportunity, and they can only be envied and envied.

It doesn't matter whether it's fair or unfair, everything is chance.

Of course, for star singers and superstar singers, they do not need to envy Tan Zhe for his fame, but they do envy Tan Zhe for having such an opportunity.

I don’t know when they will have the opportunity to sing a song by Li Fan?

Li Fan has too few songs.

Therefore, there are very few star singers who have sung Li Han's songs.

The vast majority of celebrity singers are still waiting for the opportunity to sing Li Han's songs.

There will eventually be a chance.

All the musicians are also sighing at this time, feeling that Li Fan's songs are still of a very high level.

Such a simple melody, such simple lyrics, but it has a very strong appeal.

The only person who can write such a song is Li Fan.

All musicians want to create songs like this, but they always lack a lot of charm, which makes people very distressed.

But no matter what, now that "My Deskmate" has come out, they have some kind of understanding.

Especially those musicians who specialize in campus songs have learned more.

This exhilarates them.

As expected, Li Fan's songs can give them new insights every time.

After the party, the major media outlets released various reports about the party.

But the one with the most coverage and concentration is naturally Li Han's "My Deskmate."

"Mr. Li Fan's new song is finally sung! "My Deskmate" will awaken the long-sleeping memories of campus in your heart!"

""My Deskmate", simple melody, simple lyrics, strong memories, and a touch of sentimentality!"

"Who put on the wedding dress for you? Do you think of her in Mr. Li Fan's new song "You at the Same Table"?"

"Campus singer Tan Zhe sings "My Deskmate" and once again interprets the myth of fame with one song!"


The media reported a lot, and "My Deskmate" occupied various front pages.

This is already a basic operation for Li Fan's new songs, and everyone is already used to it.

As the night progressed, countless people who were a little sentimental because of "My Deskmate" gradually fell asleep.

They are no longer sentimental, the past has passed, and the past will continue to be buried in their hearts.

It may come to mind again at some point in the future.

But now, it's time to bring it back to the core.

Today and tomorrow are always more important than yesterday. Cherishing the people around you now and giving the greatest protection to those around you now is the most important thing.

Let go of yesterday and look forward to tomorrow.

Tonight, maybe you will have a good dream.

The night is getting deeper.

the next day.

Sansheng Village.

Topics related to "My Deskmate" are still the hottest focus on the Internet, and will continue to be for a long time.

Li Fan didn't pay much attention to this. He was walking in the village with an old friend.

Wang Shi, director of Qimu Animation.

Li Fan and Wang Shi started cooperating a long time ago. At that time, Li Fan had just come to this world and launched the comic book "Tom and Jerry".

Wang Shi, the director of Qimu Animation, came to Li Fan to buy the animation adaptation rights of "Tom and Jerry".

That was the first collaboration between the two.

There have been many cooperations since then, and the animated adaptations of works such as "Young Di Renjie" and "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" were also produced by Qimu Animation.

The cooperation between the two has been very pleasant.

In the past year, Li Fan has not continued to launch works that can be adapted into animations, so there has been no further collaboration between the two.

However, although they no longer collaborate, the connection between the two has never been broken.

Therefore, Li Fan did not find it strange that Wang Shi came to Sansheng Village this morning.

The two of them were walking in the village.

Wang Shi smiled and said: "Brother Li Fan, the song "You at the Same Table" last night made countless people feel very emotional after listening to it!"

Li Fandao: "Everyone has experienced a long campus life, and it is inevitable to have feelings."

Wang Shi said: "Indeed, we have all experienced a long campus life. Even at my age, I still miss campus life very much."

Li Fan said with a smile: "Brother Wang is only in his prime now. It sounds like you are already very old."

Wang Shi laughed and said: "Compared with you, brother, you are indeed a lot older."

Li Fan said: "Brother Wang came to the village today, he must have something else to do, so don't hide it, tell him quickly."

Wang Shi said: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you, so I came here to ask for your help. Brother Li, you haven't published a children's story or children's comic for a long time. It's been a long time since you published a "" Detective Conan" is not yet a children's work."

"Is that like this? It seems so." Li Fan said, "Brother Wang means that he wants me to publish another children's story or children's comic book?"

Wang Shi smiled and said: "Here's the thing. Isn't the summer season coming soon? Every satellite TV channel is preparing a children's cartoon to seize the summer prime time slot. Jinbei Satellite TV, which has cooperated with our Qimu Animation many times, Find us and hope that we can produce a cartoon that is competitive enough. The price is completely negotiable.

Qimu Animation was naturally very interested in this and agreed to Jinbei TV’s request. However, animation scripts that are competitive enough are rare.

We created several scripts ourselves and sourced several scripts from outside. The results are unsatisfactory. I showed it to Jinbei Satellite TV, who also said the script was unsatisfactory. After much deliberation, I can only come to Brother Li for help. "

It turned out that this was the case. Li Fan finally understood Wang Shi's intention.

Although he was not surprised by Wang Shi's visit, he also knew that Wang Shi's visit must be for something.

Are there any children’s cartoons that are competitive enough?

This... it does exist.

Li Fan thought about it in his heart.

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